Tiandao's little fool has fangs

Chapter 879 Do You Have A Quota?

Chapter 879 Do You Have A Quota?

moment!The floating petals sank into her body at an extremely fast speed.

It's not that she can't avoid it, it's just that she wants to try, how does it feel...

She felt... numbness.

After the numbness, there was severe pain, severe pain all over the body... No wonder Li Cao couldn't bear it.

This is similar to when she was Wei Xiaoxuan, her reactions were slow. When she was numb, she was just accumulating pain, and then it exploded all at once.

Qiu Xiaoya slowly raised her hand, rubbed her face, "Excellent!"

When Oleander heard her words, her face turned ashen... How could she?Is she not afraid of pain?
"Are you holding back?" She had already seen the cold sweat on Qiu Xiaoya's head.

Qiu Xiaoya twitched the corner of her mouth, "It hurts, but it's really severe."

She was in pain countless times when she was Wei Xiaoxuan, why didn't she think of this method?
Such tricks can be used on opponents who are stronger than themselves, which is quite useful.

She really wants to try... Si Rong?No... I can't bear to...

Wait until you have time to find the God of Flowers.

In short, even if you look for the master, you won't look for Xue Jiuchen, that one will rebound.

She looked at Oleander with a puzzled expression on her face, "Aren't you going to continue?"

The oleander's spiritual power has dissipated, and now she is just an ordinary plant that is defenseless.

Oleander replied: "This trick has used all my strength, and I lost."

She failed in the end... She failed the hopes of her people.

But she was not ashamed to lose.

She said: "It's not that I'm not strong enough, but that I'm not as strong as Li Cao's backstage."

Qiu Xiaoya smiled, "When you choose her, you should have thought that she is the young master Shaoyao. You think that spiritual power represents everything, but... no, you underestimated her and overestimated yourself."

This temperament is a bit like the ginkgo brother and sister, and those two have also fought several times not far away.

At this moment...the ones fighting against them are the second prince and fifth princess of Hua Kingdom.

There are many monks behind them.

Yin Huan was very angry, "What kind of skill is it to bully more and less?"

Qiu Xiaoya's smile froze on his face.

Oleander, who had already admitted defeat, showed a relaxed smile, "He's right."

Qiu Xiaoya turned around, "Do you know who I am?"

Oleander said sourly: "Rongshen's wife, Li Cao's backstage." She didn't have such a backstage, so she lost.

"I wanted to help you get an admission spot, but it depends on your attitude..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Oleander.

"I was wrong!"

Oleander sat directly on the ground, hugging Qiu Xiaoya's leg, "I want to enter the heaven, I am the hope of the whole family."

Qiu Xiaoya smiled, "Okay. But you can't bully Li Cao in the future."

"I protect her."

Li Cao on the side had almost recovered under the effect of the pill, she said angrily: "I will become stronger."

But... "You protect me for now, I will protect you when I become stronger."

Oleander said with a smile: "Okay."

Maybe Qiu Xiaoya is right, spiritual power doesn't mean everything...

It's all right here, so Qiu Xiaoya ran to the Ginkgo brothers and sisters...

"Can I help?" she asked.

The second prince frowned, "This is a competition for a quota, do you have a quota?"

Qiu Xiaoya pointed sideways at the oleander not far away, "I just snatched it from her."

The second prince is still hesitating...

The fifth princess spoke, "Yes. But life and death don't count, and revenge is not allowed."

Qiu Xiaoya asked back: "How can I take revenge when I die?"

"your family……"

"I'm dead, but can my family take revenge on me?"

Qiu Xiaoya's tone was filled with distaste. There are very few species that are stupider than her.

(End of this chapter)

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