I'm flirting with tyrants

Chapter 553 Cultivating Spiritual Power

Chapter 553 Cultivating Spiritual Power

Chapter 558:
Then, the whole group had dinner. During this period, only Rong Qi babbled on the Taoist priest for a few rounds. Other than that, the rest of the people were relatively quiet and didn't talk too much.

After dinner, Xiao Qingxuan went back to the room. After tidying up briefly, he took a bath and lay back on the bed.

She rested her hands on the back of her head, and the night pearl in the room was very bright. After thinking for a while, she took out the two books that Zeng Shanshan had given her. After confronting for a while, she opened the tattered one.

Turning to the first page, her gaze stayed on the first line of characters. She was surprised to find that she should not understand these ancient characters, but it was as if she was destined to know them, and she could completely understand them.

She contacted Xiao Yuan in the spiritual power space, and asked him: "Xiao Yuan, take a look, does this book on spiritual power cultivation have any effect on my spiritual power."

Xiao Yuan was surprised: "Why does the host have books on spiritual cultivation?"

"Don't worry about that, it's a long story."

"The cultivation of spiritual power recorded in this book is relatively basic, but...the foundation is based on the realm of innate perfection." Xiao Yuan said with a face that seemed to be profound.

Innately perfect?

What is that.

Xiao Yuan explained step by step: "This is a book that is equivalent to the awakening of the host's spiritual power. It is a cultivation technique that starts from the innate perfect state. For ordinary people who have awakened spiritual power, it takes more than It's time, money, and medicinal materials."

"But you, the host, are different. You are a person who has fully awakened innately. You can take it as a daily meal and you are easy to learn, but I found that there is still a little bit of a strangeness in this book."

Xiao Yuan separated from Xiao Qingxuan's mental power. After the last time, he has mastered the soul technique of separation, so he can appear in the real world in the form of a soul state within five hours.

He was suspended in the mid-air of the bed, touching his chin with his index finger intentionally or unintentionally, and pondered: "Master, this spiritual training book is so strange, the book has been covered with a strong spiritual barrier, similar to a protective barrier, It is difficult even for me to understand deeply." Xiao Qingxuan was very concerned about Xiao Yuan's words.

She turned to the second page of the book, and it was all blank, with nothing there, like a book without words.

"Sure enough, host, try breaking the mental barrier with mental power."

Xiao Qingxuan got up, sat cross-legged, and infiltrated the spiritual power into the book, first feeling a soft feeling, and then a strong repulsion.

Then, her mental power was rebounded.

Fortunately, she reacted quickly, quickly withdrew her mental power, and only a small part bounced back.

"Host, I think this spiritual power barrier should be set up for those who have innate perfect spiritual power. Therefore, it must be unlocked. There may be a higher level of spiritual power cultivation inside."

After Xiao Yuan finished speaking, he nodded his head seriously at Xiao Qingxuan, and the face that resembled the little ancestor made her dazed for a while.

"Well, I see."

"I will try my best, but first, start school from the first page." Xiao Qingxuan suspends the book in front of her with mental power, and flips back to the second page. She closes her eyes and puts her hands on her knees , Seriously use spiritual power to cultivate from it.

After about half an hour, fine sweat dripped from the corners of her forehead, her breath became a little messy, and her tightly locked brows also loosened.

(End of this chapter)

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