Chapter 421

Seeing Xie Dabao and Liu Xu, you sneaking a glance at me, and I sneaking a glance at you, Xie Xiaonian couldn't help but sigh how old she is.

Not only did Xie Xiaonian see the little tricks they thought they were hiding, but they didn't escape Grandma Liu Xu's eyes.

In front of so many people, Zheng Wei didn't show it, she just pushed Liu Xu away and said, "You should be thirsty after work, Liu Xu, you go back to the house and boil some water, just in time your grandpa is here too Time to drink water."

"Grandma, let my mother go back to the house to boil the water. I'll help with the work here. I have plenty of strength." Liu Xu said reluctantly.

"Mom, why don't I go burn it." Zhu Yufang didn't see that her daughter was busy, and when she saw that her daughter didn't want to go back to the house to boil water, she chimed in.

"You two have to dig the ground in the yard. Who will dig the ground when you go back to the house! If you are told to boil the water, go and boil the water. The little girl's house is exposed to the sun for a long time outside, you must It’s no good if you want to be dried into briquettes, go back to the house and boil water.” Zheng Wei said seriously.

"Oh, grandma, I'll go right away." Liu Xu saw that the always kind grandma's face became serious at this moment, so she reluctantly went back to the house.

During the break, Zheng Wei put down the hoe, and immediately dragged his daughter-in-law Zhu Yufang to the back room.

"Mom, what's the matter? I'll talk about it later, I'm still waiting to drink water!" Zhu Yufang asked dryly.

"What water do you still drink? Didn't you see that your girl was almost cheated by others?" Zheng Wei said to his daughter-in-law angrily.

"What did you cheat? What do you mean? Mother, who lied to our catkin?" Zhu Yufang said puzzled.

"Who else, didn't you see when Liu Xu and Xiao Nian's brother Xie Dabao were flirting with each other when they were working just now?" Zheng Wei said with hatred.

"No, I didn't see it. The two of them have only met twice. How could they be flirting with each other?" Zhu Yufang said with a frown.

"What do you know? You know how to work hard. How can you be sure that they have only met twice? You follow your daughter every day! Go, call Liu Xu over here, did I read it wrong? knew."

Zheng Wei saw that her daughter-in-law was so unresponsive, so she didn't bother with it, and ordered directly.

"Okay mother, I'll go right away."

Even though Zhu Yufang didn't believe it, she was used to listening to her mother's words, so she quickly obeyed her orders and went out.

But when she opened the door, she found her daughter-in-law was eavesdropping at the door.

"Mom, Huanhuan has been arguing to come here to play, so I had no choice but to bring her here. I didn't deliberately eavesdrop on your conversation with grandma." Seeing that she was caught eavesdropping, Hu Jing explained embarrassingly .

"Come in and listen if you want to hear it, what are you doing with such an unworthy idea? Come in!" Zheng Wei said sternly without waiting for Zhu Yufang to speak.

"Hey, I'll come in right now, grandma, I really didn't mean it." Hu Jing said with a smile after entering the room.

And Zheng Wei didn't pay attention to her, but the old god was sitting on the side, waiting for Liu Xu to come in.

Hu Jing knew that her eavesdropping must not have escaped her grandma's sharp eyes, and she didn't dare to say anything else, so she could only sit aside in embarrassment.

"Grandma, what are you looking for from me?"

Liu Xu was still pouring water for everyone in the kitchen, when she saw her mother suddenly called her to come here, she didn't say anything, and after entering the room, she asked her about milk.

"Tell me, what's going on between you and Xiao Nian's brother Xie Dabao? I think something was wrong between you two just now."

As soon as Liu Xu entered the room, Zheng Wei immediately asked, she just wanted to catch Liu Xu by surprise.

Liu Xu really didn't expect her grandma to find out about her and Dabao, and she was there in a daze.

Seeing her daughter like this, Zhu Yufang couldn't understand it. She immediately grabbed her daughter's arm and asked anxiously, "When did you two start? How far has it gone? Tell me clearly!"

My mother was so excited and anxious, and my grandma and sister-in-law were also staring at me. When Liu Xu got scared, she forgot what she wanted to hide, and immediately confessed everything shyly.

When Zhu Yufang heard that her daughter hadn't suffered a loss, and that outsiders didn't know about it, her tight heart relaxed a little.

Immediately afterwards, she said: "Although I haven't seen this kid Dabao a few times, he looks pretty good, but his mother is a little confused. He even came to Xiao Nian's house to make trouble before. People in the army You all know. And she has always been so bad to Xiao Nian, you can tell at a glance that she is not a good person, if you really get back together with Dabao, life will be difficult with such a mother-in-law in the future!"

"Mom, I married Dabao, not his mother. What about his mother is none of my business." Liu Xu said innocently.

