Me: The strongest armor!Under the tutelage of General Lufa

Chapter 491 Military Rank, the Rights Represented

Chapter 491 Military Rank, the Rights Represented (35)

"You still don't understand what the word rank in Ares means; that's something you can't touch, right, the king can't kill a legion commander because of you stupid guy!"

Looking at the genetic codes gradually dissipating in the air, the head of the First Legion showed a sarcasm smile. When did the garbage dare to ride on their heads?
"Prepare to retreat, our mission is complete!"

Looking at the main driver in front of him, he spoke slowly, as if the guy in front of him was just an insignificant piece of trash.

"Understood, Captain!"

Without any hesitation, the driver began to pass on the order; although this battle resulted in the loss of one-third of the entire legion, it wiped out a wild star bandit group.

It is also a matter of equal exchange!
The order was delivered, and all the surviving barren star bandit fleets converged; in the blink of an eye, an offensive formation was formed again.

At this moment, the pilot in charge of manipulating the spaceship showed a faint look of doubt, and then began to quickly operate the spaceship instruments in front of him.

"How is this possible? Could it be that there is something wrong with the exploration radar on the spacecraft?"

Looking at the abnormality in the light curtain, he couldn't help talking to himself, which caught the attention of the head of the First Army.

"What's going on?" The head of the First Legion frowned slightly, and asked involuntarily.

"Head, the exploration radar has detected that there is a huge thing around us. This may be due to an abnormality in the radar..."

Before his voice fell, the head of the First Army seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help issuing a strange order that seemed to have no reason.

"Shrink the battle circle, prepare the attack formation; prepare the weapon system!"

Before the order was delivered, a "behemoth" shining with a special metallic luster suddenly appeared in front of them; the thing in front of him was very familiar to him.

"Ah...Aphas, why did it appear in this place? Is it true that the people in the Tianyan monitoring department are all poor?"

"Bastard, attack, attack quickly!" Looking at the Aphas that gradually appeared in front of him, the voice of the head of the First Army became a little trembling.

He understood that even if the spaceships in front of them attacked with all their strength, they would not be able to cause any damage to the "big guy" in front of them, so they could only choose to retreat.

Retreat, how should I retreat?

"Prepare to attack, send them to hell; I seem to have smelled the stench that those guys are full of!"

Looking at the "gathered" First Legion in front of her, Kula couldn't help showing a look of disgust; she was a warrior and a proud Ares warrior.

Let their life and death enemies wear the armor of Ares and become warriors of Ares; this is an insult to them at all.


"Light and dark particle cannon, ready to recharge!"

"Target locked!" Cook's voice was cold, and the dark light and dark particle cannon was activated immediately, and it was already aimed at the so-called First Army.

"Evacuate, evacuate quickly!"

This immediately caused the head of the legion to fly out of his wits, and quickly directed the main driver to jump out into this area, and those "First Legion" with extremely long reflection arcs.

But it stayed!
"Damn it! General, do you want to catch up?"

Looking at the escaped main command spaceship, Cook couldn't help cursing inwardly, who knew that those damned guys would escape alone regardless of the members of the legion.

"That's the prey of the three little guys, don't worry about it, go, let these guys who insult the dignity of Ares warriors!"

"Let them go to hell!"

Lin Ming's voice was extremely cold, and he turned to order, as for the so-called escaped first army commander, it was just an insignificant matter.


Without the command of the legion commander, the "First Legion" couldn't help but become confused, and what awaited them was the light and dark particle cannon after performance modification.


A dazzling beam of light flashed past, followed by a period of "calm", to be precise, it was a kind of unreasonable and aimless silence.


"Is this the power of the light and dark particle cannon?" Xiao Gang suddenly showed a stiff expression on his face, and turned to muttering to himself.

The reason is very simple. With the flickering of the beam of the light and dark particle cannon, the bustling fleet of spaceships just now disappeared without a trace, and even left no fragments.

Originally, Lin Ming didn't want to destroy those spaceships in one fell swoop, but it would be impossible for those guys to hand over the spaceships.

So, he had to send them to hell.

To manufacture a spaceship, in the eyes of Ares' scientific research department personnel, it is a simple matter. With enough materials for manufacturing, they can make mass production lines one by one.

"Boy, similar to this kind of terrifying killer, you can't guess and estimate it with ordinary eyes; your armor can't resist the attack of this big killer!"

"The power contained in it is not much worse than that of a black hole!" Looking at the shattered space around him, the corner of Cuens' mouth twitched, even though the space can be reorganized at any time.

But such a messy scene, even they have never seen it before!

"Continue to set off. Our mutual actions have been 100% detected by Ares's sky-eye monitoring. I want to see what means Pierre uses to resist."

"Keep going!"

Following the transmission of Lin Ming's order, the Aphas once again resumed its swift movements; but compared to the previous concealment, this time it appeared to be upright.

They, now have nothing to hide!
At the same time, Ares star.

"What did you say?! Do you know what your words mean?"

Listening to the report from the Sky Eye monitoring department, King Peel almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, and his voice became slightly unstable. One can imagine his state of mind at the moment.

"... Wang, my subordinates don't know why they appeared in that fringe area, maybe... maybe they were hidden by some technological means."

"However, the Aphas has actually appeared in the peripheral area, and the coordinates, the coordinates are at the mission point of the First Army."

The chief guard's face was pale, but he still gritted his teeth to report; but his trembling body showed his fear at the moment.

"Mission point, mission point; by the way, the first legion, where is the first legion?" King Peel asked as if he remembered something, and he couldn't help asking. At this moment, he seemed to be a manic madman.

While questioning, he grabbed the head guard!


(End of this chapter)

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