I'm flirting with tyrants

Chapter 1031 Finale 10

Chapter 1031 Finale 10 (End of the full text)

In the Three Thousand Worlds, it completely disappeared.

With 24 imperial beads, it finally became a legend.

100 years.

200 years.

300 years.

1000 years.

1 years.

He Qianjue's son, He Sixuan, has the full power to take over the God Realm.

As the most powerful god and the god in charge of the Three Thousand Worlds, He Qianjue turned into an ordinary person and went to the Three Thousand Worlds to find that impossible shadow.

Maybe never will be found.

But he, don't give up.


Time flies, time flies.

7 years later.

He Qianjue is finally breaking through the last step, surpassing the three thousand worlds.

He laughed maniacally as he was caught up in the larger universe.

Muttering even more in his mouth: "If I knew it earlier, I would have broken it earlier. Qingxuan must be among these planets, waiting for me."

He Qianjue flew towards one of them.

But he didn't expect that he had just entered the inland as a newcomer.

It was surrounded by a large group of gods of a higher stage.

"After 7 years, another kid has ascended, hahaha..."

He Qianjue immediately grasped the words and asked, "You mean, 7 years ago, someone ascended, what was his name?"

A god raised his eyebrows and said with a chuckle: "Her name is Xiao Qingxuan!"

"It's one of the strongest gods right now, you kid, wouldn't it be..."

He Qianjue: "I am her partner, husband-in-law, husband, and lover."

A group of gods choked: "What?!"

And Xiao Qingxuan, who heard the rumors in a certain hall in the distance, directly sprayed out a sip of wine from his mouth.

With a dark face, he said: "It's been so many years, and it's still so shameless!"

Chonghua: "You should also try to reconcile with him. After all, it was just a misunderstanding. No matter who died... it was also arranged. He has been looking for you for 7 years. Battle song, try to forgive Him."

"Even if he appears in front of me now, I will not forgive..."

A figure suddenly appeared, and the moment the visitor saw her, he couldn't hold back his emotions any longer, tears fell from the corners of his eyes and sank to the ground.

He said: "It doesn't matter if you don't forgive, you don't hide from me anymore, so I don't have any regrets."

"Qingxuan, I miss you so much."

That's all.

Xiao Qingxuan's heart, which had been silent for 7 years, suddenly jumped up.

everything after that.

Each pile has become the happiest event in Xiao Qingxuan's 7 years.

Forever and ever.

One day, when the two were sleeping in each other's arms, Xiao Qingxuan asked, "Why did you set up that trap?"

He Qianjue: "Do you remember the first time we met?"

"I fell in love with you at first sight, but later it became a long-planned plan. Your priest told me that only by standing in the highest position of power can I protect you."

"Also, the matter of the godhead... If you really achieved the godhead at that time, the gods of the gods would know that you were Xiao Zhange. I don't have enough strength to completely protect you, so... I'm sorry."

He Qianjue buried his head into Xiao Qingxuan's shoulder, and said hoarsely: "I just don't want to lose you a second time, I can't bear it, little thing..."

Xiao Qingxuan was taken aback, and finally couldn't help but hugged the person he loved the most, kissed the other person's thin lips, and said with a smile: "I see."

"I fell in love with you at first sight, too."

"It's also been planned for a long time."

Of course, she has planned for a long time, and in this life, it is impossible to tell her lover in front of her.

The tent is put down, and the garden is full of spring.


A family of three is finally reunited

—End of the full text—

(End of this chapter)

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