"You haven't seen other people's mother-in-law teasing their daughter-in-law. If you find a mother-in-law who is not sensible, you will suffer! Even if you are willing to suffer, I am not willing to suffer that kind of suffering from my daughter who has been loved since childhood." Zhu Yufang said angrily.

"That's right, it's not like you haven't heard of Xiao Nian's stepmother. Besides, Xie Dabao is a soldier from the countryside. It's hard to get promoted. His parents also planed food in the fields. If you can't help him, what will he do in the future, if the person you marry is worthless, and you still have to be angry with that old lady in the country, life will be very sad."

Hu Jing didn't like Xie Dabao at all. She originally thought that her sister-in-law was good-looking, and she was also a communications soldier. If she could find an officer in the future, she would help the family.

But now Liu Xu is in a relationship with a big soldier, not only can't help the family, but may need the care of the family in the future, it's so different from what she thought, how can she agree!
"What little soldier, I can't do anything. Didn't the elder brother come up from the soldier? Didn't our family come from the countryside? And even if Dabao and I get married in the future, we won't go back to our hometown to live with their parents. He It doesn't matter what kind of mother you are!" Liu Xu said unconvinced.

"Can Dabao and your elder brother be in the same situation? Your elder brother was a soldier a few years ago. A few years ago, it would have been good to be promoted. But now more and more soldiers are serving, and it's too late to disarm. How can there be any position?" Let the recruits go up, you are in the army all day, you should know more than me. And your elder brother graduated from high school, and my dad is helping, but Xie Dabao, I heard that he didn't finish junior high school. "

Seeing her sister-in-law's elbow turned outward, Hu Jing immediately retorted.

"Dabao also has someone to help him, his brother-in-law is still a fighting hero!" Liu Xu defended immediately when her sister-in-law said that about Dabao.

"Xiao Nian's stepmother treats her so badly, do you think she will ask Xu Zhongjun to help him get promoted? Mother, do you think I'm right!"

Seeing that her sister-in-law was a little upset, Hu Jing was afraid that she would bear a grudge against her, so she sought her mother-in-law's support.

"Liu Xu, what your sister-in-law said is not unreasonable. If you are not in charge of the family, you don't know the price of food, rice, oil and salt. If Dabao's child can't be promoted in the future, with the little allowance you two, how can you live and raise the child. If Dabao can't be promoted, In the future, it is very likely that you will be discharged from the army and go home. At that time, you will have to follow him back to your hometown to farm and get involved with his mother. Even if you regret it at that time, it will be too late."

Zhu Yufang felt that although her daughter-in-law's words were not pleasant, they were all reasonable, and the conditions of Xie Dabao's family were really not good, so she was not optimistic.

"Grandma, what do you think my mother and sister-in-law are talking about? Is Dabao that bad?" Seeing that her mother and sister-in-law didn't help her, Liu Xu said coquettishly to Zheng Wei.

"What your mother and sister-in-law said is also reasonable. You are only 17 years old this year. You are the same age. You have a job. Our family's conditions are not bad. If you are in the army, you have to be an officer. Why bother thanking you?" Dabao hanged himself from that tree!"

Although Xie Xiaonian is her apprentice, Zheng Wei still feels that Xie Dabao is somewhat unworthy of her granddaughter.

"I don't care, anyway, I'm sure I'm a big treasure, I won't listen to what you say." Seeing that no one helped her, Liu Xu immediately turned her back angrily, playing with a childish temper.

"Now the relationship between you and Dabao is getting stronger, I know you won't listen to what we say, and I won't force you to break up with him now, but you have to think about this matter carefully, after all, you will live on your own in the future , the suffering is also your own. But before you get married, you can’t do anything too much to shame the family, and you can’t let yourself suffer, understand?” Zheng Wei pulled Liu Xu, and said in a moderate tone.

"Really? Grandma, you agreed! That's great! Grandma, don't worry, I will definitely not let myself suffer, and Dabao also said that he will not disclose our relationship to outsiders before he mentions it." , so as not to affect my reputation." Liu Xu said sweetly with a smile on her face.

"Hey, don't be too happy too early. I just don't object for the time being. I'll give you time to think it over for yourself, but I haven't agreed yet. Our family doesn't care about what his family has or how good the conditions are, but the child must Make progress and be upright, so the family knows about the person you two are talking about, don't tell Dabao, let the family observe him in private first, we won't harm you anyway, understand?" Zheng Wei went out exhorted.

"Oh, I see, don't worry, grandma, I won't say anything, but Dabao is so good, after you understand it, you will definitely agree." After Liu Xu finished speaking confidently, she quickly ran out shyly.

"Grandma, you won't agree, right? Liu Xu can't see anything when she's in love, so you can't just be confused and let her do everything." As soon as Liu Xu left, Hu Jing asked anxiously.

"Which ear of yours heard that I agreed, I'm not old-fashioned yet! The two children are still young, and the time is still long, who knows what will happen in the future, let's observe and observe." Zheng Wei said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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