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Chapter 376 Rules

Chapter 376 Rules
In the middle of the colorful aurora lake is an island with a diameter of several million kilometers, which is called Bauhinia Island, and it is also the inheritance place of the Ancestor God Sect.

The periphery of Bauhinia Island is a vacuum zone of tens of thousands of kilometers, and beyond that is the colorful Aurora Lake.

This constitutes the headquarters of the Ancestral God Cult.

Landed on the island and looked ahead.

There are many peaks on Bauhinia Island, and on each of them, there are densely packed palaces, which are connected together to form a palace complex.

A strong aura emanated from it, making Luo Feng and Qin Ming's hearts jump.

"This...!" Looking up, Luo Feng was shocked.

Qin Ming also looked up, showing surprise.

Although some things are already known, it is another matter to see it with one's own eyes.

Above Bauhinia Island, there are incomparably clear circles. After birth, they slowly expand until they burst, forming a cycle of reincarnation.

If only this is the case, it is nothing.

It's just that the circles are the presentation of laws. The ten basic laws of the universe appear in each of them, and there are even laws fused, and the threads of laws are fused into various mysteries and so on.

It is extremely clear, far surpassing those chains of laws in the original universe, and it is more perfect.

"Bauhinia Island is the closest place to 'heaven'!" Jicang said, "Why did the Ancestral God Sect become the most powerful force in the universe? Because it exists in accordance with the will of the universe, it can communicate with the origin of the universe and maintain the order of the universe, so it is naturally rewarded. The appearance of the law above Bauhinia Island is a reward for the origin of the universe and the Ancestral God Religion, and it is also one of the capitals that attracts the powerhouses of all races in the universe."

"The will of the Ancestral God Religion is the will of the origin of the universe!"

This sentence, Ji Cang said sonorously, confidently, and even more domineering.

Luo Feng was shocked!

Qin Ming was silent.

The Ancestral God Sect does have this kind of confidence, because it exists by adhering to the will of heaven and earth.

Of course, this is only in the original universe.

Once you go to the Cosmic Sea, the Ancestral God Sect is nothing.

Immediately afterwards, Ji Cang took them to a mountain ridge and asked them to build a palace. Of course, there were regulations that the length and width could not exceed one kilometer.

This is true regardless of strength or weakness.

At the same time, he also explained some of the situation here.

At the beginning of the universe, the Ancestor God Sect already existed, because it followed the principle of universe fairness and selected descendants for hundreds of millions of races in the entire universe.Just like the human race, throughout the ages, there are only a few hundred people who have accepted the inheritance.

However, the successors of the entire Ancestral God Sect are a million times that of the human race.

In other words, from ancient times to the present, the Ancestral God Sect has produced at least tens of billions of inheritors, and no one knows the exact number.

Those who can come here to accept the inheritance are all the proud sons of the emperor, stunning and peerless, even so, there are tens of billions, how terrifying?
This is the terrifying thing about the Ancestral God Religion.

Even today, there are still hundreds of millions of powerful people living on Bauhinia Island.

There are very few world masters, it can be said that there are very few.

Most of them are immortal, or immortal kings, and of course there are many venerables, even the masters of the universe.

As for the other inheritors, the basic mountains are all dead.

The legacy of death is broken.

It was very simple for Qin and Ming to build the palace. Just put it in the world ring and release it, and it will be completed in a while.

"Remember!" Ji Cang continued to explain, "The palace is an independent space. Without permission, other powerful people are not allowed to enter, otherwise they will be wiped out! If you have slaves or the like, remember not to take them out of the palace, otherwise they will be killed." Being attacked by the colorful aurora lake, it was instantly wiped out. Of course, some attached plant life is an exception. You can also leave tokens in the palace, which can lead to the Kingdom of God and descend directly. If you don’t die, the palace will exist forever!”

While talking, he led Qin and Ming to the highest peak.

Looking up, the mountain peak enters the sky, surrounded by a halo of light, and the law hangs down.

At the very top, there is a palace with a radius of thousands of miles.

"Only the island owner is not restricted in the residence here!" Ji Cang pointed to the palace and said, "That's the island owner's residence. Newcomers must go to pay a visit, let's go!"

While climbing the mountain, Ji Cang pointed to the sky.

