The love value of fast crossing space

Chapter 416 The doctor's little brother also chases stars

Chapter 416 The doctor's little brother also chases stars (72)

Why remember to wear a mask when going out, remember to go to the supermarket to buy things to check the expiration date, remember to set an alarm clock when heating milk and pay attention to the time...

It was all the mistakes she made before, Lian Qi stuck out her tongue, skip skip!Continue to look behind.

Then she saw the last few words.

Remember I love you.

A few simple words, caught off guard, suddenly appeared.


Ever since Lian Qi moved here completely, she felt that she had been in a state of weak legs.

During the day, her legs are weak from being teased, and at night, her legs are... real.

Lian Qi touched her thumping chest, and tolerantly decided not to harm Naipuo and Dr. Fang's stomach today.


Fang Yu picked up his girlfriend in the outpatient department building of the hospital. He didn't change his white coat, and he was as tall as jade. "...I didn't heat up the milk today."

Lian Qi: "..."

She pulled off half of the mask, glared at him, and said angrily: "Didn't you just burn the bottom of the milk pot once? You are such a person. With such a good memory, why don't you memorize pi, balalabala..."

Fang Yu let out a low laugh, his fingers naturally passed through her five fingers, and his fingers intertwined, indifferently, "3.14159265358979323846..."

Lian Qi: "..."

The little nurse at the information desk yawned, and when her eyes fell on the opposite side, her eyes suddenly widened. She hurriedly patted the little friend beside her, "Look, look, Doctor Fang's girlfriend is here again!"

The other little nurse had obviously seen it, and her tone was sour, "I see, this is the first time that Dr. Fang has picked up a girlfriend this month. Is it really that affectionate? We even have to eat together at noon..."

The little nurse who spoke at the beginning nodded a little tangled, "It should be a good relationship. I heard that Director Wu from the department next door said that Dr. Fang had recharged 2000 yuan in the meal card this month, just because of his girlfriend's compliment." The canteen in your hospital is delicious."

The other little nurse still had a sour tone, "Then it's not like coming to our hospital cafeteria every day to eat, it's really... Let me tell you, this woman is definitely not good at cooking, how can a woman know how to cook?" Yes, the family relationship will definitely not be good in the future."

The first little nurse obviously didn't agree with her statement. She had something to say, although she also felt that Dr. Fang's girlfriend might not be good at cooking...but she must be a beautiful woman!
Although the other party was always wearing a mask, even when he entered the cafeteria, he was strictly guarded by Dr. Fang, but his temperament and figure could not be faked.

Every time I see it, I feel that the girl's figure is too thin, and the pair of white and glowing manga legs look even more deadly.

Even a girl like her couldn't help being moved.

Plus beautiful pupils, beautiful willow-leaf eyebrows, delicate clavicle chains, silver ear cuffs...

Just like a female artist, the little nurse sighed, a big idea came to her mind, maybe Dr. Fang's girlfriend is really a celebrity?

In this way, it makes sense for Dr. Fang to take such strict care.

The other nurse was registering the file, her tone was almost sour, "This woman is really lucky, she can find a boyfriend like Dr. Fang..."

Thinking of a flower in their attached hospital, Dr. Fang has been in the attached hospital for several years. I thought that Dr. Fang would always be such a fairy who does not touch the world, but who would have thought that Dr. Fang suddenly made a girlfriend this year. .

Unexpected, caught off guard.

The hearts of the little nurses in the attached hospital shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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