Chapter 146
Xia He thought for a moment and said to Zeng Gongquan, "Friend Zeng Daoist, get rid of a team of 100 people and go to the battle site to support. If our situation is good, you can watch it from a distance. If the enemy is rampant, help us attack. Remember Stop, don't be greedy for merit, and if things go wrong, withdraw in time."

Zeng Gongquan complied, and dispatched a reliable confidant to select a hundred cultivators. The confidant led his subordinates and rushed to the edge of the oasis, where the battle was fought. Then Xia He said to Yin Wenxiu, "Junior Brother Yin, Please pay attention to those fellow students, I think the situation will change drastically from tonight onwards."

After finishing the order, Xia He took Yin Wenxiu and Zeng Gongquan to fly into the air with the magic weapon, and watched the battle from a distance. There were hundreds of immortal cultivators patrolling the edge of the oasis, and they were all fighting with the invading enemy at this moment. At the same place, there were continuous support from people behind him, surrounding the invading immortal cultivators, and throwing spells like a storm on their heads, it seemed that it was only a matter of time before these invading enemies could be wiped out.

Xia He asked puzzledly, "These immortal cultivators with more than 500 people seem to be united by multiple forces. On the ground of the Gobi, only the Yellow Sand Bandit Group can have such strength. It's just that they should have inquired about it." Our number is too high, and it is really puzzling to send so few people to die."

Zeng Gongquan explained, "These people must be other weak thieves, gathered by the Yellow Sand Bandits, as the vanguard to attack us. The people in the Yellow Sand Bandits are cunning and cruel. They must want to use their lives to waste our strength. .”

Xia He smiled and said nothing. In fact, Zeng Gongquan and the other immortal cultivators were no different in nature. They were all hired cannon fodder. In the regiment, one party occupied the name of justice, while the other party was labeled as a bandit, but the fate of the two parties was no different in the end, they were both used as cannon fodder for the confrontation between great forces.

During the time Xiahe and the others were talking, the battle at the edge of the oasis was over. Most of the immortal cultivators on the oasis had come to the battlefield. Thousands of people were facing 500 people. The killing was clean, the disciples of the sect recorded the battle achievements, and prepared to hand it over to the sect in the future. The immortal cultivators in the field kept their hands and feet searching the deceased's belongings. The leader in charge acquiesced to such behavior.

The corpses of 500 people were exposed to the scorching sun like that. Their blood was spilled on the sand, soaking the yellow sand and staining the ground red. No one came forward to restrain the corpses. This is the way to deal with the enemy Letting the intruders expose their corpses to the wilderness is the best warning to future enemies.

Although they didn't help during the war, the people sent by Zeng Gongquan were unwilling to lag behind when searching for the spoils. He gave Xia He a small amount of profit, but was rejected by Xia He carelessly and awe-inspiringly. He didn't care about such floating money at all.

To be honest, the hired immortal cultivators search for the remains of the dead. This behavior is no different from that of a hyena, but the dead are all bandits who are enemies of the sect. It played the greatest role and became the reward of the sect to reward the hired immortal cultivators. It is a good calculation that the sect can appease the hired immortal cultivators without paying a penny.

This wave of pioneers was only more than 500 people, who were easily killed by the immortal cultivators on the oasis. After searching for the loot, all the immortal cultivators who dispatched returned to their residences. They were very tired after the battle and were about to take a good rest. Sirens were heard.

Xia He and the others are the leaders, they don't leave earlier than the people below, and they always have to inspect all the finishing work. Unexpectedly, when most of them retreated to the oasis, another wave of immortal cultivators came. 500 people.

The immortal cultivators who hadn't rested yet rushed out of their residences and rushed to the front line. This time, the attackers attacked from the east. The immortal cultivators who were originally scattered in the west of the oasis moved to the eastern edge in a hurry. Fortunately, they had military exploits And the fierceness of the capture, even though they were very tired, the sect disciples and immortal cultivators rushed to kill the enemy.

Xia He took Yin Wenxiu and Zeng Gongquan and slowly moved to the east of the oasis. Zeng Gongquan sent another 100 people to support him. Xia He was puzzled and said naturally, "This is really strange. Another 500 people attacked us. Such a small number of people attacked us. It doesn't work at all, and they can only die in vain. The second leader of the Yellow Sand Thieves Group is a very clever think tank, how could they come up with such a stupid move, refueling tactics are taboo on the battlefield, what exactly are they trying to do?"

Zeng Gongquan said nonchalantly, "It doesn't matter how many of them come, our brothers will definitely kill them one by one, Mr. Xia, these guys are very annoying, and they don't come all at once, so they are divided into several attacks. plan?"

Xia He shook his head, "It's impossible. 500 lives are thrown in, isn't it like making our people tired? This is too crazy. The Yellow Sand Bandit Group must have a deeper conspiracy. We can't guess it for the time being. Only We'll have to wait and see."

