Fighting Through the Sky: The First God-killing Witches

Chapter 195 Obtaining the hidden secret of the gods 1

Chapter 195 Obtaining the hidden secret of the gods 1
Huo Yunshang stood aside, watching his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose, waiting quietly and acting according to circumstances.

After kowtowing three times, the old Dragon King stood up and looked at Huo Yunshang, "Girl, I want to give you the treasure of our family, the Zhu Shenjian, but I ask you one thing."

Huo Yunshang closed her eyes, and made a small movement with her hand behind her, only to see a fresh carrot appear in her hand.

"Kaccha," Huo Yunshang took a bite, missing the sweet taste for a long time.

"Speak, Dragon King, I'm all ears."

The old Dragon King was startled by Huo Yunshang's sudden appearance. The carrot appeared too suddenly, "Ahem, girl, I want you to help my family find the spring."

Huo Yunshang raised her eyes in surprise while eating, "Why do you want me to look for it? Why don't you look for it?" After finishing speaking, Huo Yunshang continued to eat. After so long, she was really hungry. Fortunately, there were enough carrots in the ring. And it won't break.

"This... this." Huo Yunshang's sharp question caused the old Dragon King to be embarrassed, and a trace of unease appeared on his old face.

"Girl, let me tell..." A magnetic voice suddenly sounded at the door, it was Long Quan, and he was holding two sandalwood boxes of different shapes in his hand.

He strode in and said as he walked, "Girl, this matter has to start from 500 years ago..."

Huo Yunshang gritted her teeth, shit, it's been another 500 years, what earth-shattering thing happened 500 years ago?It seems that everything now happened because of 500 years ago, the Tana clan is, and the Dragon Snake clan is also.

I saw Longquan open one of the smaller boxes, and took out a mirror with an ancient mythical beast printed on it. The base of the mirror was shining with glaze, and the mirror body was transparent.

Huo Yunshang watched quietly to see what he had to say.

Longquan didn't say anything, but threw himself at the mirror with his own strength. Almost instantly, the mirror emitted a strong golden light.

Suddenly, a picture began to appear in the mirror:
In the mirror, I saw a woman in purple clothes standing upright, her body was surrounded by purple light, her aura was strong, her appearance was astonishing, the so-called immortal beauty, the so-called beautiful face and moon appearance, describing her body, is just an indescribable rhetoric.

Opposite her, there was also an astonishingly imposing man, dressed in white, with a peerless elegance.

Huo Yunshang, who was watching from the side, widened his eyes, because the man was none other than Sha Xiujue.

But at this moment, the image in the mirror changed suddenly. This time the mirror was a cliff. On the cliff, a woman stood facing the wind. Her black hair was disheveled by the wind, and a trace of blood at the corner of her dry mouth had already dried up.

Her flowery face was full of despair, and her eyes were filled with dead silence. In front of her, a charming and peerless man in red said something to her coldly. Then, in front of the woman's eyes, the man jumped into the middle of the sky. Disappeared in a vortex...
"Yue..." The woman let out a desolate hiss, as if she had exhausted her entire life, trying to stop the vortex from disappearing, but it was in vain. The vortex still disappeared, and took away the man in red and her life. Nostalgic and longing, at this moment, her heart died and her body mourned.

The woman walked down the mountain in a trance, she kept chanting "Yue, the moon among the flowers... the moon" even if the branch scratched her cheek and body, she didn't even notice it, as if her heart was in extreme pain, no more pain...

(End of this chapter)

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