Tiandao's little fool has fangs

Chapter 206 They have the same kind

Chapter 206 They have the same kind

Snow Jiuchen fell, and the disciples of Diling Mountain were very quiet, some were meditating, some were reading...

He was sitting on the roof... In Penglai they were free, laughing wantonly, running unrestrained, but here they are bound by the rules.

"Sorry." Mo Zhichu sat next to him.

Xue Jiuchen: "Huh?"

Mo Zhichu: "Because of my selfishness, the enchantment of Penglai was broken."

Xue Jiuchen: "I don't blame you." Yeah, why did I suddenly walk into a dead end... There are many races in Penglai, and most of them can't leave Penglai. For 1 years, they were locked there for 1 years... Although Protection, but also a cage, "The world is so big, there is always a place for my Penglai creatures."

Mo Zhichu: "All they want is a word from you..."

Xue Jiuchen was stunned...

Mo Zhichu: "You are Immortal Lord Penglai, and you are the demon god Xue Jiuchen."

Xue Jiuchen: "I am, what's wrong?"

Mo Zhichu: "You should have soared proudly above the nine heavens, they...they did it because of you, because their most proud fairy master was first bound by the rules..."

Xue Jiuchen murmured, "Because of me... because of me..." They are because of me...

He stood up and stood proudly under the sky.

Xue Jiuchen: "Listen to the creatures of Penglai." It turned out that he lowered his head first. They were clearly wronged, but they never complained.

The Penglai creatures all over Kunlun Mountain raised their heads...

"Those who despise and disdain will be beaten to the knees and beg for mercy. Those who bully the weak will be trampled under their feet. Those who bully others, tell this Immortal Lord that this Immortal Lord will support you."

"What are the rules, what are the sophistication of the world, throw away those useless rules and twists and turns, and I, a Penglai creature, will live freely in this world from today on."

"The masters of this world are not humans, gods, or demons, but all living things."

All the beings in Penglai stood there with red eyes. They have suffered a lot these days... they can only bear it for now. After all, they came later. After a long time, the human world may accept their existence.

But... the return to illusion is a very heavy tragedy.There is nowhere to vent their anger, they are very depressed, they are very scared, afraid that if this continues, more Penglai creatures will be bullied...

The Penglai creatures cheered loudly, making all kinds of roars...

The monsters scattered everywhere, the monsters raised by the human race, the monsters who were beaten and covered with scars... They looked in the direction of the sound, and for the first time there was a light of hope in their eyes...

Wei Xiaoxuan stood at the door of the noodle shop, listening to the call from Kunlun... followed by roars, howls, and songs from all over the world, including deep croons and high-pitched calls.

The Yaozu has been oppressed for too long, and there are grievances, calls, catharsis, and joy in that voice...

Feeling a little hot in her heart, her fangs were exposed, she raised her head, faced the sun, and roared...

In an instant, the sky and the sun are covered...

Everyone in Wall Water City is in danger... That monster is going crazy.

Baili Qingshi wanted to bask in the sun on the roof, but the little zombie yelled at the sun... Standing up, I saw people running around in the city, some ran home and closed the doors and windows, some packed their bags and fled of……

"Wei Xiaohuan, it's nap time now."

"Boss. Are they crying for freedom?"

Baili Qingshi sighed, "They are talking about the injustice of the world and the injustice to the Yaozu."

Wei Xiaoxuan: "Boss, I'm also a different kind, I'm just like them."

Baili Qingshi: "You are worse than them."


"They have their own kind."

Wei Xiao buffered him and gritted his teeth, "Boss, I can turn you into my kind."

(End of this chapter)

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