In an instant, the entire army of five hundred offending immortal cultivators was wiped out. The disciples of the sect took credit as usual, and the immortal cultivators in the wild quickly searched for the spoils. After everything was busy, the experienced people did not return to their residences immediately. They rested and guarded in place. , Moments later, people from the north and the south came to invade one after another, all in the scale of 500 people.

Xiahe is just weird. The Yellow Sand Thieves sent out more than 2000 people in total. If they attack the oasis together, they will surely occupy half of the oasis. The sect will also kill or injure hundreds of people, but they are divided into four times. When they were sent up, they all died at the hands of the sect's disciples and the hired immortals. Not only did they not occupy an inch of land, but even the casualties to the sect were only a hundred or so.

The biggest result of the four attacks organized by the Yellow Sand Thieves Group was that they surrounded the oasis in all directions with layers of dense corpses, and the blood that flowed out dyed the yellow sand red. The smell of blood soared into the sky, and the bloody mist evaporated.

After killing these four waves of invading enemies, all the cultivators on the oasis were exhausted. Even Zeng Gongquan's subordinates went out several waves one after another. The strength of Xia He's hired cultivators has not been compromised, but the sect disciples of the fifth group are quite dissatisfied with Xia He for not taking them to claim credit. At this time, Xia He has mastered the 30 cultivators under Zeng Gongquan, and he has long been inappropriate for the [-] or [-] of them. In his eyes, and with Yin Wenxiu, who was notoriously cannibal, standing by Xia He's side, even though these disciples were dissatisfied, they did not dare to do anything out of the ordinary.

Xia He took the two of them to the edge of the oasis and saw the ground where the corpses were messed up. The temperature in the Gobi was extremely high during the day, the yellow sand was like an oven, and the sun was exposed to the sun, draining every trace of moisture from the corpses on the ground. The blood congealed into blood clots on the ground, and the soaring smell of blood startled the crowd suspended in mid-air. After all, there were two thousand corpses in the sand sea under their feet.

Yin Wenxiu looked at the dead body on the ground and smelled the strong smell of blood. Instead of covering her nose like the others, she flapped her nose, as if trying to breathe in the smell of blood. Come on, this smell can be smelled even ten miles away, could it be that they sent so many people to die just to dye the oasis area red with blood."

Xia He turned his head, looked at Yin Wenxiu's greedy expression, and asked earnestly, "You mean the members of the Yellow Sand Bandit Group used these people as sacrifices, and used their corpses to attract some monsters?"

Yin Wenxiu said noncommittally, "Maybe, it's impossible to give us credit for sending two thousand lives. They must have plans. From the number of people who died, it can be seen that once their conspiracy is launched, it must be Shocking the world, destroying the world, I don't know how many people on the oasis will survive."

Yin Wenxiu laughed softly as she said that, "Sometimes when I look at the earth, I feel that the earth is the most terrifying monster. It devours countless corpses, but it is revered as a mother by hundreds of millions of living beings. Once the war broke out, how many human lives were swallowed by the earth, on this land, cannibalism is always the most eternal theme."

When Xia He heard Yin Wenxiu say this with a smile, his tone was extremely cold, and a chill rolled over his heart. When he was with Yin Wenxiu before, he only thought that the handsome young man was good, but after hearing what he said now, he realized that this person is really cruel in nature. , perhaps, as the rumors said, Yin Wenxiu's cannibalism is true.

The oasis is on the sandy ground, surrounded by steaming heat. Although the corpses were steamed dry before they could rot, the stench of corpses is still stinking, mixed with a strong smell of blood. It is almost impossible to stand. The defensive immortal cultivators are at the edge of the oasis I can't stay any longer, so I can only retreat to the inner circle, still on guard, there are attacks around the place.

Not long after, the cultivators on the oasis realized that something was wrong. There were carrion vultures flying in the sky, and the heads of wild beasts were exposed on the sand dunes in all directions. Those were hyenas that were ubiquitous. The animals were afraid of the immortal cultivators at first, but later found that the immortal cultivators did not prevent them from eating the corpses, and rushed forward.

The vultures and hyenas had a feast of gluttony and devoured it with great joy. The more than 2000 corpses attracted tens of thousands of wild beasts. There is no threat to the immortal cultivators at all, and the immortal cultivators on the oasis are happy to let them clean up the corpses and don't care about it.

These wild beasts are really fierce. The corpses on the ground were swept away by them, no matter the clothes or bones, they were all swallowed up, leaving only dry blood in place. Only when the meal was served, so many lives appeared on the deserted Gobi. Just when the beasts had eaten all the corpses on the ground, and everyone thought that the beasts were about to leave, a melodious flute sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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