The scumbag provoked the blackened male god again

Chapter 542 Lord Hou White Cut Black [57]

Chapter 542 Lord Hou White Cut Black [57]

Throat is a little dry.

She tried to call out, but no sound came out.

"..." She lowered her eyes and instantly realized her situation.

—she is dumb.

Qiutong raised her head and cried even more when she saw this: "Princess, it's all the slaves' fault. It's all the slaves' fault. The slaves should stop the emperor from messing around..."

Hearing this, Shen Lang shook his head, took her hand, and wrote on her hand: "It has nothing to do with others."

Qiutong was even more excited, and the tears couldn't stop falling, "If the emperor didn't know how to restrain, how could the princess get worse..."

Shen Lang frowned, and wrote in the palm of her hand:
"I know that my body is not good, and it will be sooner or later."

"But, but..." Qiu Tong was about to cry.

Shen Lang wrote: "Where is the son-in-law?"

"The emperor was kneeling outside the hall... As soon as he heard that the princess' condition had worsened, the emperor immediately rushed back from the imperial study. Before the princess woke up, the emperor went to kneel outside the hall, saying that he was guilty."

Shen Lang was slightly taken aback.

After a long time, she shook her head and smiled, and wrote, "Change."

"But princess, your body..."

"No problem."

Qiu Tong had no choice but to help Shen Lang get up and change clothes, with a worried face.

"Princess, do you need a servant to call the emperor in?"

"No need."

Shen Lang became dumb and couldn't speak anymore. Knowing that his mission could not be completed, he asked Qiutong to tidy up and dress up carefully for him. The flowers and rouge, the phoenix hairpin and the pearls, will be just like Yunying's unmarried.

The originally pale and weak cheeks were dyed pink, and the eyes were still as bright as water, like a mirror lake, far away and empty.

Qiu Tong was terrified by her performance, afraid that she would not be able to think about it, but seeing that she just sat down and wrote a letter, Qiu Tong was suddenly relieved.

Not long after the letter was finished, Shen Lang put down his pen and called Qiu Tong over.

"After I leave, don't tell the emperor's grandmother." With calm eyes, she wrote the last sentence on Qiutong's hand.

Qiu Tong's complexion suddenly changed.

After finishing writing, Shen Lang returned to the bed unhurriedly and lay down, talking to the system in a good mood.

"My plane mission failed, what punishment will I have?"

The system didn't respond to her.

Shen Lang was not annoyed, he slowly closed his eyes, and sighed in his heart:
It seemed that this time, he was going to disappoint someone again.



On that day, the death knell rang in the palace.

On the first day of the new emperor's enthronement, there was a funeral in the palace, which is not a good omen.Originally, the new emperor should be the one who felt the most unlucky - but unexpectedly, after the death of the queen who was guilty of treason, the new emperor was also the one who collapsed the most.

The unforgettable madness and desperation make people can't bear to take a second look.

In the end, it was the personal maid of the former empress who took out the letter written by the former empress when she was dying, and brought the soul of the new emperor back.

Since then, the emperor has made great efforts to clean up the mess left by the late emperor, and the army went north to attack Chihu, forcing the whole country to surrender.He developed the national power of the Great Zhou Dynasty to a peak again, and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, and the population prospered.

Later, the newly entered palace eunuchs listened to their seniors talk about the past of their great Zhou emperors:

After the first queen left, His Majesty vomited blood and fell into a coma on the spot. All thoughts were lost, and he almost wanted to go with the queen.Aunt Qiu Tong, the current imperial female officer, took out the suicide note left by the previous empress, and only then pulled His Majesty back from the gate of hell.

You must never mention the former queen in the future, and no one can save you if you encounter His Majesty's taboo.

The young eunuchs and maids who were still immature all nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

At this time, Yu Huan passed by.The black figure above is so visible to the extreme, it seems to be glowing.

A little maid stared dumbfounded, and the nun hurriedly patted her quietly to wake her up.

The little palace maid's mouth was wide open, and she waited until the guard of honor disappeared from sight before she said blankly: "Your Majesty is such a fairy figure, how beautiful should the first queen be, to be worthy of His Majesty's affection?"

