Jiuyang Dandi

Chapter 817 The Second Coach

Chapter 817 The Second Coach
Uncle Nine Emperors originally thought that with the God of Flying Tiger standing in front of him, no matter how bad it was, he could at least have a draw.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eyelid, the Flying Tiger God General had already fled.

Even, he didn't even have a chance to buffer.

Hearing that Chu Feng was going to kill him, Uncle Nine Emperors was so frightened that he was so frightened that he immediately sacrificed the magic weapon of the flying shuttle and fled into the distance recklessly.

God General Ling Feng was full of birds' anger, and was suppressed and beaten by Uncle Jiuhuang and others.

Now that he finally has a chance to feel proud, how can he let it go easily?With all his cultivation, he turned into a bolt of lightning and chased after Uncle Nine Emperors.

It's a pity that his speed is still not fast enough.

In addition, Jiuhuangshu's flying shuttle magic weapon is very good, and finally Jiuhuangshu was able to escape.

The three main generals of the enemy army, one dead and one wounded, all fled.It would definitely be a catastrophic blow to the morale of the Qinglong Heavenly Kingdom army below.The troops in the rear have begun to retreat.


God General Ling Feng's voice shook the sky, regardless of the injuries on his body, he took the opportunity to cover up and kill him.

He himself even flew above the low altitude, slashing at the enemy below.Like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, each strike can kill more than a hundred people.

The enemy army could not stand such a horrific massacre.

Fear, panic, and confusion began to spread among the enemy troops.

Coupled with the retreat of the rear army, the panic caused by the front army was even greater.The enemy army began to be routed on a large scale, and there was even a stampede.

Because every soldier wanted to escape alive.

Slow escape means death.

It was this chaotic rout that led to the extremely poor escape efficiency of the enemy troops.Casualties further increased.

Chu Feng didn't make a move, but quietly suspended in the air and watched.

Killing any living being will be tainted with killing.

Occasionally killing one or two powerful enemies may not matter much.But like General Ling Feng, he crazily slaughtered ordinary enemy troops.

Kill tens of thousands of creatures.

This is a big murder, and will be entangled in karma.

It is extremely unfavorable for cultivation.

There will even be catastrophes, and it is easy to be punished by heaven.

Jinque, who had swallowed the inner pill of the demon tiger, was frantically absorbing and refining the demon pill.Its cultivation is also a blowout growth improvement.

Originally there was only one-star little demon cultivation base, but after refining and absorbing the energy in the demon core, its cultivation base was promoted to two-star, three-star...

It has been promoted to the four-star little demon realm, and then it stops.

It is believed that its cultivation base has increased by three small realms, and the confinement divine light it displays will also become more powerful.

Chu Feng didn't dare to expect him to include the saint.

But against the Supreme Sword God level, you can still look forward to it.


After the war ended and Ming Jin withdrew his troops, God General Ling Feng came straight to Chu Feng, looking at Chu Feng with eyes and expressions full of admiration and respect.

Just now, Chu Feng's powerful combat power has won everyone's respect.

Feng Zhenqing and other Raging Fire Sect masters who were enshrined as ancestors all looked ashamed.Compared with Chu Feng and others, their combat exploits are nothing to mention.

"Chu Feng, thanks to your action and turning the tide, you were able to defeat the enemy. I didn't expect your strength to be so terrifying, but I was mistaken. This is the badge of the deputy commander. Please accept it. If the general If you die in battle or are absent, you are the supreme commander of the Ancestral Demon Sea battlefield."

God Ling Feng solemnly took out a dark red tiger head token from his bosom.

According to the rules, the commander's token is also divided into several levels.

Ordinary generals generally hold wolf head tokens.

Corresponding to the Greedy Wolf General Star.

The more advanced one is this kind of tiger head token, the dark red color is the highest level.The worst is the silver tiger head token.

It symbolizes the king of beasts, implying commanding generals and controlling thousands of troops.

The tiger head token that God General Ling Feng gave to Chu Feng has no king character engraved on it, so it is lower in rank than the tiger head token that God General Ling Feng holds.

Only the people in the military camp can tell the details here.

It has supreme authority in the barracks.

It can command thousands of troops and decide all military affairs, large and small.Including change, promotion, strategic deployment and so on.

Feng Zhenqing looked a little hot.

He also got a tiger head token, but it was golden.It is lower than Chu Feng in level.

The majestic supreme sword god of one calamity, but was overpowered by a one-star sword god, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

But frightened by Chu Feng's astonishing combat power, he never dared to show it.

In the army, one always speaks by strength.Whoever is strong can dominate everything.

"I can accept the token, but I have my words first. I will not be any general or military officer of Suzaku Heaven." Chu Feng is not interested in power.

While gaining power, it is also a fetter.

His words immediately attracted murderous gazes from envious people.

For the other powerhouses, if they can get the second command of the Ancestral Demon Sea Battlefield, I believe they will rush to agree.

Fortunately, Chu Feng put on an expression of reluctance.

It was as if General Ling Feng had begged him to accept this commander's order.

And that's true.

General Ling Feng is loyal to Suzaku Heaven, and he has fought against the enemies of Qinglong Heaven many times, which made him feel a huge crisis.Accidents may happen at any time, and you will fall or be captured by the enemy.

Therefore, you must prepare early.

In this way, even if he falls or has other accidents, the army will not be seriously affected.

Chu Feng could stand up immediately to replace him and become the supreme commander.

If something happened to Chu Feng, then it would be Feng Zhenqing's turn to preside over the overall situation.

The last time the Raging Fire Sect colluded with the Dragon Slaying Sect of Suzaku Heaven and imprisoned Chu Feng, he wanted to receive a heavy reward.Although this incident has passed, it has also become a stain on the Agni Fire Sect.

The high-level executives of Suzaku Heaven are very wary of the Raging Fire Sect.

This is also one of the reasons why Ling Feng didn't give Feng Zhenqing the command of the dark red tiger head commander.

"With Brother Chu's strength, as long as I agree, I can recommend you to be promoted to the third-rank general of Suzaku Heaven. Don't you think about it?" General Ling Feng asked tentatively.

"Not to mention a third-rank general, even a first-rank general, my master doesn't like it. As early as a few years ago, my master had not been promoted to the sword god, and the eldest princess had recruited him, and even promised a third-rank god. general position."

Yan Qing interrupted with a look of disdain.

"Uh... that's right! Brother Chu Feng, please accept this commander's order, so that I can feel at ease." God General Ling Feng smiled embarrassingly, and presented the commander's order to Chu Feng.

"Okay!" Chu Feng didn't refuse any more. With this order, he can also seek certain benefits for the masters of Wan Jianzong.

At least I won't sit on the bench again.

After Chu Feng took the commander-in-chief, he looked at Vice General He with a mocking expression.

"Deputy General He, I don't know how much military service I have achieved now? Can I change to a separate tent?" Everyone could hear that there was a strong sarcasm in Chu Feng's tone.

(End of this chapter)

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