Me: The strongest armor!Under the tutelage of General Lufa

Chapter 646: The Planet’s Bottom Storage, Full-scale Dispatch

Chapter 646: The Planet’s Bottom Storage, Full-scale Dispatch (35)

"The lunatics of Ares finally made another move!"

Looking at the fleet of spaceships passing by quickly, the fighters on the planet captured by Ares slowly raised their heads, looking up at the fleet of spaceships like dark clouds .

Those unrivaled forces they could not resist.

This is not just the gap between fighters' combat effectiveness, but the gap between the planet's bottom reserves.

Fighting for combat power, they are not the opponents of Ares; fighting for the resources of the planet, they cannot be the opponents of Ares with a huge warehouse.

Therefore, they can only choose to surrender and cannot resist!
Once you choose to resist, it is not far away from your own planet becoming Ares' backup warehouse.

"Terrible power!"

"Terrible combat power, terrifying spaceship fleet!"

Looking at the floating fleet of spaceships in the distance, the old zx star warrior couldn't help but let out an inexplicable exclamation.

Terrible power!

Terrible combat power, their planet, can never be compared with the colossus of Ares.

"You said, when will we be able to get out of the situation in front of us?"

Looking at the old soldier muttering to himself, the soldier next to him with an immature expression on his face asked.

"When? Unless, we give Ares enough strength!"

"However, with our planet, we will never be able to get rid of the situation in front of us!"

There was a bit of wry smile on the old figure's face, if he could stop Zx Star King's stupid behavior at the beginning, how good would it be?

The combat power on their planet will not be weakened to such an extent.

Maybe, they can still have a day to rival Ares!
"Go back!"

"Go to appease the civilians and let them continue to maintain their original living conditions."

The old figure slowly shook his head, showing a helpless state.

Meanwhile, the First Legion.

"Captain, what should we do?"

"Do you need to follow the general's order again?"

Looking at the fleets of spaceships speeding forward like arrows in the distance, Sabin asked.

"What are you kidding?"

"Don't forget, the deputy general's proposal; our current mission goal is to make those damned guys surrender, resisters, die!"

An Mixiu couldn't help but feel a cold murderous intent, and said in a cold voice.

He is a legion commander; he is also an iron-blooded captain!

"Yes, Captain!"

Hearing An Mixiu's voice, Balu beside him quickly responded, and passed the order in an instant.

If it is said that the army with the strongest combat effectiveness among the dozen or so legions is the first, second, and third armored army with the first three titles.

Among them, the combat effectiveness of the first and second legions is even better!
Because the fighters of these two legions are experienced in many battles; and the third legion is just some fighters who came from behind.


The fleet rose again and galloped towards the mission target in the distance.

"Let your rulers get out!"

Looking at the soldiers on the planet in front of him, the head of the Ninth Army made a mocking voice.

"Your Excellency, you..."

"Prepare to attack the system!"




In an instant, the commander of the Ninth Army started counting down.

There is no need to have any doubts. When the countdown is over, the planet in front of you will be strangled into a desolate star without any life.

"Wait, wait, Your Excellency!"

"Please stop your attacks, please stop!"

"I am the ruler of this planet, what are your orders?"

At this moment, a figure quickly appeared at the front and spoke.

"Surrender to Ares!"

"Otherwise, die!"

The voice was transmitted, and the soldiers of the Ninth Legion behind them all stepped forward and turned to speak.

"Your Excellency, this..."

"Prepare to attack!"

The head of the Ninth Army sneered and waved his hand instead.

"No, sir, please stop!"

"We are willing to surrender!"

Looking at the soldiers of the Ninth Legion with scarlet eyes, the so-called king quickly answered.

He, these guys in front of him didn't notice the iron and blood breath from the soldiers at all.

Instead, the wolves were waiting to attack one by one. What kind of armored army was there in front of them? It was obviously a group of wolves waiting to tear their prey.

How could they resist it?

Now there are only two paths before them, one is to choose to resist and fight these damned guys to the end.

But this will send them all to hell!

The second is to choose surrender!

"smart people!"



Looking at the contract suspended in front of his eyes, the head of the Ninth Army couldn't help frowning.

Instead, he spit out two words coldly.

This couldn't help but make the planet king curse secretly, but he still "smiled" and raised his hand to hand over half of the armor summoner, as well as the resources hoarded by most of the planet.

Of course, this is marked on the contract.

"Restraint, take away!"

After the order was passed, several spaceships stepped forward to gather all the resources of the crowd.

As if a Pandora's box had been opened, the surrender of one planet after another, and the materials gathered from one planet to another, were all transported to Ares.

"General, the number of surrendered planets has reached [-]!"


"General, the number of surrendered planets has reached [-]!"



In an instant, the command spaceship suspended in the mid-air resounded and fed back messages one after another.

"What's going on, why is their process so fast?"

Looking at the densely packed feedback messages, Lufa couldn't help but widen his eyes, and asked.

"Old fox, that's why they changed their tactics!"

"Let them play their best, maybe they can get unexpected surprises." Looking at the surprised Lu Fa, Lord Yan squinted his eyes and showed a slightly sarcastic smile.

"Crazy, crazy!"

"Issue an order to let them pay attention to vigilance, and don't cause damage by aggressively advancing."

Compared with Lord Yan's randomness, Lu Fa is much more cautious in certain things; this is the premise that a commander should have.

Relying on these cautions, in this galaxy where the weak and the strong preyed on the strong, he forcibly worked hard for Ares to create areas controlled by them.

This is also the prerequisite for Lufa to become the second in command of the galaxy!
"Yes, General!" The driver responded quickly.

"Old stuff, I'm not cautious, but the foundation of being a commander."

"Of course, an unqualified guy like you can't understand it!"

As if to refute Lord Yan's disdainful smile just now, Lu Fa showed that "signature" sneer again.


(End of this chapter)

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