Eight zero magic doctor girl

Chapter 262 Nightmare

Chapter 262 Nightmare

A tear flashed across Bai Yan's eyes, and she looked at Ye Lin pitifully, "Lin, have you forgotten me too?"

Ye Lin looked at her with unfamiliar eyes, and said in a distant tone, "Who are you!"

Bai Yan took a deep breath, her face was blushing and excited like a girl, "I am your sister Yan! You said before that you would marry me!"

Because of this sentence, she waited for more than thirty years!

As soon as the words came out, Ye Lin said without thinking, "Impossible! I definitely didn't say that. Don't label me indiscriminately because I don't have any previous memories. Whether it's amnesia or not, I don't care. I don’t like people with vicious thoughts like you!”

Although he had never seen her before, the woman in front of him gave him a bad feeling!
Like a venomous snake lurking around, if you don't pay attention, you will be bitten by her!
For the sake of your own life, you must stay away from this woman!
The tears in Bai Yan's eyes froze immediately, her whole body froze, her face full of disbelief, "You, you, why are you swearing at people!"

This, is this still the Brother Lin she knew!

In front of him, she was like a piece of transparent glass, unable to hide anything!

Ye Lin didn't think he was scolding, "Did I scold you! It's clearly the truth!"

Anyway, he should stay away from this woman in the future!

Mrs. Ye hasn't seen Ye Lin for more than 30 years, so she naturally doesn't know what kind of character he is, "My son! Can you stop being so straightforward, it will make people embarrassed!"

Ye Lin looked sideways at Mrs. Ye, "This is telling the truth, do you want me to lie!"

Mrs. Ye choked on these words, she didn't know how to answer, "Then, it's better not to lie, and tell the truth from now on!"

Bai Yan came happily, left with red eyes, and threw everything on the table to the ground as soon as he got home.

After more than thirty years, that man has not changed at all, he is still so vicious!
In fact, those words were not said by Ye Lin, but by Bai Yan!

She has liked Ye Lin since she was a child, and she confessed her love several times when she was a child, but Ye Lin rejected them all, and said she was not his type!
The more this happened, the more unconvinced and unwilling Bai Yan was, so he kept waiting until Ye Lin returned to Golden Island!

Who knows, this wait is more than thirty years.

Ever since Ye Lin woke up, Mrs. Ye has been chattering around him all the time, no different from the birds in the mountains!
Ye Lin's brain ached from her noise, "Can you be quiet! I want to recall the past!"

In the past few days when I woke up, I always felt that I had forgotten something very important, but I couldn't remember what it was!

When Mrs. Ye heard it, she looked at him worriedly, "Didn't the doctor say to let nature take its course! If you force it to remember like this, what if something goes wrong!"

Ye Lin shook his head, "No, I must remember!"

I always feel that I have failed someone!
If he can't remember, he will regret it for the rest of his life!
Mrs. Ye couldn't resist him, "Okay, but you have to promise me, if you really can't, you can't force it!"

Facing the old man's worried eyes, Ye Lin subconsciously nodded, "Okay—"

After Mrs. Ye left, Ye Lin sat on the stone stool and looked at the surrounding scenery, with a confused light in his eyes, "What did you forget!"

At this moment, blurred pictures appeared in my mind.

The childish voice kept ringing out, "Dad, I'm going to be an older sister, I'm going to be a younger brother!"

"Father, you like your younger brother, or Qiqi!"

"Dad, our family will always be together!"

"Dad, Qiqi drew a picture today. There are father, mother, grandmother, Qiqi, and a newborn brother!"


Ye Lin's mind was in chaos, who was talking!

There were bursts of pain in his head, Ye Lin hugged his head tightly, his forehead was covered with layers of fine beads of sweat, and his face became pale.

Who is that girl!

Why did you call him Dad!

Fortunately, the pain only lasted 2 minutes, otherwise Ye Lin's head would definitely split open.

The girl in the painting was about five years old, and he was about 14 years old when he was in a coma. If we calculate this way, the child should be 19 years old!

Who is she!
Why is it so familiar and strange!

Why be kind and distant!

Ye Lin thought for a while, but couldn't come up with anything, and finally had to give up.


Night falls.

Ye Lin was lying on the bed, his mind was full of those blurred images, he immediately thought of something, got up quickly, took out the paper and pen from the drawer, and drew a little girl according to his memory.

His facial features are [-]% similar to his, and he has never seen it before, but he is very kind to the girl in the painting.

Ye Lin's alienated eyes were full of warmth, and his slender and white fingers caressed the girl in the painting, "Who the hell are you! Why did you appear in my mind!"

It was convenient for Mrs. Ye to wake up. Seeing that the light was still on here, she knocked on the door and said, "Son, are you still awake?"

After Ye Lin woke up, Mrs. Ye made up for the lack of maternal love before, wishing she could dig out her heart.

Ye Lin sees her devotion, her sincerity, and her feelings in his heart. In the Ye family, he also has feelings for Mrs. Ye. As for other people, it is already very good to get a word from him!

Ye Lin got up and opened the door, "No, I'm painting!"

