When salted fish enters the escape game

Chapter 204 The first person to choose

Chapter 204 The First Candidate

So Jiang Li turned around and went back to the room to take out a basin.

"You follow me, just let me wash up."

It is impossible to take a bath, but it is still possible to wash your face.

Jiang Li wiped his face and asked, "Why are you running here every day instead of following that evil ghost at night?"

"Hehe..." The Heituanzi might have answered, but Jiang Li couldn't understand.


Forget it.

After washing his face, Jiang Li stood up and walked back, his footsteps suddenly paused: "The time is almost up, who is the evil spirit choosing to kill tonight?"


What did it say?
Jiang Li's face darkened, and he said in a deep voice, "Show me the room."

The black group still surrounded her without moving.

Jiang Li walked a few steps, then suddenly stopped, looked at them, and said with a faint smile, "Could it be me?"

The black group: "..."

Seeing that they didn't move and didn't make a sound, Jiang Li smiled even more interestingly: "It's really me."

That's really interesting then.

"So you came here to serve as an umbrella for me without complaint, just to help the evil spirits guard me well?"


So that's what she said.

Jiang Li suddenly felt angry and funny.

These black gangsters are really kind to that evil spirit.

In order to help it guard the target it was going to kill, it was so wronged to serve her as an umbrella.

Go ask Ji Xiaoyu, in which dungeon will the person who is about to be killed be treated so well by her?
Is this hoping that she can die cleanly before she dies?


Jiang Li laughed very unemotionally.

Extremely perfunctory.

Jiang Li put the water basin back into the room and walked out.

"Come, come, cover me tightly, I'll wait here for the evil spirits to come."

As soon as she finished saying this, the black group who were originally behind her immediately moved to the front.

Although I can't understand what they say, this behavior can still be understood.

"Don't let me out, let me go in?"

The Black Tuanzi didn't move or make a sound, probably that's what they meant.

Jiang Li sneered, "I am naturally rebellious, if you don't let me do something, I will do something."

Heituanzi, you: "..."

The two sides were in a stalemate for a moment, and suddenly a gust of cold wind blew over.

This cold wind is not just cold because of the low temperature, it is the cold seeping from the bones.

Jiang Li is not afraid of the cold, and he doesn't have much feeling for the temperature.

But at this moment, she felt a kind of cold personally.

It seems that there is a cold wind howling in the bones.

As long as this horse rider is still alive, he will definitely feel it.

And the black group around her seemed to start shaking too.

Then "wow" all of them dispersed.

But they seemed to have a little conscience, but they all gathered on top of her head, a large black mass.

Blocked all the heavy rain on top, but still couldn't get half a drop of rain on her.

So, shouldn't she secretly thank them for their help?

The evil spirits are about to come to kill her, they are strange things from the evil spirits side, and they even come to protect her from the rain.

However, Jiang Li looked indifferent.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The ground began to shake, and everything around was shaking under a very strong pressure.

It was the same tremor they had noticed behind wooden doors during the day.

Jiang Li narrowed his eyes slightly, it was the incarnation of an evil spirit coming.

But it's such a big move to kill someone, it's not like the evil spirits in the previous two dungeons.

(End of this chapter)

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