Invincible little uncle

Chapter 480 49. War

Chapter 480 49. War
In the early morning, the shadows of the trees in the yard reflected the curtains in the house, swaying slightly with the wind in the sun, and the atmosphere seemed very peaceful.

Su Lian yawned and turned off the TV.

But at some point, there was already a row of people standing behind her.

Or tall, full of flesh, carrying ancient heavy weapons such as giant hammers; or like a dwarf, squatting on the tall man's shoulders, swinging back and forth with claws longer than himself; or wrapped tightly in a mysterious cloak , the appearance is not seen by outsiders; or the whole body is painted with wonderful textures.
Anyway, there is no good class.

Su Lian poured a glass of milk, drank it cold if it was not hot, and took out three slices of cold cream-filled shortbread.

With her gaze surrendered to the peace outside the window, the girl showed an imperceptible smile.

Suddenly, as if the people behind her had received a pardon, they began to flee crazily outside the door.

Girls are used to it too.

She doesn't even have any mood swings.

After a little washing, it's like a returning night owl got into bed and started to sleep.

Today is the third day of the first lunar month.

Since that day.

This small villa was completely regarded as a forbidden place by Onimusha, and Su Lian became an extremely terrifying existence in the eyes of Onimusha's senior management.

However, this group of supernatural beings caused by the Red Disaster is completely puzzling.

They rummaged through the historical records and asked about some secrets that were passed down orally but could not be passed down in books, but they did not get any clues.

In the villa, the information about the little girl has long been known to Onimusha.

[Su Lian, a top three student in Sihai No. [-] High School, her parents are ordinary people, her elder brother is suspected to be a Red Warlock, and she is very close to the Wen family of the Red Warlock family. 】

In addition, almost all of Su Lian's deeds from childhood to adulthood have been searched out.

To some extent, these ghost warriors knew themselves better than Su Lian herself.

A middle-aged man was sitting in front of the huge French windows of a high-rise building, tapping on the table. He looked refined and refined, but his face was filled with an unspeakable magic power, which was forcibly restrained and suppressed by him.

He has always made decisions on some major matters, and even the operation of the Azure Empire has a lot of connections with him.

"Su Lian, Su Lian"

The middle-aged man has already said this name more than ten times.

His desk was full of books, and various sticky notes and some photos were posted on the wall by category.

Books, sticky notes, and photos are all circled with conspicuous red markers.

The middle-aged man rested his chin in thought, trying to pry into some secrets.

However, he finally gave up.

All in all, what is certain is that this seemingly ordinary girl who is about to take the college entrance examination must belong to the Red Magician camp, and her mysterious power obviously does not belong to the category of Onimusha.

This power makes Onimusha completely ineffective in front of her, and even once he gets close to her, he will lose control of his body and let her command him completely.

The middle-aged man also once hired the top sniper among mortals, trying to snipe and kill from extremely far away.

The sniper who claimed to never miss was lying on the best commanding height and prepared early, but he failed to shoot.

Because he died.

Before he died, his face was terrified, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying.

"What kind of red magician is this?"

The middle-aged man who was as calm as a mountain couldn't help rubbing his temples.

"The red magician who has never been recorded in history
But there are only a few red magicians who can be so terrifying, the second distortion, the third destruction, the fourth cage, the fifth life, and the sixth tranquility."

He chanted those terrible names one by one, and each of these names can extend to hundreds of years, thousands of years, even when human civilization began, human myths, to put it bluntly, are their stories.

Suddenly, the middle-aged man stopped.

He remembered a name, a mysterious name that had never been revealed in time: the First Warlock.

Thinking of these four words, he almost exploded.

The first sorcerer is briefly recorded in the Holy Gospels.

[In the Flood Era, he and the selected lives hid in the big boat, under the blessing and guidance of the gods.

He devoted himself to prayer, praying to the gods before dinner every day, and never slack off.

When the big boat floated up by chance, he saw a figure sitting in the lonely boat, and the tsunami that destroyed the world couldn't do anything to him.

He was shocked and doubtful, but the gods reprimanded him for being so gullible, so he prayed hastily, and only then did he regain peace of mind. 】

This is a short story about the Prophet in the Flood Era. It tells that even when the Prophet is in despair, he will be shaken, but as long as he is devout, he can regain peace.

But this story is not simple in the eyes of Red Warlock and Onimusha.

Generally speaking, they believe that the figure in the lone boat in the world-ending tsunami exists.
And some people even guessed that it was the mysterious number one warlock.

After the flood, there was a period of reproduction, and after that, the second and third concerted efforts recorded in the icon oil painting killed the "sage who created them", and they were convicted.

The middle-aged man turned back from his thoughts.

He had a feeling that he, too, had seen a vision in his despair.

It will not be the first warlock.

It never appeared, how could it appear at this time?

Onimusha's temptation to Su Lian finally stopped.

Because they couldn't deal with this little girl at all, and they didn't dare to do anything wrong.

So, they put Su Lian among the candidates who must not be provoked, and notified all the ghost warriors.

The sixth day of the first month.

Xia Guang and Wen Li are engaged.

Life seems to be back on track.

However, just as the winter vacation was coming to an end, the red plague broke out completely.

The war between Onimusha and Red Warlock also kicked off in this early spring.

Mortal technology is no longer binding in the midst of disaster.

Gunpowder smoke is everywhere, and there is no safe place in the world.

Ghosts are seen at will, and no matter where the terrible disaster flees, there is no salvation.

Mortals began to attach themselves to the Red Warlock, or Onimusha.

In just three short months, the whole world has completely changed.

The Four Seas City has also become a ghost town.

Even in the sun, there will still be a terrifying existence showing half of its face from behind the house.

Only the place protected by the red magician is slightly safe.

The Wen family is such a place, and the place where Xia Guang and Wen Li live is also such a shelter.

As the natural owners of the sanctuary, the status of red magicians and mortals has been completely changed.

With the Red Warlock at the center, scattered in this world of red disasters, they are like islands.

Xia Guang and Wen Li lived in this small villa, and the small courtyard only sheltered more than a dozen families of refugees.

Su Lian disappeared, together with her parents.

Xia Guang once tried to find people, but in this troubled world, he couldn't find anyone at all. He tried to travel three times, searching all possible areas, but there was no trace.

Wen Li's stomach was getting bigger and bigger, and he couldn't leave at all.

You can only improve your strength by meditating and using fixed formulas every day.

I have to praise Xia Guang for having a powerful red magician talent.

The abyss red worm Rex has been raised to the limit by him.

Lava crown, eight wings, nine eyes, and abyssal flames.

He tested his new power, the flame can burn anywhere, even on the bottom of the sea, because this flame burns life.

During this period, Onimusha came here several times and even launched an attack.

But they were not enough for Xia Guang.

The flames covered their bodies, but completely ignored their defenses, and directly destroyed their lives.

As a result, this hut has also become one of the forbidden places of Onimusha.

At least, they won't do anything again until Xia Guang shows aggression.

In fact, the ability of each warlock is different from that of the predecessor, because different reds are ever-changing, and the abilities obtained by warlocks from red are also different, so Onimusha did not immediately recognize this as the third warlock .

(End of this chapter)

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