The girl who wears fast will be blackened

Chapter 853 Farewell My Concubine Lishan 5

Chapter 853 Farewell My Concubine Lishan 5
I have already bought several sets of clothes, and these clothes will soon cost her a large sum of money to buy wild game, but fortunately, she also has a pot to cook now, so she doesn't have to bake them all day long. What is the baked food? It's a bit hot, and the taste is not very good. Now that there is a small pot that is easy to carry, Beibei really likes it. If it wasn't for the mission, she didn't want to leave the small nest she made.

The terrain here is very secretive, and few people can find it here. Even some wild beasts don't want to come here, let alone other strangers.

The small yard surrounded by busy work last night is quite useful, because there were foxes coming over yesterday, and some wolves came over today. When these wolves appeared, Beibei immediately swept them away with mental power , directly scare these wolves away.

With mental strength, these wolves are just paper tigers to her. However, there are still dangers when there are many wolves, so Beibei should be more careful. As long as these wolves and tigers are not provoked by the big black bear, she will not go there. attack them.

Beibei got up in the morning and was busy around again, making some safety traps, mainly to prevent these things from attacking.

After it was done, Beibei was ready to find the prickly ash plant she met last time in the mountain, and prepared to pick some more.

With Zanthoxylum bungeanum, she can get a lot of dried fish and spicy meat. As long as these things are marinated, they can be stored conveniently.

After finding the pepper plant, Beibei picked off all the overripe and old peppercorns on the tree, and finally left some new flowers, which Beibei didn't touch.

This time, Beibei came to pick some old peppercorns, so after picking a batch, there are still a lot of them, and there are a lot of them. After a few days, go to the deeper woods to see if there are any bison. It would be good to get a bison to run errands for yourself. It would be even better if you can meet wild horses.

When I came to that river, I could still see a lot of fish flopping in the water. No one set foot on the mountain. Even if someone came up to collect firewood, they didn't dare to come any further. The beasts in the mountain There are many haunts, if Beibei has a little bit of self-protection ability, she probably wouldn't dare to wander here.

These fish seemed to be very curious about Beibei's appearance, so when she appeared, some fish frantically swam to the side to look at Beibei.

"These silly fish, this curiosity is too much!" Beibei smiled, reached in and started to continue the electric fish business.

Anyway, Sansheng has already seen through Beibei's essence, so when he saw this incident again, he was very calm, very calm, no one was calmer than him.

After a while, Beibei got a lot of fish. This time, Beibei was still the same as last time, focusing on those big fish. After bringing up several big fish and some carp, Beibei was ready to kill the fish. After doing these things, she started to carry the fish back, and the small cave made with a little bamboo looked like home.

Go back and open the door, then close the door, wash the pot with the returned water, and prepare to make a boiled pepper fish. There is no way, the fish without ginger is very smelly, so she has to cover it with pepper. fishy smell.

"Okay!" Clean the cauldron a little bit, put a little water in it to boil, remove the rust, and the fish oil you brought back can just be put in and boiled to wash the pan.

After removing all the rust from the pot, Beibei immediately began to cook fish soup. It had been a long time since she had eaten boiled food like this.

Damn, this time, Sansheng put her in such a place where no shit would happen, she forced herself to be a savage.

Beibei couldn't help complaining, and it was cooked soon, so she quickly took out a bowl and filled it up for herself.

With peppercorns, it tastes spicy and spicy, but it is easy to cover up the fishy smell.

Maybe it's because Beibei cooked something delicious this time. Just as she came out, she saw a big tiger circling outside. The tiger immediately became nervous when it saw Beibei, and its eyes locked onto her figure. .

Beibei could see the tiger, she held the knife tightly around her waist quietly, and the next second she saw that the tiger was about to pounce towards her, she dodged and dodged, and the huge figure jumped from her As she swiped past her, she held the sword subconsciously and swiped away. This tiger was also sensitive and dodged in an instant. The blade of the sword swiped across in an instant, but only cut a little bit of its hair.

When Beibei saw this, it was also annoying, the tiger jumped down and immediately turned around and swept over to Beibei.

"Huh! Not bad! But I'm not a vegetarian..." Beibei jumped at it again as soon as she said it, and immediately threw the tiger down. The tiger also opened its mouth and roared, and dared to swallow Bei pretended to act as if he was really not afraid that Beibei would hurt it. Faced with such a tiger, Beibei was also impatient.

However, this tiger didn't seem to be ready to fight Beibei. It quickly avoided it and continued to prepare for the challenge. After being injured by Beibei several times, it left in despair. .

Watching that tiger leave Bei Bei was speechless, but she didn't pay much attention to it, she could still escape if she was beaten, and it wasn't a pretense to activate the wind ability for a few days, and her ability to escape is still very strong now .

After beating the tiger away, Beibei went back to her small place, began to grind a piece of inferior jade with yellow paper, and then poured it in with Tisrai, and quickly finished the cinnabar, using it many times This method is very good, and now she has achieved comprehension.

There are other things that can be used to make some cheap charm charms.

The one just made can be regarded as a cheap spirit-gathering talisman, but to gather spiritual energy and compress it into spiritual liquid also depends on the thickness of the spiritual liquid in each world, and it cannot be said that that world is much easier to use.

This world has a school of Taoism, and it is also a simulated ancient world. The aura in it is still very abundant. It is difficult to arouse the blood of Tees in any world, but it is not so difficult compared to the wind ability, so At this time, Beibei has already used the wind ability to learn a lot of things to escape. It turns out that the ancient lightness kung fu is actually evolved from the wind ability being stimulated to a certain level.

The spirit-gathering talisman must first gather the mental power of concentration and draw it stroke by stroke. Both the brain and the spirit must be in place, and Beibei will soon draw a picture.

As long as the talisman paper is drawn, Beibei will immediately put it next to the fire to dry some, so that the cinnabar and the yellow paper can be fused together, and there is no need for the cinnabar to seep out when the aura is gathered.

Put one aside to dry, and after a short break, Beibei quickly drew two more, dried them together, and then stuffed them into a dry jar, this small jar To open the mouth.

After doing all this, Beibei began to lie on the side and sleep.

When Beibei woke up the next day, he just opened the door and came out, but unexpectedly saw the tiger with the big king character on his forehead last night again.

"Damn! Don't you! Are you thinking about me?" Beibei was also drunk when she saw this indomitable tiger. Yesterday, she beat it to death, but it dared to come over the next day, which is not ordinary. Will the big tiger try to avoid it after being beaten?How can I say that I taught it a lesson yesterday, it should have a long memory, however!

When Beibei saw this tiger, she was also drunk, but the other tiger seemed to stand up immediately after seeing Beibei coming out, staring at Beibei with burning eyes.

"Come on!" Beibei took out his sword without saying anything when he saw it, but this time the tiger didn't intend to fight. He glanced at Beibei and subconsciously licked his own wound. Know it is to express several meanings.

"Do you want to hit me or not? It wasn't enough to beat you yesterday, right?"

"..." The tiger neither barked nor roared, but licked his own wound.

"..." Beibei immediately felt that she was also stupid, how could she talk to the tiger, it was only strange that it could understand her own words.

(End of this chapter)

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