Chapter 630 Mermaid Legend [42]

He didn't know when he had secret|secret thoughts about her, maybe it started when she tried her best to save him, but he didn't realize it at that time, he just took that strange throbbing feeling Actions become doubts, guesses, curiosity, and malice.

When he was caught in the human world ten years ago, he escaped back to the sea after being covered in pain and risking his life.Ten years later, he was arrested again, the situation was similar to last time, only this time he had the ability to resist, teasing and dealing with humans like small fish and shrimp, but he didn't expect to kill a woman halfway .

She seemed too lazy to hide her human soul.He has spent two full years in those human-horrifying laboratories, and he has a good understanding of some language behaviors in the human world. Her occasional words made it easy for him to identify her.

The world is so big, full of surprises, Kemmer was just a little surprised for a while, and soon regained his composure.

After knowing that she was a human being, evil thoughts rolled in his heart, because in his view, human beings are all evil, without exception, and her kind appearance must be faking... He wants to tear up her disguise and trample on her. She belongs to the pride of mankind.

He wanted to rub off the innocence and stupidity on her face, and hit her ridiculous kindness hard.

But in the end, he was upset.

He began to feel more and more wrong with himself, like a drowning man trying desperately to hold on to something.

catch what?he does not know.

When he saw her again, he suddenly had a desire to devour her into his stomach - eat her into his stomach bit by bit, making her a part of his body.

Such an idea was ridiculous, after all, he had never tried shark meat.

But when the nails sank deep into her skin, she moaned in pain, but he found that he didn't seem to be pursuing this kind of happiness.

Following her struggle, he let go of her hand.

It was at this moment that he suddenly discovered that the face that he thought was only ignorant and stupid... was unexpectedly handsome.

He was shocked by his own thoughts at the time, and then laughed.How can an ordinary shark face look beautiful and ugly?
In order to escape, she flattered and subdued him, and even ridiculed him angrily. These emotions were inexplicably vivid on her face.Maybe it's because she has a human soul... Kemmer comforted himself so much.

She wanted to leave, to leave, and he felt a little bit of displeasure in his heart.Not because of being disobedient, but because of the fact that "she is leaving".

At that moment, he didn't want to admit it anymore, he could only admit that he seemed to like a shark, a strange shark with a human soul.

Their bodies really fit perfectly.

Affected by the sonar, she is about 1.6 meters long, and her body is pitifully small among sharks, and she can be hugged by him who is close to [-] meters.

Letting her give him a little mermaid was just a stopgap measure. In fact, he didn't like children at all, especially children with black fishtails and black eyes like him.

He was afraid that his physical characteristics after being injected would be passed on to his children, so he didn't want it at all.

Kemmer thought that this process would make her very happy, because this kind of thing is very popular in the human world, and almost no human being does not like it.

Although the pleasure he gained in this matter was far greater than hers, he still firmly believed that she would be happy.

(End of this chapter)

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