Jiuyang Dandi

Chapter 878 Situation Reversal

Chapter 878 Situation Reversal
"Zhu Tianyao, you and I are both heroes, so don't pretend to be arrogant! This emperor doesn't believe it, are you willing to watch Chu Feng grow up?" Panlong and Suzaku have fought for many years, and he knows Suzaku very well.

They are all ambitious and unscrupulous people.

It's just that Panlong Tiandi never hides his actions, and he can do whatever he wants.But Suzaku Heavenly Emperor is very hypocritical, on the surface he is a gentleman, but secretly likes to play tricks and tricks.

Typical two-faced person.

"You and Chu Feng have turned against each other. If he becomes climate, he will become a sword hanging over your head! At that time, it will be difficult to get rid of him." Panlong Tiandi said sadly .

Emperor Suzaku still didn't stop, there was only one small spot left.

"Zhu Tianyao, you will regret it later!" Panlong Tiandi cursed angrily with a thin voice.

The plan to take Suzaku Heavenly Kingdom to clean up Chu Feng went bankrupt, and Emperor Panlong had no other choice.

He could only sullenly order his Dragon and Tiger Guards to attack desperately.

At the same time, he sent people to secretly mobilize the army, ready to come to help.And set out to deal with Suzaku Heaven's army.


In Qinglong City, Chu Feng saw that there would be no danger in the outer city for the time being, so he immediately told General Ling Feng to lead the army here to defend against the enemy.And he himself rushed to the inner city alone.

He wants to personally command the army and bring down the palace.

"Chang'e, you bitch, where else can you escape this time?"

When Chu Feng thought of Chang'e, he gritted his teeth with hatred and murderous intent.

Not long after, Chu Feng rushed to the inner city.

This is the imperial capital of the Qinglong Empire, no matter how weak the defense is.However, there are still [-] forbidden troops stationed in the inner city, responsible for protecting the safety of the imperial capital and the palace.

After Beixie Guoshi led an army of 30 troops and successfully entered the inner city, they encountered strong resistance.

When Chu Feng arrived, the two sides were still fighting fiercely.

"Emperor!" Beixie Guoshi hurriedly saluted when Chu Feng arrived.

"Have you found the center of the large formation to protect the city?" Chu Feng found his two beautiful wives, who were very heroic, fighting hard to kill the enemy.

There was pity in his heart.

These years have really suffered for them.Following Chu Feng did not lead a stable life.

Because Chu Feng has countless powerful enemies.

"Just now, an enemy general was captured alive. After interrogation, I found out that the eyes of the defense formation are in the palace. The enemy's imperial army is about [-]. They resisted tenaciously and have not yet taken down the entire inner city. .As for the palace, it's even more difficult!"

Beixie Guoshi himself has only a one-star sword god cultivation level, and the 30 army he leads is full of miscellaneous troops.

Combat strength can only be regarded as average.

Facing the [-] forbidden troops of Qinglong Heaven, even if he tried his best, it would be difficult for him to win in a very short period of time.

It is already very good to be able to take down the inner city.

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter if we take our time! It's okay to stick to the outer city for another ten days." Chu Feng comforted in a warm voice.

"The emperor is blessed and blessed, and it is God's will to have [-] masters from Wan Jianzong help in times of crisis. I believe that Da Chu will be able to take the most critical step."

Beixie Guoshi already knew what happened in the outer city.

Chu Feng nodded, flew forward, and fought side by side with the two wives.

A group of soldiers saw that the emperor personally went to battle to kill the enemy, and they were encouraged, and their morale was high.They are also more heroic in killing the enemy.

Even with the super master Chu Feng joining, including Chu Feng's demon body also joined the battle.

But in the face of the tenacious resistance of the [-] imperial guards, it is simply a dream to easily capture the palace.

As time passed, Chu Feng's army began to exhaust itself.

In order to resist the top masters of the Qinglong royal family, they had already formed an army and fought hard for two days and two nights.Now attack the inner city and fight hard for another day.

The soldiers have almost reached their limits, and many of them are exhausted.

Chu Feng found that the inner city had basically been taken down, and only the imperial palace remained.

"Order the three armies to cease fighting and rest for one night. After dawn tomorrow morning, eat and drink enough, recharge your batteries, and then attack the palace with all your strength." Chu Feng shouted loudly.

After fighting for so long, the enemy army has already recognized the strength of the Chu army. They don't seek meritorious service, but seek to be innocent.

They all retreated into the palace, preparing to use the powerful defense of the palace to resist stubbornly.

It is not an exaggeration to call the imperial palace of Qinglong Heavenly Kingdom an iron wall.

To break through tomorrow, I am afraid there is still a tough battle to fight.

Chu Feng and the army under his command had a rest in the inner city for one night, so they didn't mention it.

He strictly ordered his subordinates not to disturb the people, let alone hurt innocent people.

It also won some hearts and minds.

At least during the rest of the night, no people from the inner city came to attack the camp and make trouble.

For the people, it doesn't matter who is the emperor.

They just want to live, just want to be able to eat and wear warmth, and the family is safe and sound, and that is enough.

In a spacious room in the handsome mansion, Chu Feng looked at the two beautiful wives, who were adjusting their breath with their eyes closed, recovering the lost sword energy.

"I really hope that one day, I will no longer be in exile. I have a quiet land that belongs to me, my home. I will live with my beautiful wife and concubine until the end of my life." Chu Feng enjoyed this rare tranquility very much.

He knew that this was just a fantasy.

Tomorrow, he will have to fight hard.

The night passed in the blink of an eye.On the second day, Chu Feng commanded the army to attack the palace with all his strength, so he didn't mention it.

It's just that the strength of the palace is beyond imagination.

Fighting all day, but failed to capture.

Fortunately, there is no danger in the outer city for the time being, otherwise, Chu Feng's situation will become extremely dangerous.The Great Chu Empire may even destroy the country directly.


Three days in a row passed, and the palace still failed to be captured.

Chu Feng, Beixie Guoshi and others were very anxious. The longer the delay, the more unfavorable it would be to the Great Chu Empire.

The masters of Wan Jianzong in the outer city fought against the enemy for days, and they also suffered a lot of casualties.

The 30 dragon and tiger guards of Qinglong Heaven are not vegetarians.

The master of Wan Jianzong is more suitable for fighting alone.It is extremely unfavorable for them to fight and fight on a large scale on the battlefield.After all, they have never received special military training, and their coordination and group attack and group defense experience are much worse than those of Longhuwei.

On the fourth day, another bad news came.

Qinglong Heavenly Kingdom brought back 300 million troops from the front battlefield, of which 200 million were to fight with the army led by Suzaku Heavenly Emperor.The remaining 100 million have already arrived outside Azure Dragon City.

This is an army of millions, even if it is not as good as Longhuwei, it is still an elite army.

For Da Chu's side, it was like adding insult to injury.

The only thing to be thankful for is that the 100 million army was extremely tired after traveling all night.There is no siege yet, just camping in the rear to rest.

"Everyone in Dachu, listen, your time of death is coming! If you want to live, immediately go out of the city and kneel down and beg for surrender. This emperor can raise your hand and let him live!" Panlong Tiandi called the army, and he was determined.

(End of this chapter)

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