Chapter 726 Travel
After everyone packed their things, they booked a ticket for the next morning.

Bubei and Ji Xiaoyu are going abroad.

It is said that he has never been abroad, and the foreign language he has learned has not been put to use, so he is really unwilling.

Not worth it.

Or just want to go abroad to see.

But Jiang Li and Qin Du didn't plan to go abroad, and the route they made was to play around the country.

Their time is not as tense as Ji Xiaoyu's route.

But they planned to spend two months on it from the start.

A group of people separated at the airport.

Qin Du and Jiang Li's plane was earlier, they got on the plane first, and they were going to a province in China.

There are famous natural attractions there.

Of course, there must be artificial traces.

Compared with going to amusement parks, ocean parks and other places, Jiang Li prefers this kind of natural mountain attractions.

Probably a long time ago, the place where she lived was the top of the mountain, so she would have a natural intimacy with these places.

She is actually a very nostalgic person.

The plane is only two hours away.

After getting off the plane, Qin Du booked a car to take them to a hotel near the scenic spot.

He's all set.

Booked a suite with two bedrooms sharing a living room.

Qin Du took their luggage and took Jiang Li back to the room.

"Little beauty, this bedroom has good lighting and is the largest. It's for you to sleep in."

"Okay." For such a trivial matter, Jiang Li listened to the arrangement and had no opinion.

Qin Du put their luggage in their respective rooms, checked the privacy and cleanliness of the room, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, he asked Jiang Li, "Little beauty, do you want to eat?"

"You can eat something."

"Should I go out to eat, or let the hotel send it?"

"Forget it now. I just got off the plane and I'm in a hurry. Let the hotel deliver it. We'll go out to eat in the evening. You should have made a strategy for this, right?"

"Of course I did." Qin Du said with a smile: "Little beauty likes to eat in one bite, of course I have to do my best to prepare."

Jiang Li smiled: "Very good."

At noon they called the hotel service.

In fact, neither of them was hungry, they just wanted to taste the food here.

Facts have proved that the dishes are not bad, but not so amazing.

They had a quick meal, and then watched the scenery from the bay window.

Because their floor is very high, from the top down, you can see the whole street.

The two sat cross-legged, Qin Du showed Jiang Li the route he had made, and the two discussed it together.

"The mountains here are very high and the scenery is very beautiful. You should like it. In fact, there are several mountains in foreign countries. If you want, I can take you there too. Bring some climbing equipment. It should feel good."

Jiang Li lacked interest: "I grew up here, and it's been so many years. If I wanted to go out and have a look, I would have gone there long ago. There is no need to go now. I always feel that the mountains outside are not as good as those in my hometown."

Jiang Li grew up on the top of Kunlun from a long time ago.

The top of Kunlun is in the Central Plains.

Although she has no national hatred and family hatred, the Central Plains is her hometown.

The former Central Plains, today's country.

She has no concept of cities, but this whole country is her home, her hometown.

People always think that their own home is the best.

With a lazy temper like Jiang Li, he was unwilling to go outside to see.

There are so many places in the house, enough for her to look at them for a long time without getting tired of them.

Qin Du didn't force it either: "I knew you must have the same idea. It doesn't matter. There are many towering mountains in our hometown. We probably won't be able to walk in the past two months. We can predict that we will spend our honeymoon after we get married. Just go with the rest."

Jiang Li raised his eyebrows when he heard the words: "Married?"

Qin Du said with a smile: "Yesterday when we were packing our luggage, those brats reminded me openly and secretly that it's time to propose to you."

"That should be Ji Xiaoyu reminding them. She told me about it, but I didn't pay much attention."

"Huh?" Qin Du frowned, showing a hurt expression: "How can the little beauty not care?"

"Why do you care?" Jiang Li asked, "We're the same whether you propose or not."

Qin Du smiled: "But this is a very important form, and it is very popular among everyone now."

"I think it's fine for the two of you to be together."

"In the end, there must be a formality. In ancient times, when a man wanted to marry a woman, he had to write a marriage letter. There were three media and six engagements. There must be rules inside and outside. Now it is actually simplified a lot, but this The format has not changed."

All marriages must have this form.

Otherwise, it feels less important and meaningful.

Otherwise, why do people nowadays like to celebrate all kinds of anniversaries?
It's not to ask others to give something.