Mammy raised her head when she heard the words, as if she saw Her Royal Highness Princess once again through the clear sky.

She said softly: "The princess is so beautiful, there is no one who can surpass her in the world." The mother looked at the little maid again, shook her head and said, "It was the princess who brought down the stupid late emperor herself, and that's why today's peace is here. Prosperity. You must not be disrespectful to the princess in the future."

The little palace maid said with a low eyebrow and pleasing to the eye.

In the first year of Tianhe, he collapsed and was buried in Changling.

Later, he was cold in nature and not close to each other. He lived through three generations.She was a princess at first, and then a queen, and died without waiting for the title.

In the 28th year of Tianhe, the emperor collapsed, posthumously named Zhaorui, and was buried with the empress.Later, he pursued his posthumous title Zhaoyi.

History records the short life of Empress Zhaoyi, her glory, and finally became a line with her father and her husband, leaving only the controversial suicide note.

According to rumors, this suicide note caused Emperor Zhaorui's temperament to change drastically, and he later specialized in political affairs and worked hard to govern.

It’s just that with the evolution of the long river of history, the suicide note has long lost its full picture. The following are some of the contents that can be verified:

"My dear son-in-law:
How many years will my son and I be close?I don't know why, but I don't want to obey my son as my husband.Or sometimes, as the saying goes, born from coldness, the heart can't tolerate it.I am fascinated by power and power, all my faults, no need to blame myself.My body is dying day by day, although I have no children, welcome me as before.

You have talents, see them well, and you will return well, don't spend the rest of the day wasting a dead person.This path is my own choice, and I shall be responsible for it at the end.

A princess is born and respected, and will never die.Winners and losers, I am willing to die.

You are the son of heaven, fortunately you do good things for Li Yuan and common people, and you are called good by people. "


After Empress Zhaoyi left, Emperor Zhaorui never set up a new queen, and there were no concubines in the harem, no children and no daughters under his knees, and he died alone.

It was rumored by people at the time: the soul of the late queen is still there, and she is still always by your majesty's side.

Emperor Zhaorui did what his beloved queen asked of him: treat the people well and be a good emperor praised by everyone.

From an undisciplined Marquis with no real power, he became a flamboyant consort of the Great Zhou Dynasty in name only, and finally transformed himself into one of the best emperors in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

He said in person that he is still Da Zhou's son-in-law, just guarding the country for the princess.Da Zhou's surname is still Shen, Shen Lang's Shen, not Shen Jianshen's Shen.

He erected a monument to himself:
"I am also a sinner, and my sin is unforgivable. My beloved wife died for me, and I will caress the people, save the four directions, and return the prosperous society. His green pine bracelets are still shiny. Shiwu received his wife's betrothal gift, and my wife wore her wrist until she died. After working hard for 28 years, I can go to Huangquan to find my wife."

Thousands of years later, Emperor Zhaorui's affection won the admiration of later generations, and the empress Zhaoyi, whose beauty has been passed down through the ages, also recognized it.

"One, two, three...a total of 96 pieces, what do you think this is?" In class, a little bean sprouts pointed to a picture of a phoenix coronet in a book and secretly asked another little bean sprouts.

The little girl shook her head: "I don't know."

"My mother said that this is the dress worn by the famous Queen Zhaoyi in history when she got married."

"It's so beautiful." The little girl's eyes were full of envy.

"I'll buy one for you in the future, okay?"


"Really! We hang ourselves on the hook, and it won't change for 100 years!"

In class, two little bean sprouts giggled.

Some words are engraved in history books forever.The life that has been described by the history books has also had many beautiful stories, and beautiful encounters with beautiful people.

Time goes back slowly.

In the incense room, the emerald jade bead curtain was slowly lifted by slender white fingers, revealing the radiant jade man inside.

The two clasped their hands in the long river of history, smiling at the carefree descendants thousands of years later.

Relying on each other, cuddling each other, like a frightened bird going away.

【Original plane, end】

 Ji颡 (qǐ sǎng): An ancient kneeling ceremony.

(End of this chapter)

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