Mrs. Ye pushed the door open and walked in. She looked surprised when she saw the painting on the table, "Son, who is the little girl inside! It looks like you!"

Ye Lin also couldn't remember who the little girl was, only knew that the other party called him father, so he said, "It should be my daughter!"

The news made Mrs. Ye tremble all over. She was both excited and surprised, and her voice couldn't help but raised a little, "You, you, who are you, you are married and have a child!"

Been in a coma for almost 14 years!
After being missing for several years, I thought he was wandering all the time, but I didn't expect to have a child!

What a pleasant surprise!
Mrs. Ye looked at the little girl in the painting, and the more she looked at it, the more she liked her. Her wrinkled hands gently stroked her facial features, "Not to mention, her facial features are somewhat similar to yours, but my granddaughter is more beautiful. More lovely!"

Just like a doll!
Such a doll should be pampered from birth!

Ye Lin sat down on the chair in despair, with a gloomy look in his eyes, "But I can't find her, I don't know where to find her!"

Mrs. Ye patted Ye Lin on the shoulder and comforted, "We can look for it slowly. If we can't find it in one year, it will be two years. If we can't find it in two years, it will be three years!"

"At first, I thought you were not married outside, and I thought that when you woke up, I would hold a wedding with that girl from the Bai family. After all, I have been waiting for so long, and now I know that there are new members in the family, so naturally I can't hold a wedding with her! "

"Tomorrow, I'll go to Bai's house to talk about it, and all the previous words will be invalidated!"

Ye Lin didn't like Bai Yan at all, he said, "Even if I don't have a daughter, I won't marry her!"

Mrs. Ye looked at Ye Lin in surprise, "The girl from the Bai family is nice and gentle, why don't you like her!"

Ye Lin couldn't tell why, but he rejected that person in his heart, "I don't know, I just don't like it anyway!"

Mrs. Ye followed his words and said, "Okay, okay, if you don't like it, you don't like it!"

After Mrs. Ye left, Ye Lin lay on the bed and thought for a while before falling asleep.

"Dad, Kiki wants to ride a horse!"

"Dad, come and see, my brother is smiling!"

"Dad, Kiki really likes this kind of life!"

"Dad, do you really not remember the past!"

"Dad, will you leave Qiqi in the future!"

The girl's soft voice rang out in Ye Lin's dream over and over again.


A courtyard in Hanjing.

Shen Jiaqi in her sleep suddenly opened her eyes and muttered to herself, "Dad, I'm Qiqi!"

Fu Beiyao, who was lying next to her, heard the sound, immediately turned on the light, reached out and touched her forehead, and asked concerned, "Did you have a nightmare!"

Shen Jiaqi grabbed Fu Beiyao's hand, "Brother Beiyao, I dreamed about my father!"

Fu Beiyao held her hand instead, and a gentle voice rang in her ears, "You are thinking about it day and night, and you have been checking up on your father-in-law for the past few days, so you are dreaming!"

Shen Jiaqi looked at Fu Beiyao suspiciously, "Is that so?"

The man nodded and kissed her on the forehead, "Well—"

Shen Jiaqi also thinks that she thinks day by day and dreams at night, but when she closes her eyes at night, she will dream of Ye Lin, and she doesn't sleep peacefully at all in the second half of the night, she is in a daze.

When she woke up the next day, Shen Jiaqi's eyes were swollen, and she looked like she hadn't woken up.

Grandma Fu felt distressed when she saw it, "Qiqi, what's wrong with you!"

Shen Jiaqi rubbed her temples, her face tired, "I didn't sleep well last night, grandma, please ask Ah Yao to ask for leave, I'll go to sleep again!"

Grandma Fu nodded repeatedly, "Okay."


Don't pregnant people just want to sleep, why can't Qiqi fall asleep!

Shen Jiaqi went back to her room and made a call.

When Shen Rujun heard the voice, a smile appeared on his face immediately, "Qiqi, how are you doing recently?"

Shen Jiaqi, "Well, it's good. Mom, I dreamed about Dad last night!"

Shen Rujun was startled when he heard this, "What! You dreamed about it too! Last night, I also dreamed about your father!"

Shen Jiaqi covered her chest with her left hand, "Did something happen to Dad?"

Shen Rujun's heart trembled slightly, and he said very confidently, "Probably not!"

After being missing for more than ten years, no one knows whether Ye Lin is dead or alive!

But I always hoped that he was alive!

Shen Jiaqi sighed softly, "I will add more people to check Dad's whereabouts, Mom, you have to be careful at home!"

Shen Rujun nodded, "Okay, you too. You are a twin now, you can't be like before!"

Shen Jiaqi responded and hung up the phone.

Shen Rujun sat on the stool in a daze, recalling what Shen Jiaqi said just now, recalling the content of the dream.

Did something really happen!

It was the first time I dreamed of him after being missing for so long!


Another week has passed.

At noon that day, when Shen Rujun and Ani went to the town, four men in black walked towards them.

All of them are tall and big, with evil spirits in their eyes.

Since being attacked last time, Shen Rujun has become more careful, and slipped away as soon as he sensed something was wrong, "Ani, run!"

 Today's update is over.

(End of this chapter)

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