There, there is a gap in the colorful aurora lake, and it is shocking to look inside.

In the center of the colorful aurora lake, there is an incomparably huge palace suspended, emitting endless divine light and condensing immeasurable divine power.

"That is the Ancestral God Palace, the residence of the three ancestor gods of the Ancestral God Sect. Generally speaking, there will be one ancestor god sitting in the town!" Ji Cang explained again, "The eight small palaces floating around are the Beast God Palace."

The three great ancestor gods and the eight great beast gods are the top leaders of the ancestor god religion.

Around the eight beast temples, there are many palaces, which are the guardian beast temples.In the periphery, there are 72 continents, which are the residences of gods and generals, also known as the land of beast generals.

Beast General Mainland, not smaller than Bauhinia Island.

In the outermost periphery, there are three thousand stars, and on each star, there is a divine envoy.

The Ancestral Shrine, the Eight Great Beast Shrines, the Guardian Beast Shrine, the 72 God Generals Continent, and the [-] God Envoys and Stars constitute the core of the Ancestral God Sect.

As for Bauhinia Island, it is the place where the inheritors live, and if it does not reach a certain level, the Ancestral God Sect doesn't like it at all.Of course, when you grow to a certain level, you will naturally have corresponding responsibilities.

After all, the inheritance of the Ancestral God Sect is not free.

Free, just for the weak.

In the colorful aurora lake, there are also a large number of islands, on which the outlying members of the Ancestor God Cult live.

The periphery, not entering the core, is equivalent to minions.

Or it can be said to be all kinds of back-ups, such as God's envoys' back-ups, and God's generals' back-ups.

The three great ancestor gods, the eight great beast gods, and many guardian beast gods are all at the level of the master of the universe.It's just that the three ancestor gods are special. With the blessing of the original will of the universe, they are almost invincible in the original universe.

The god will pass on the corresponding venerable.

As for the envoys, they can achieve immortality and become kings.

Whether it is an envoy or a general, once they accept the complete inheritance, they will enjoy the honor of envoy and general, and their strength will skyrocket, but they can no longer improve their strength.

Even so, looking at the universe, it is also flocking to it.

After all, being a king is also a high status.

However, there are only a few respectable positions, and the rest are all backups.

Just like there are many guardian beast gods, although they have received the corresponding inheritance and reached the level of the master of the universe, they are unwilling to sit on the throne of beast gods.

Although the power has skyrocketed, they can't improve their cultivation base. Many of them don't want to, so they become guardian beast gods, providing powerful combat power and power for the Ancestral God Cult.

This is the reward after getting benefits.

Led by Ji Cang, they came to the square in front of the island owner's palace.

"The island owner on Bauhinia Island is the Guardian Beast God!" Having said this, Ji Cang stopped, pointed to the front and said with a smile, "My task is to explain some basic common sense to you, and guide you along the way. Come here. Well, my mission is complete, you all enter the palace!"

After the words fell, he jumped up and flew into the colorful aurora lake.

Only then did Qin and Ming carefully look at the square.

It is very spacious here, there are three fountains in the middle, and the water curtain hangs down, which is very special.

Surrounded by stone pillars, all kinds of strange beasts are carved on them, as well as complicated inscriptions.

Without staying too long, the two walked towards the main hall and entered it.

The main hall is divided into outer hall, atrium and inner hall.

When they arrived at the atrium, they found a human in a black robe sitting cross-legged.

Luo Feng was also a little happy, but unfortunately, this is not the Guardian Beast God, but the servant of the Guardian God Beast.Venerable level, human servant.

Once the new inheritor arrives, it is best to notify the Guardian Beast God.

"The venerable human being is actually a slave!" Luo Feng flashed a look of sadness.

Qin Ming looked indifferent.

In this universe, the strong are respected.

As a strong man, it can almost be said that he can do whatever he wants.

It is normal to accept servants.

It's just that as a human race, I watched the venerable human race become a slave.

Even Qin Ming sighed in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

"I have already informed you, you wait for now!" said the strong man in the black robe, "The shortest is three to five days, and the longest is more than ten years, and the guardian beast god will come."

The two had no choice but to wait.

However, within an hour, there was a terrifying aura coming.

(End of this chapter)

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