Chapter 258

When Li Yueshan knew that Chen Yuhan was Gao Shengze's mother, she thought about imitating Gao Shengze's father to blackmail her, but later she gave up because of Gao Shengze's attitude, and chose to take revenge and rob his husband.She needed a backer, and Tan Yilin was just right. This is a way to kill two targets with one stone.

Both Chen Yuhan and Gao Shengze knew about each other's existence, and neither of them thought about recognizing each other. Now that one is dead and the other is crazy, Li Yueshan just wants to meet and end this matter.

Coming out of Chen Yuhan's hospital, Li Yueshan was also relieved, looked up at the blue sky, thought of these years, rubbed her stomach, and grinned.For so many years, she has taken many wrong paths, loved the wrong people, had greed, done many things, and now she still has nothing.

She sighed, and carried Gao Shengze's ashes on her way back to her hometown.After so many things, she has already seen it, she really saw it, she is still pregnant with Gao Shengze's child, she really wants to have a good time with Gao Shengze, but Gao Shengze is too greedy and obsessed, he dies If so, she will be a widow.She will give birth to the child in her womb, which is the pillar of her life. From now on, she will educate the child in her womb, give him maternal love, and prevent him from repeating the mistakes of their parents.

Yuan Jie's funeral was held on the third day after his death. Yuan Yi also rushed back from abroad, and the old man also recognized Luo Man as his granddaughter.The funeral was very intense, and death also took away all his deeds during his lifetime.

Standing in front of the mourning hall, Li Kai felt relieved. Yuan Jie's temperament would not be peaceful even if he had nothing. He must spend a lot of energy looking at him. Just leaving like this saves him A lot of things.But this is his uncle, he did so much to drive Yuan Jie to a dead end, and now he feels relaxed, maybe he is also cold-blooded.Laughing at himself, the person is already dead, no matter how much he thinks about it, it is useless.

After the funeral, the old man had a long talk with Yuan Yi, Li Kai and Luo Man respectively, and only they knew what they talked about.

Li Kai gave Luo Man a share of the company's shares, which belonged to Yuan Jie. As his daughter, it is understandable for her to share a share.Roman has already recovered his memory, once Yuan Jie hit her, knocked her down, bumped her head, and remembered the lost memory when she woke up again.

Luo Man and Tan Chengxi also understood the love and hatred of their parents' generation. Luo Man wanted each other to think about it, and flew abroad to study after Yuan Jie's first seven days.Tan Chengxi also knows that it is good to let each other separate for a while, those things are too much information, it is difficult to accept for a while, and it is good for both of them to be separated for a few years.

Yuan Yi accompanied Mr. Yuan for more than a month and also went abroad. She didn't have much feelings for the extra niece, but she was also a close relative.Yuan Jie treated Roman badly before his death, and the Yuan family did not accept her, but after his death, the Yuan family accepted Roman.

(End of this chapter)

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