Me: The strongest armor!Under the tutelage of General Lufa

Chapter 562 Assignment of tasks, frontal combat

Chapter 562 Assignment of tasks, frontal combat (45)

"You should know what it means to fight head-on!"

Looking at the figures in front of him, the king of planet u45 opened his mouth to assign tasks, while scanning the figures in front of him with his green eyes.

As if wanting to see a little difference on their faces.

"Don't talk nonsense, you stupid guy, give an order!"

Listening to the king of planet u45 who was still chattering, the kings of all the planets below began to laugh mockingly.

They are there for the so-called "justice", which is basically for the huge resources on Ares; as for the so-called justice, it is just a joke.

Justice, what is justice? !

Was it the Ares warriors fighting for King Peel, or Lin Ming and others; were they really fighting for justice? Of course not.

Lin Ming and the others just obeyed King Peel's order!
So are their actions an act of just fighting?Naturally not, they are just coveting the massive resources of Ares.

So, this is a very ironic thing!
"My brothers, since you have chosen to join my plan, please follow my orders; u77, x56, you are responsible for commanding the next five legions."

"As for the remaining existence, I, and the kings of Planet X and Planet Z will be in charge. Do you have any questions?"

Problems, they naturally cannot have problems.

They are extremely urgent. As long as Ares is captured, they will be able to have the strength to reorganize the resources of the legion.

"Since there is no problem, let's go!"

As these words fell, five black clouds slowly rose up, and the first to bear the brunt was naturally the spaceship of planet u45 equipped with a shield.

Five legions, this is the maximum function of the jammer that can block the signal.

But they didn't have any doubts about the function information of the so-called jammer.

"We, it's time to make a move!" The king of the so-called planet 45 couldn't help reminding the king who glanced at the two hired planets next to him.

Only by containing those guys from the front can it be possible for the other five legions to achieve their mission goals; otherwise, once they attack the five planets, Ares will react instantly.

"Understood!" The two kings who hired planets couldn't help but sneered, calmed down their excitement, and then answered.

"Get ready, go!" Following the order, the remaining 15 legions lined up and drove towards Ares' position.

"Send a notice to those lunatics!"

At the moment when the spaceship lifted off, the king of planet u45 on top of the main command spaceship asked while checking the galaxy map in front of him.

"Understood!" The driver responded, and then passed a message to the outside world.

Almost in an instant, the king who hired the planet in the spaceship team on the left and right wings couldn't help but sneered; such an action could indeed attract all the eyes of Ares.

However, it is still too childish, childish and pitiful!
After just a few breaths, the Ares Sky Eye monitoring department couldn't help but converge on this extremely ridiculous so-called announcement.

"Captain, they made a move!" The subordinate reported, and a series of messages fell into Kura's hands.

"Report to the king!"

"The next Tianyan monitoring department will be taught to you by the professor. You understand, I don't want you to make any mistakes; you understand what the Tianyan monitoring department represents to Ares!"

Kura just glanced at it slightly, and then answered. After the deputy responded, she disappeared into the Sky Eye monitoring department again.

When it reappeared, it had already arrived in front of the battleship Aphas.

"Turn on the access function!"

As if sensing Kura's approach, a burst of white light beams appeared in front of the Afars, and then shrouded Kura's body.

"call out!"

Kura slowly raised his arm and followed the flashing brand mark on the exclusive armor, and the white light beam in front of him disappeared completely.

"Sure enough, you are worthy of being the vice-captain, and the action is fast!"

Looking at Kura in front of him, Cook appeared behind Kura in a strange state. After verifying their identities, the two turned around and stepped into the remodeled Aphas battleship.

"How stupid do you think these damned guys are, actually trying to let the number of the so-called legions make up for the gap between the strengths?"

While checking the tone system in front of him, Cook let out a sinister and strange laugh. The 15 legions are indeed a scary thing.

But the Aphas in front of him is even more terrifying than all the 15 legions.

"To shut up!"

"Familiarize yourself with the performance of the modified weapon as soon as possible, and don't make mistakes in battle!"

Listening to Cook's thoughtful voice, Kura scolded in a cold voice; for her, once she stepped into this place, it seemed like a different person.

The majesty exuding from all over his body couldn't help but make Cook look sideways slightly.

"Yes, vice-captain!" Cook shrugged helplessly, and began to familiarize himself with the attack system in front of him with a solemn expression; although this thing was modified by him and 0548.

But what he modified was the defense system, while what 0548 modified and manufactured was the weapon system.

At the same time, on the five planets far away on the edge of the central area.

"Why, did you become the head of the legion and ignore me as a general?"

Looking at An Mixiu and Qiao Shefei beside him, Lufa narrowed his eyes, and asked in a cold voice; the gloomy voice made them tremble.

"General, my subordinates dare not!!"

The two quickly replied that Lufa's voice seemed to be imprinted on their souls, and would cause them "fear" at any time.


Hearing the two people's answers, Lufa couldn't help but snorted coldly; but a pair of eyes that looked a little muddy, but there was an inexplicable sense of relief.

He never thought that each of his students had the potential to become a legion commander.

Especially the two people in front of them, before Lin Ming appeared, they were proud of themselves; but Lin Ming was simply too outstanding, his radiance suppressed his senior brothers in an instant.

If there were three people in front of him as legion commanders, then King Peel would not fail with an irresistible force and send himself into hell.


(End of this chapter)

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