Instead, I hope that someone can remember like me, so that I can feel cared about, cared about, cared about by the other party, and still exist in the other party's future.

All anniversaries are to remind everyone, don't forget to love and care.

Seeing Qin Du's seriousness, Jiang Li thought of Ji Xiaoyu's words again.

Maybe marriage is really important.

She should also learn to accept this.

At first, she didn't think she was very knowledgeable.

There are many things that she doesn't understand.

Jiang Li said: "As for the marriage, let's talk about it after our trip is over. Ji Xiaoyu said that it is very popular among young people to kneel and propose marriage."

When Jiang Li said this, he couldn't help but hooked his lips into a smile, and looked at Qin Du jokingly: "You have to be prepared, I will have what others have."

Qin Du suddenly laughed, and raised his hand to rub her hair: "It's rare for a little beauty to make such a request to me, so of course I have to agree!"

Jiang Li pursed his lips, and his smile deepened.

Qin Du said: "What other people have, my little beauty has, and what others don't have, I also want to prepare for the little beauty."

"What is it that no one else has?"

Qin Du made a fool of himself: "The little beauty will know when the time comes."

Jiang Li raised his eyebrows: "Looking at you like this, you have already planned how to propose?"

"Of course." Qin Du said: "Facing the matter of the little beauty, of course I made preparations long in advance, and I must not be sloppy."

Even if they lived to their age, they still couldn't remember exactly how old they were.

Time has lost its meaning to them.

In their eyes, only the other party is the most important.

They are a love with tacit understanding, a family relationship that accompany each other, and a friendship that fights side by side.

Their hearts for each other have already surpassed a higher level.

In this world, everyone and everything must come after each other.

When it was getting dark, Qin Du took Jiang Li out for dinner.

Then come back to wash.

The two were in their pajamas in the living room and played a video with Ji Xiaoyu and the others.

Their first stop was Paris.

It took more than eight hours to fly.

Now we are at the hotel for rest.

However, there is a time difference between the two regions.

It's only nine o'clock in the morning on their side.

Need to beat the jet lag.

"Sister, if I knew it would take such a long flight, I would have to take a car to the hotel after getting off the plane. I definitely disagree with them putting the first stop in Paris." Ji Xiaoyu complained to Jiang Li in the video.

Probably the little girl had never been on a plane for so long before, and this time she was tired, so her face turned pale.

Fan Yuankai said with a smile on the side: "You girl, it is you who said Paris is a romantic city, you must come and see it, we made Paris the first stop in order to satisfy you."

Ji Xiaoyu is too tired now, so he turned his face and refused to admit it: "I said I would come, but I didn't say I would come at the first stop. You can walk here step by step!"

"Hey." Guan Feiang slapped her on the back of the head, but it was useless.

Ji Xiaoyu laughed.

Jiang Li watched them finish talking before saying, "Have you had dinner yet?"

Bu Bei said: "Not yet, everyone ate the plane meal on the plane. Although the taste is not very good, but today I am tired, and I really don't have any appetite."

"Eat a little bit." Jiang Li said, "Padded your stomach, otherwise you won't be able to sleep well later, and it will be even more uncomfortable."

Bubei and the others nodded.

Zhu Xiu said: "I'll ask the hotel to bring some supper over, each of us will eat a few bites, then wash up and go to bed early."

"it is good."

Among these few people, the one who looks the most calm and reliable depends on Zhu Xiu.

Jiang Li was also relieved to hand over these people to Zhu Xiu.

"Zhu Xiu, just watch them, we are not here, everything is up to you."

Zhu Xiu gave a rare smile, but quickly lowered the corners of his lips and said, "Don't worry."

"Yeah." Jiang Li nodded: "We are going to rest, don't stay too long, try to rest as early as possible, and go out to play tomorrow at dawn."


After saying a few words, everyone said goodbye and hung up the video.

Jiang Li was about to go back to bed with her mobile phone, Qin Du followed her to the door, supported the door frame with one hand, and said with a low laugh, "Little beauty, why don't we sleep together?"

"No." Jiang Li refused seriously: "I'm used to sleeping alone, so don't disturb me."

Qin Du was a little sad: "Little beauty, we used to sleep together for hundreds of years, and there was only a gap of more than 20 years in between. Why are you used to sleeping alone instead?"

