I'm flirting with tyrants

Chapter 596 9 Snakes

Chapter 596 Hydra

Chapter 605:
First use the healing pagoda to heal Elmin's injuries, and then check on Cai Wenwen who is sitting on the grass in a daze.

"No...it's okay." She thought that at that moment, she was going to die.

"It's fine, was it you who attacked the wolf leader just now?"

Cai Wenwen was taken aback by the question, she regained her composure, "No, even I don't know what's going on."

"Well, then I know." I'm afraid it was Shi Qing's hand.

"Cai Wenwen, how are you..." Ai Ermin, who had one eye closed, asked her with a smiling face.

"Take care of yourself!" If it wasn't for his impulse, it wouldn't be like this.

"Aww——" Suddenly, the pack of wolves howled in terror, with their tails between their legs, and rushed to the side. The monster wolves of the first holy rank also gave up the duel and started running.

"What are these monster wolves doing?" The two who returned to Galuo returned to the stage of advanced peak, and asked questions as if they were puzzled.

"Go!" Xiao Qingxuan, who had disappeared for a long time, flew down from the sky, and sternly shouted at several people with a gloomy expression.

"What's the matter?" Ai Ermin was lifted up by Ya Luo, and finally came directly to be hugged by a princess.

The group of people retreated in the direction they came and went. Although they didn't understand what Xiao Qingxuan told them to retreat, they also vaguely felt that it was not easy.

"Ja Luo...he's so heavy, why don't you let me do it?" How could you let Jia Luo hug a man so ambiguously?
I just couldn't see it!
"Ah? Sister Wen, is what you said true?" The two couldn't help booing. Although they knew that Cai Wenwen was very manly and aggressive, wouldn't it be a little bad to hug a man who was stronger than himself?

"Why, do you underestimate me?" Cai Wenwen frowned and asked dissatisfiedly.

"No, no, Sister Wen, you are overthinking, we just asked casually." Terrible woman.

"Wenwen, you are a girl, you don't have to be like this." Ga Luo sighed, walking quickly, still following the healing pagoda.

He doesn't intend to take it back for a rainy day.

"Hmm." How could she be dazzled?No matter what, I can't lose my face, what is it to hug a man...

Just as Cai Wenwen turned her face away, she saw Xiao Qingxuan's thoughtful expression.

"you like him?

When Cai Wenwen heard the sound transmission, she was surprised at first, then blushed, how did she know!

On the largest screen, a mass of black air spread, engulfing the dense forest.

"Mother, what the hell is that!" The members of the Tigers were retreating as fast as they could.

The first team, the Dixuan team also retreated, and for a while, the surrounding teams or monsters that were close to the black energy all retreated at the same time.

"Referee, explain what that thing is?" The crowd who were watching made a noise, and some people couldn't help asking.

The referee replied unhurriedly, "That's the black air from before the monster was born."

"The black air before the birth of the monster? What kind of monster can make all the members of the first team retreat?"

"No. 1589 of the Xinxin team has also retreated."

"Bai Xi of Tigers has also retired."

"The crescent moon of the Tianxia team has also retreated."

The people watching couldn't help swallowing their breath. They also wanted to know what kind of monster was born to make so many powerful people evacuate.

The faces of the dozen or so people in Residential Area 10 of Qingxiu Garden were not very good.

Zeng Shanshan sighed, "It's Wubancang Hydra, a monster above the supreme level, Shi Qing is in trouble this time."

(End of this chapter)

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