The girl who wears fast will be blackened

Chapter 549 Girlfriend From 5 Years 32

Chapter 549 Girlfriend From 5000 Years 32
"How sure are you of killing Yao Beibei!" Now Jiang Yuyan didn't hold back her true colors at all, she just said this in front of Yao's mother.

Mother Yao didn't like it very much. Although she didn't like this little daughter, after Jiang Yuyan treated her like that just now, she finally saw clearly that her own sacrifices were still not worth the elder daughter's own interests.

She actually pushed her out for herself at a critical moment. This kind of behavior deeply hurt her heart. She was really mistaken. Anyway, although her little daughter is always choking on her, but she is here The second is to come back and take a look at yourself.

"..." Junan's expression darkened slightly when he heard this, and he subconsciously shook his head.

"When did your family have such a master?" Junan said while subconsciously touching his scar that was injured by Beibei, and he who was a bit of a masochist started to be interested in Beibei. He said that he was interested in her strength, and if she could breed more offspring for him, then his strength would definitely be more than what he is now.

"..." Jiang Yuyan frowned slightly when she heard Junan's words. Naturally, she could see that this disgusting leech demon was interested in Beibei. As long as he was interested in that woman, she would not have to worry about no one following her. He joined forces to deal with Yao Beibei.

"As for when, I don't know, I have to ask my mother!" Jiang Yuyan said and looked at Yao's mother.

"I, I..." Yao's mother panicked, she subconsciously wanted to back away, but the next second she was pulled back by a soft leech.

"I really don't know...I don't know anything..." Yao's mother panicked.

"I really don't know?" Junan didn't believe Yao's mother's words, he hooked his finger lightly, and Yao's mother was brought to him immediately. He leaned in and sprayed a cold breath on her neck. He bared his fangs and bit down on his neck.

Mother Yao's eyes shrank suddenly, her face gradually became paler and paler, and she almost fainted in the end, when she fainted, Junan let her go.

There was still blood at the corner of his mouth, and he seemed to have a good taste: "Yes, my offspring are also growing well, didn't lie to me."

"..." Jiang Yuyan felt disgusted when she heard these words, but she had to continue to cooperate with him. As for Yao's mother's life and death, she couldn't control so much at all.

"..." Yao's mother heard the words, and the terror in her heart increased, especially when she was dragged in by this man, she had no way out, and the man didn't know what was put in her body. Every step I take, I can feel thousands of bugs crawling on my body, every blood vessel, every inch of skin is full of those things, it's disgusting.

She saw the original form of this demon, it was a big leech, that kind of disgusting blood-sucking insect, she was insulted by a leech demon, and now she has to raise offspring for him, and all this is because she pets The monster brought by the eldest daughter of the old man killed himself like this.

"I really don't know?" Jiang Yuyan couldn't believe it, but Junan said that he should have some means to get other people's memories. If Yao's mother doesn't know, then there is something wrong with Yao Beibei, but she It's not a ghost, it's different from me, and her technique can overwhelm all evil forces in blood, so every time I fight her, I suffer.

Now that Junan can't deal with her, is it hard to repay her hatred in this life?No, absolutely not like this...

"Are you questioning my words?"

"No... I'm just a little surprised... After all, the former Yao Beibei was also an ordinary person."

"..." Junan subconsciously sank his eyes when he heard the words, and finally looked at Yao's mother. This woman must not experience being sucked by him again, otherwise his offspring who planted on her would not survive, so he temporarily She gave up her plan to continue having blood with Yao's mother.

"It's not impossible to deal with it, as long as I absorb a little more strength, for example you..." Junan said subconsciously looking at her lower abdomen.

This female ghost is not willing to absorb her power for herself. Every time he puts his descendants on her, she kills him. She will not be given a chance to resist.

"Junan, don't go too far... Don't you think that if I don't resist you, I will really be afraid of you?" Jiang Yuyan said angrily.

"Hehe... I was joking, little beauty... Do you take it seriously?" Junan saw Jiang Yuyan smiled angrily, and immediately coaxed her back.

"..." Jiang Yuyan still looked at him suspiciously after hearing the words, and finally turned around and left.

After Beibei came out, she didn't go very far, she immediately found a house nearby, and prepared to do a close combat to see what was hiding in Yao's house, even though she was suppressing those things just now , but in order to be able to eliminate these things as soon as possible, she must thoroughly understand it before she can do it.

However, this time it wasn't that she didn't want to save Mother Yao, but that Mother Yao's body was already infected, and even if she got him out, it would still be harmful.

When she was in the living room, she secretly observed Yao's mother's situation, and found that her skin was a little strange. Several times, she had keenly seen something crawling around her neck, something crawling inside her skin, but People can still live, what the hell is this, it's so disgusting.

Thinking of those things, Beibei felt disgusted subconsciously, took out a tissue and rubbed the place that was touched by that thing just now.

When he returned to Zhang's house, Zhang Mingye was still waiting for her to come back at the door, watching her approach from afar, he immediately picked a wild flower from the roadside and brought it up directly.

"Haven't you heard the saying, don't pick wild flowers on the roadside?" Beibei smiled subconsciously, but still held the flowers in her hands.

"These are not wild flowers on the side of the road. They are planted by my family. They don't belong to the side of the road..." Zhang Mingye smiled. After being with Beibei for a while, she trained her already naughty face to be as cute as a puppy. With the nature of a loyal dog, even his colorful hair was dyed back immediately after Beibei came here.

"Insincere..." Beibei pursed her mouth, and she was about to throw away the flowers, but Zhang Mingye came over and took the flowers that were about to be thrown away: "Daughter-in-law, you just make up for it, and I will give it to you on Valentine's Day another day." Nine hundred and ninety wild flowers..."

"Wildflowers?" Beibei's face froze when she heard the words, and she looked at him subconsciously. Zhang Mingye was also taken aback, and he was quick to talk, and hurried to make up: "It's not wildflowers, it's domestic flowers!"

"I see through your essence, do you think that one day I will go pick wild flowers when I get bored?"

"..." Zhang Mingye was heartbroken when he heard the words, he didn't mean that, but now he didn't have time to think about it and hurried after his wife to explain.

(End of this chapter)

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