"How would I know?" Jiang Li said, "If you insist on sleeping with me, it's not impossible."

Qin Du's eyes lit up when he heard the words: "How about it, what does the little beauty want from me?"

"No request." Jiang Li smiled: "I didn't force this matter in the first place. I'm a little reluctant. I don't think I can sleep well tonight. Come in and talk to me."

Asleep is better.

It's not bad to have someone to talk to when you can't sleep.

Anyway, Qin Du is like her, it's not a problem if he doesn't sleep for a few nights.

It's just that they like to work and rest like normal people.

"I knew it. It's a pity that I can't move your bed around here."

Jiang Li stepped aside and let him in, then closed the door and said, "It's okay, traveling is for relaxation, it's good to get used to it."

It is estimated that she will have a lot of time to play with Qin Du in the future, and she has to get used to not being so conscientious about the bed.

Moreover, it is even more necessary to get used to sleeping with Qin Du again.

Originally, the two of them were very close.

The two lay on the bed, with Qin Du holding Jiang Li in his arms.

"Let's try first to see if the little beauty can fall asleep."

"it is good."

Jiang Li closed his eyes.

Originally, Jiang Li thought he couldn't fall asleep.

Unexpectedly, she emptied her head and thought of nothing, and fell asleep within half an hour.

I don't know if it's because I don't recognize the bed so much, or because the person next to me is Qin Du.

There is no time to think about this question now.

Seeing that Jiang Li was asleep, Qin Du couldn't help but chuckled, but he didn't make any obvious noise, for fear that Jiang Li would wake up easily because of his shallow sleep.

He didn't move, so he maintained this position, closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep.

The next day, the two woke up almost at the same time.

Jiang Li opened his eyes and met Qin Du's deep eyes.

She was a little dazed.

Seeing this, Qin Du couldn't help but kissed her on the forehead.

Very light and soft.

Jiang Li didn't resist, on the contrary, he thought it was a good feeling.

"Good morning, little beauty."

Jiang Li pinched his face and said, "Good morning."

Then the two got up one after the other and went to the bathroom to wash up.

After preparing everything and having breakfast, the two set out to climb the mountain.


These two people, Jiang Li and Qin Du, lived a fulfilling life.

During the day, I will follow the established travel strategy to climb mountains, see beautiful scenery, and try some new things.

If I have nothing to do, I will make a video with Ji Xiaoyu and the others.

However, they often have different time due to jet lag, or when they are on the plane. In fact, they rarely video, but they will send messages, although they will take a long time to reply.

Then I will go to eat high-rated food at night.

Although they often step on thunder, there are not many that really suit their appetite, but they are happy to eat and have a lot of fun.

Jiang Li doesn't like crowds, but it's summer vacation, so it's impossible to have fewer people.

So every time he went out, Qin Du would prepare a mask and handkerchief wipes for Jiang Li.

In case she can keep it clean at all times, the acclimatization will be much better.

Jiang Li sometimes felt like a giant baby, who had to be taken care of by Qin Du all the time.

But I also enjoy the feeling of being taken care of.

Qin Du's greatest joy was also taking care of Jiang Li.

The two are just so well matched.

Two months passed quickly in this kind of enrichment.

Ji Xiaoyu is already a junior, and her school has already started.

But she had been in a coma for several months before, and her parents didn't force her to be too aggressive.

It was rare for her to have such a good time going abroad with her friends, so she took a month off and asked her to come back after having enough fun.

Jiang Li and Qin Du had one more stop before they could join Ji Xiaoyu and the others at the last stop.

This stop is Licheng.

They arrived in Licheng in the afternoon.

After resting at the hotel for one night, I didn't go hiking.

There are no mountains to climb in Licheng.

But Jiang Li proposed to eat beef noodles at the restaurant opposite the Licheng Public Security Bureau.

What's more, Jiang Li made it up for them to come to Licheng two months ago when they were formulating the route.

Qin Du didn't ask anything at the time, anyway, Jiang Li's request was just to be obeyed.

It was only past eight o'clock in the morning, and the two sat in the beef noodle restaurant opposite the Licheng Public Security Bureau and ordered two bowls of beef noodles.

(End of this chapter)

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