Me: The strongest armor!Under the tutelage of General Lufa

Chapter 232 Dissolution of the House of Assembly

Chapter 232 Dissolution of the House of Assembly (45)

King Peel's voice was not loud, but it resounded throughout the entire parliament and was amplified dozens of times.

"Of course, this time I summoned the House of Assembly, I just wanted to ask for your opinions."

"You can choose to agree, but you can still choose to refuse. I just want to see everyone's opinions."

After these words fell, the brows of the so-called First Councilor twitched. It seemed that someone would definitely be annihilated in this galactic hurricane today because of his stupidity.

I can only hope that there will be fewer idiots jumping out.

Sure enough, before he could give up this idea, a few idiots appeared.

"In that case, then I object!"

A councilor in white robes of civil servants stood up abruptly, openly opposing King Peel's "proposal".

Proposal, is King Peel proposing at this moment?
In their consciousness, the parliament in front of them is to control the entire Ares, the entire galaxy.

King power, what is it?
Isn't it possible to veto or abolish it the moment they move their lips?
The parliament in front of them is the power center of the entire galaxy.

"I'm against it too!"

"be opposed to!"


In an instant, the five councilors directly stood up to oppose King Peel, and the complacency on their faces was indelible.

"very good!"

"I like your honesty very much, but honesty has its corresponding price."

After a pause, he waved his hand.


There was a sound of tearing the magnetic field one after another, and a group of armored teams stood impressively around the five figures.

After waving his hand again, a guard got up and came out.


"To deal with rebels, the law of Ares is to send them to the wild star to feed the wolves."


As the words fell, the armored team that was waiting in full force rushed forward.

The five congressmen with unbelievable expressions on their faces were pushed out.

"What are you doing, the law of Ares cannot be manipulated by the congressmen."

Looking at the five congressmen who were arrested, the rest of the people did not lack some opponents who stood up.

For them with "noble" status, these armored warriors are a bunch of extremely despicable guys.

Despicable people, how can you touch them with your hands?

King Peel laughed, and his gloomy voice resounded throughout the entire parliament.

"I ask you, who made the laws of Ares?"


The surrounding armored soldiers of the Third Legion replied without any hesitation.

"Then if I want to change the law and hand over my status as a member, do I have the right?"

King Peel asked again.


As these two words fell, the soldiers of the Third Legion gradually approached the past.

It seems that they only need King Peel's order, and they will crush it by hand.

"In that case, obey the king's order!"

"Belittle the status of a member of parliament and no longer override the status of a soldier."

It's not over yet, looking at the councilors below who turned pale, King Peel let out a hearty laugh.

"I declare, Ares Star, to abandon the plan to govern through the electoral system!"

"Aris star, disband the parliament, those who disobey the order, kill!"

"All the job duties in the House of Council are taught to the Third Legion!"

Following these few words, King Peel disappeared into the parliament with the group of armored warriors again.

Only that group of councilors were left, looking at each other, they all opened their mouths, and then restrained their words.

Because they knew very well that the five people who were taken out just now were not thrown on the barren star.

Maybe it has been annihilated in the galactic hurricane at this moment.

Do they dare to resist?

Of course not!

Which one of the armored warriors of that legion can they deal with.

On the other side, the remaining fighters have already begun to hand over the work responsibilities of those councilors.

"15776, according to Wang's order, I need you to hand over the control authority of all your work!"

A soldier in mass-produced armor stood in front of a congressman, and said in a cold voice with a businesslike look.

"...How dare you talk to me like that?"


When the soldier raised his hand, he suddenly pulled out his lightsaber weapon, still saying those words coldly.

"Those who disobey orders, kill!"


With the sound of an explosion.

The congressman in front of him was split into a genetic code suspended in the air by the lightsaber in his hand.

"15780, Wang ordered..."

I don't know if this trick of killing chickens and monkeys has played a role, or these guys are really afraid of these guys who are like fierce dogs, and they all put the blood on their bodies.
The work and control rights were all handed over to the armored warrior in front of him.

"15660, Louis?"

"The king wants to see you!"

Looking at Louis who looked like dead ashes in front of him, one of the soldiers said in a cold voice.

"First Councilor, the king wants to see you!"

The same movements, the same expressions, these councilors who used to have eyes above their heads.

At this moment, they seemed to be the sheep without any resistance, and they were all carried out of the parliament house by them.

Also from now on!
Controlling the power center of Ares star does not know how many houses of parliament, "announced" its dissolution.

Damn it, the message leaked.

This was the subconscious thought of the first councilor, since he once again set his sights on Louis, whose figure was limp at the end.

After just a few breaths, the two had already appeared in front of the palace.

From the beginning to the end, he never looked at the so-called Louis.

At this time, he needs something to keep his life alive.

The small instrument in his hands is the most suitable thing.


The two bowed their heads in salute.

King Peel looked at the two people in front of him, showing a cruel smile, looking like a ferocious jackal.

"You know, I need an explanation, your explanation of what happened."

"I'll be very upset if you don't give me a reasonable explanation."

"Wang, this is the explanation I gave you. I will resign from all positions and promise not to get involved in anything."

The first councilor rolled his eyes, and handed over the small instrument to the guard beside him.

Then he pretended to be "trembling".

"Hehehe, very good, very good!"

"I am very satisfied with your explanation, you can leave now!"

Pierre waved his hands casually, as if standing underneath was a dispensable dog.


(End of this chapter)

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