Tian's little cook

Chapter 950 Reaching Umuja

Chapter 950 Reaching Umuja

At the gate of Umuja's city, an ordinary carriage stopped.

"Young master, the city gate of Umuja is ahead." Jing Hong opened a corner of the carriage door curtain.

"Master, we are here." Lin Zhimo had long wanted to get out of the carriage, and she spent half of the time in the carriage looking out.

The more you go to Umuja, the more the scenery and people along the way are different from Dashengchao.

Lin Zhimo stared intently, curious about everything, and asked Huangfuchu all the time.

Before crossing, she had no money and was an orphan. After working, she was stuck in the kitchen and rarely went out.

Therefore, after traveling here, it was the first time for her to come to such a far place, so she was naturally very excited.

Huangfu Chu also knew that she wanted to get off the car, and said with a smile, "Let's go."

At this time, it was time for dinner, and there was an endless stream of people entering and leaving the city gate, many of them were Sharong people.

The Sarong people are tall and have a deeper outline than the Dashengchao people. Lin Zhimo thinks they look a bit like a mixture of modern Asians and Europeans.

The Sharong people at the gate of the city didn't pay much attention when they saw their group, because there were not uncommon people from the Dasheng dynasty here.

Several people entered the city gate, and the inside was more lively and prosperous.

Merchants and buyers filled almost half of the street, and the carriages could only pass narrowly.

Lin Zhimo sighed that although war will bring disaster and destruction, it will also bring opportunities and development.

After walking for a while, Jing Hong led them to an inn. The plaque of the inn reads the words of Dasheng Dynasty - Ke Lai Ju.

Huangfuchu took the initiative to say to Lin Zhimo: "There are a lot of people from the Dasheng Dynasty here, so people from my dynasty also opened inns, restaurants and shops here."

Before coming, Jinghong had already made arrangements. He arranged for people to book a few rooms in the inn in advance, and there were other hidden guards pretending to be guests to live in it to ensure safety.

Since she was pretending to be Huangfuchu's maid, Lin Zhimo naturally lived in a room alone, but her room was arranged in the innermost, next to Huangfuchu's room, which was very safe.

After putting down their luggage, several people went downstairs to have dinner.

After two days of driving, everyone was a little tired, so they decided to eat something at the inn.

Seeing that they were from Dasheng Dynasty, the waiter at the inn enthusiastically recommended local specialties to them.

As a cook, Lin Zhimo is naturally very interested in food. After listening to Xiao Er's introduction, he ordered a few dishes that he strongly recommended, and paired them with two side dishes.

"Young master, what do you think?" Lin Zhimo always remembered that he was Huangfuchu's maid, so he naturally had to put on a show.

Huangfu Chu smiled slightly, nodded: "Yes."

"Then follow these." Lin Zhimo said to Xiao Er.

"Okay, wait a moment, guest officer." Xiaoer yelled and walked inside.

Because of concealing his identity, Huangfu asked Jinghong and the others to sit down together, and there was no need to pay too much attention to the distinction between master and servant when they were outside.

Sitting by the window, they could clearly hear the voices of people passing by on the street, mixed with the languages ​​of Dasheng Dynasty and Sharong Kingdom.

Although the two countries are at war, the people here do not have any conflicts, and there is no trace of anger on their faces, just like their daily lives.

"If there had been no war, it would be great if people from both countries got along like this." Lin Zhimo couldn't help sighing.

"Yes." Huangfu Chu was also touched by the scene outside.

"So, young master, you have to work harder and end all this as soon as possible." Lin Zhimo smiled mischievously, but his words were all serious.

Huangfu Chu nodded, "Yes."

He has always been clear that ending the war is not for himself to ascend the throne, but to end the suffering of the people and save more people from suffering.

(End of this chapter)

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