The girl who wears fast will be blackened

Chapter 1030 Where are you from 4

Chapter 1030 Where are you from 4
The fish felt better after eating the spiritual energy. Under Beibei's secret conditioning, this fish was much more flexible than before.

"You said you want to raise this fish? But the key is, do you know how to raise fish?" Tu Zilong asked in disbelief when he heard the plan Tu Hai told him.

"How do we know if we haven't tried it? Besides, it won't matter if you try it? Anyway, if you don't do it with us, brother, we will still do it ourselves..." Tu Hai said.

"That's fine! Anyway, there is still a lot of this meat, young people need to have some enthusiasm, you can raise this fish! But the next time I catch a fish after raising it to death, I won't let you play like this!" After all, Tu Zilong is more sensible. He doesn't want Tu Hai, a bastard, to be easily fooled by Beibei. He will follow whatever Beibei thinks about?
Since they want to raise crabs, they have to find a smaller place, because now they have no money to pay for the reservoir, so they can only go to an abandoned chicken shed that used to raise chickens on the mountain. A large reservoir can be used.

There is a lot of rain in summer, which just happens to be convenient for them to not even need to drink water, and there are quite a lot of mosquito seedlings growing in the pool inside.

Beibei and Tu Hai put all the small crabs in, and put the flower star fish in with them. Finally, it was almost the same, and they went home and took the small fish to the river to catch some big-bellied fish. Pour it into the sink.

These fish can help to eat the mosquito fry in the water, and by the way, it is also convenient for the small crabs to catch these small fry. The small crabs in the river grow from eating the small fish fry. Beibei worked hard to get inside Some rice flower fish and so on are put in, anyway, this big fish pond is very big.

When it was about the same time, Mother Tu told them to go back to eat in the mountains. After eating, Beibei and Tu Hai continued to work. They are all relatively stupid, and Beibei caught about three catties of small crabs, some sleeping rice flower fish, and some flower star fry, and Beibei caught them back. The fry don't know what's going on!As a result, Beibei was caught.

After getting them back, Beibei quickly reformed them and put them in the water. When they got up the next morning, the two of them got up early and went to the abandoned chicken farm on the mountain.

When they climbed up, they looked at the small fish and river crabs inside, and after finding that these little things were all right, they were relieved.

"Brother, I heard that some crabs need to make holes in winter, but this pool is surrounded by cement, which is too hard to make holes for these small crabs. If it is not possible to make holes at this time , we have no way to guarantee the next batch of seedlings, let's go to the pond and dig some more mud later!" Beibei called to the excited Tu Hai beside him.

"This is fine!" Tu Hai nodded without even thinking about it, his enthusiasm was even more enthusiastic than Beibei's, and he was the one who woke him up this morning!

It may be that they got up a little early, so the family's big yellow dog also came here. At this moment, seeing the two little masters lying there watching something, it also lay on the side and stretched out its tongue, and then continued to stick out its tongue to express It's hot.

"Sister, these guys seem to be much more energetic than last night." Tu Hai saw that none of the crabs in it were dead. He was immediately happy, and he hadn't been so happy for a long time. If they can earn money, does that mean that their mother can also stay at home and make one with them, and they don’t have to go out in the future, and their father who works outside can also come back to help, and their family can also start a business in the future, isn’t that even more Ok?

"Yeah!" Beibei was also surprised. When I passed it yesterday, it just combed some crabs slightly, so as to stimulate the genes of some crabs. Now seeing that these crabs are all good in size, she is also happy, and even more so. Some river crabs have produced a lot of small river crabs, and small transparent crabs are crawling inside.

This reservoir is also [-] square meters, and it is half full of water, which is very convenient for them to continue to breed river crabs.

After watching these river crabs and flower star fish, the two went home to dig mud in the river, wearing high bucket shoes, otherwise they would be bitten by some leeches when digging mud in the river.

Because the environment in this small mountain village is still very good, surrounded by hills, surrounded by some scattered small fields in the middle, Beibei's family's fields are also in this, the reason why Tu's mother didn't go out to work so quickly is because There are still some fields in the family that have not been harvested, and she is thinking of waiting until the rice is handed over to the harvester before making plans.

And when the rice is harvested, their river crabs will be ready to be sold, and they will have the first sum of money at that time. Counting these river crabs, they seem to weigh about twenty catties. Because it’s not close to autumn, the people in the village haven’t touched the crabs recently, but these are all wild and don’t exist at all. Beibei and Tu Hai just go out when no one touches the crabs. Explore these little crabs.

The temperature of the pool should not be too high during the day, so Beibei and the others rushed to cover the discarded asbestos tiles on it. After pouring more than a dozen buckets of mud into it, the crabs behind seemed to like it very much, especially Some small crabs got into it all at once.

These crabs are omnivores, so in addition to eating some small fish and shrimps, some organic matter in the mud is also their main source of food.

"When we dig you back later, let's go back with some aquatic plants. If there are aquatic plants, we don't have to worry about the lack of oxygen in the water..." Beibei also pulled out these aquatic plants vigorously, and soon After pulling up all these aquatic plants, I started to dig out the mud again. Finally, it was almost done. It should be enough for their crabs to have big holes. Then I stopped and kept a little strength to continue touching crabs at night.

But now she still takes the opportunity to sort out some river crabs, trying to change the genes of these crabs as soon as possible, and slowly raise them up, and as long as she regains the spirit-gathering talisman, she won't have to worry about not having spiritual liquid in the future thing.

Speaking of it, it seems that Beibei hasn't used the spirit-gathering talisman for a long time, and it just so happens that they can pick it up again this time, and when they went to the street yesterday, they also found that there are not many other things in this small town, it seems that there are too many fortune-tellers , but I really can't trust them too much. After all, these are serious liars.

When Beibei and the others finished their work, Mother Tu over there started calling them to go back for dinner.

"Let's go! Let's go back to eat, come and have a look after eating..." Tu Hai really likes this kind of thing more and more, this enthusiasm is even stronger than Beibei, if Beibei didn't call him, He has to keep staring at it.

"Yeah!" Tu Hai nodded, and followed back with some reluctance, and he didn't forget to ask on the way, "Sister, where do you think we are going to catch crabs tonight?"

"Oh! It seems that we didn't take pictures of the reservoir! But it's not very safe to go inside at night. Don't we have time this afternoon? Let's check if there are any stone crabs when we go to search in the afternoon. If there are, we will It can also be captured, and it happens to be another place where it can be raised.”

"There are two pools, one is for raising river crabs, and the other is for raising stone crabs. It seems that the price of stone crabs is similar to that of river crabs, and a bit more expensive than river crabs, isn't it?" Bei Bei didn't pay much attention to the stone crabs yesterday. He put all his energy on the river crab, but Tu Hai was very motivated to do business, so he asked everything at once.

"Hmm! Stone crabs are more expensive than river crabs, because stone crabs can grow bigger than river crabs, and the water quality that stone crabs require is better than river crabs, so the price will naturally rise accordingly." Tu Hai said lightly. .

(End of this chapter)

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