Chapter 425 Cubs, Shining Light (25)

But besides the barren star bandits, what other forces would choose to attack this almost large-scale base in front of them?For a moment, his thoughts became a little messy.

But soon, a thought made his eyes shrink; could everything here be caused by Lin Ming's rebellion?
As a qualified "loyal dog", he can guess what his king is thinking from time to time.

The "dissolution" and reorganization of the reserve legion and the patrol legion; even abandoning the mission of the original patrol legion, they are just doing everything possible to reorganize the legion. What is all this for? !

Naturally prepared for those rebellious!Can King Peel not know the trajectory of the Afars, of course he knows.

Then why didn't he attack, perhaps he was also waiting for an opportune time; could they not know the flight path of the Afars?
Naturally it is also clear!
It's just that King Peel ordered that no one is allowed to approach that area without his consent. Countless combat preparations and countless resources were poured into the three legions in an instant.

King Peel is accumulating energy, accumulating energy to make a killing blow!
As subordinates, it is naturally impossible for them to touch King Peel's bad luck. The only thing they can do is to restore the combat power of the Imperial Guard Legion to perfection.

But he changed his mind again, since the traitor chose to attack these bases, what was the reason?Is it just to plunder some ore with energy? This is naturally impossible. There is no precious existence in the ore reserve of a barren star bandit.

In an instant, his thoughts became confused again!Because he couldn't figure out what effect those common ores could have.

"Captain, do you want to advance to the next target point?"

After a while, No. 3 approached and asked again.

"No, temporarily stop advancing; converge those resources, and then advance to the next target point after convergence." Looking at the almost destroyed base in front of him, the captain gave an order after a little thought.

Just like this mission, King Peel didn't specify something, so the loot in front of him only needs to be handed over to a part of the warehouse.

Then the rest belonged to them personally, so combat missions often represented—getting rich overnight!
"Understood!" After a long while, the spaceship loaded with loot rose slowly and headed towards the next target point.

Little did they know, what was waiting for them was still the deserted star bandit base that had turned into ruins.


"Fang Fang, come out with me for this mission!" Hearing Kula's instructions, Te's sharp eyes swept over, and turned to fall on Fang Fang next to him.

The reason for this is also very simple, that is, although the strength of the fangs is not as good as him, it is already much stronger than other members.

There are other considerations, that is, as a deputy, one must know how to collect intelligence information, and how can the Nightmare star race with almost no information carry out such training.

"Understood!" Fang nodded and responded immediately.

"You mobilize the spaceship and attack by yourself; I will not interfere with these matters, and neither will the general; but there is only one requirement."

"The general wants what he wants to know!" Looking at Te in front of him, a chill flashed in Kura's eyes, but she suppressed it well.

But it was such a subtle movement that caused Te's heart to tremble suddenly. If he had any abnormal movements, Lin Ming might not need to take action. Just relying on Kula in front of him, he could send himself to hell.

Powerful, there is no doubt about it!How could it be a simple existence for a person who could become the deputy captain of the Guards Corps.

Especially on Kura, he could feel a killing intent that made him a little terrified at any time.

It was as if in this base, the name Lin Ming had become a belief—sacred and inviolable.

Which armor squads are included, as well as the entire Nightmare Star people group.

"Yes!" The two raised their hands in salute, and then drove a remodeled small spaceship out into the silent starry sky.

"Senior Sister, with your qualifications, you should go to the civil service team. I believe you will be able to join the council soon!" Watching the launch of the spaceship, Kura could barely withdraw his sharp eyes.

The moment he turned his head, he saw Lin Ming's smiling figure appearing behind him.

"General!" Kula raised his hand to salute, standing behind Lin Ming consciously.

"Come, come, come!"

Looking at the Nightmare Starling cubs playing in the distance, the coldness on Lin Ming's face strangely decreased a bit, and the suffocating breath disappeared in an instant.

Even the Wild Star Wolf King who was following him couldn't help but widen his green eyes.Has this guy changed his gender?

Looking at Lin Ming's figure, several little fellows moved over timidly.

To be precise, it attracted the Desolate Star Wolf King next to him, and his eyes were full of curiosity.

Even more daring, he raised his hand and grabbed the wolf king's flowing hair.


"Shut up!" Just when the Star Wolf King was about to swallow these brats, Lin Ming's cold voice rang out.

Immediately, the majestic roar was transformed into bursts of whimpering.That's all, no matter how you say it, life is still important, this wolf king endured it.

Looking at the group of little guys rushing up, it seemed to give up resistance, and instead lay down sideways.

Think of it as the blowing of a galactic hurricane!

"These little guys are like the stars in the starry sky in the distance, shining brightly!"

Looking at the little guy who was already messing around with the Desolate Star Wolf King, Lin Ming explained with a rare nostalgic tone.

"Just like the civilian cubs of Ares, most of them will become a powerful and elite fighter."

"This is a very absurd thing. Knowing that war is the existence of death, but there are too many figures stepping forward."

"Sometimes I'm very confused, I don't know what they are chasing after!" Lin Ming muttered to himself, while looking at a little girl in the distance.

I don't know if it's because the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, but I saw it climbing on the body of the Wild Star Wolf King naturally, as if treating it like a big doll.

"Don't you think she looks like you?"


(End of this chapter)

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