Chapter 438 Assassin, Weird Anomaly (55)

Looking at the large barren star bandit leader who had disappeared in front of him, only the leaders of the small and medium bandit groups remained, and they looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Damn guy, is this how you solve the future of the Star Bandits?"

"Asshole, bastard!"

"Do you want the Desolate Star bandits to be wiped out?"


Hearing the noise of reprimands and discussions from the crowd of figures, the leader of the so-called large bandit group couldn't help but let out a gloomy voice.

What he needs has already been achieved, just like what he said, the group of small and medium-sized bandits in front of him has no use value at all.

To put it bluntly, they are just a group of cannon fodder without much consciousness!

How could a group of cannon fodder attract his unnecessary attention? !

"Boss, what should we do next?" Looking at the leader in front of him, the subordinate next to him asked for instructions.

"What to do, you send them a message, join us, or prepare to annihilate the group of lunatics in Ares."

"Let them get out!" Looking at the light curtain in front of him, the so-called commander ordered in a cold voice.

In his opinion, those guys are just dispensable garbage, and garbage should be given full play to its last light and heat!
"Understood, boss!" The figure retreated and disappeared in the main command cabin.

"Kaka!" Following the subordinate's departure, the gray light curtain in front of him rose abruptly, revealing the image and figure of a barren star bandit.

"My brother, long time no see!" Looking at the figure in front of him, he hastily tried his best to look surprised, and then said.

"If you want me to join you, then we can interrupt this communication; you have to be clear about what it means if you fail."

"Besides annihilation, do we have any other options?" The barren star bandit in the image frowned and asked in a cold voice.

"My brother, just as you said, do we have any other guesses?"

"You, you can disarm and prepare to surrender; of course, we can also twist together and tear a piece of flesh from those damn bastards."

"How much attack power can Ares, who is already seriously injured?" The so-called leader paused slightly, and then said coldly again.

"I need more time to think about it!"

"My brother, you understand that it is impossible for me to casually push out all the wild star bandits that I have been running for many years."

As these words fell, the suspended light curtain disappeared again, and in turn cut off the communication between the two.

"Short-sighted fool!"

"It's really annoying, but without this guy, our strength is really reduced!"

"Really, I hate it!" Looking at the light curtain that became gray again, the leader of the Desolate Star bandit standing in front of the instrument turned gloomy again.

But how difficult it is to form a force similar to the Wild Star Bandit Alliance in an instant.

However, he also has a very important "killer feature", that is, a greedy star bandit like him, who will definitely agree with his suggestion.

Thereby join them!

At the same time, in the outer region of the Milky Way.

"Regimental Commander, the frequency of these despicable guys today is too high." Looking at the various types of spaceships that passed by from time to time, the soldiers of the Third Legion thought for a while, and then reported.

In normal times, these damned guys would never approach Ares's team, even if it was a patrolling army, they would not dare to approach them.

But today's situation seems a little abnormal!
Not only are these guys approaching them, but the spaceships are traveling at extreme speeds, as if they don't need to care about the consumption of energy cores at all.


"It seems that these guys really regard Ares as a sleeping lion; but with you guys like hyenas."

"It's still not enough!" After a pause, he opened his mouth to order.

"Don't bother with them, our mission is to patrol the surrounding area..."

Before the voice of the commander of the third army fell, one spaceship after another galloped towards the distant direction again in a posture of piercing through the air.

This couldn't help but make the face of the commander of the third army a little hot.

Did these damned despicable people jump out and slap themselves in the face?

"The first echelon, take those guys down for me. I need to know the reason for their abnormal dispatch." The commander of the third army changed his face suddenly, and then ordered in a cold voice.

"Yes, Captain!" The order was passed on, and one after another the shuttle boats chased the spaceships from all directions.

The speed of the shuttle boat, which was already extremely fast, became even more frightening after being modified and studied by the scientific research department.

In the blink of an eye, they have already jumped in front of various types of barren star robber spaceships.

"This group of damn lunatics, what are they going to..." Looking at the Ares shuttle that intercepted in front of his spaceship, the barren star bandit at the front couldn't help cursing secretly.

But before he finished changing his thoughts, the shuttle boats had already started to converge their light beams.

"Attack!" As the commander's light voice sounded, the shuttle boats suddenly launched a modified attack.

"No, dodge!" Looking at the beam of light that was shooting towards their spaceship, he quickly ordered.

But how could their evasion speed keep up with the attack speed of those shuttle boats.

In the blink of an eye, the two small spaceships at the front had transformed into two huge fireballs, which disappeared before their eyes in the blink of an eye.

"Keep attacking!"

The commander of Ares is still moving in such an unhurried manner, if they can't destroy the few small spaceships in front of them with an armored echelon.

Then they can also disarm and go to the Second Army on their own.

"Fight back, fight back!"

Looking at the shuttle boats approaching again, the few spaceships at the front retreated again, and began to counterattack instead.

However, the speed of the shuttle boats was so fast that they couldn't catch them at all.

"Bastard, retreat, retreat!" Looking at a small spaceship that was destroyed again, the main command spaceship that had retreated hastily ordered.

After the order was passed, the spaceships turned and retreated backwards.

But how could those Ares shuttle boats that looked like "candy candy" give them a gap to retreat?
"Come on, let these despicable guys wake up in hell!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, the commander spoke again, and the indifference in the voice seemed to be a combined machine.


(End of this chapter)

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