Chapter 854

From ancient times to the present, Chinese people have never wronged themselves when it comes to eating.

There are countless things to eat, and even more ways to eat.

Everyone in the country dares to say that people in no other country know how to eat better than us.

There are thousands of delicacies in the world, and some people may not be able to taste them all in their lifetime.

But for Xiaobai, this is a goal.

It's not that Qin An'an is pessimistic, but that she thinks long-term.

She is very clear that she is 20 years old now, although there are still decades of prosperity.

But both she and Xie Zhi have become ordinary people.

There is normal birth, old age, sickness and death.

At that time, sooner or later, Xiaobai will have to leave.

It's not necessarily a good thing for Xiaobai to like her so much and rely on her.

If there is a very long-term goal, Xiaobai's life will be much easier after she is gone.

But now that I think about it, it is indeed a sudden thought.

No need to say it.

There are still decades to come, so there is no need to be sad.

The three of them ate hot pot together, very happy.

After eating for more than an hour, Qin Anan couldn't bear it any longer before giving up.

She took a sip of the iced Coke, and she didn't know how refreshing it was.

“Hot pot is only interesting when served with iced drinks.”

"Don't be greedy." Xie Zhi said, "It's not good for your stomach, and you're not a novice, so you don't need to be abstinent."

Xiaobai has nothing to avoid. His body function is not so much strengthened as it has been damaged long ago just like Jiang Li Qindu.

So it doesn't matter how much you eat.

But you can't eat too much.

After all, this stomach is so big that it cannot be broken.

Otherwise, it will take some time to recuperate.

They ended up with an unfinished order of pumpkin pie.

Qin Anan likes to eat sweets, and pumpkin pie is her favorite.

No matter whether you can finish it or not, you must order this kind of food, and you will eat it when you finish it, and if you can't finish it, you must take it away.

Qin Anan said: "My parents also like to eat this, and I want another pumpkin pie, let's take it home."

"Okay." Xiaobai had no objection.

Xie Zhi went to the front desk to order another order, asked for another takeaway box, and paid the bill by the way.

When the three of them left the hot pot restaurant, a gust of cold wind blew over.

Xiaobai puts on his coat slowly.

Xie Zhi carried the things, stuffed Qin An'an back to the hot pot restaurant, and asked her to put on her coat before leaving.

Qin Anan stuck out her tongue quietly, showing a playful smile.

The temperature dropped very badly at night, and I wanted to take Xiaobai to see the night scene, but the three of them had been shopping all day, and Qin Anan was really tired, mainly because it was too cold, so they took a casual walk around the mall and took advantage of the trend. went around.

In the mall, wearing a coat, the temperature is fine.

As soon as I went out, the cold wind relentlessly slapped my face, getting in through every opening, and sticking to the skin.

Qin Anan immediately shivered.

Xie Zhi put his arms around her and said, "You should wear a scarf."

Qin Anan said, "It's not so cold during the day."

"Next time, try to minimize going out at night."

Qin Anan nodded obediently, "Understood."

"Let's go." Xie Zhi put his arms around her shoulders, protecting her in his arms, which could somewhat block her from the wind.

Xiaobai looked behind for a while, then lowered his eyes silently, and after a while, the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

Look at them very happy now.

Xiaobai was also very happy.

Hope it keeps going like this.

After getting into the car, Xie Zhi started the car, turned on the heating and air conditioning to increase the temperature, and left after 10 minutes.

Xie Zhi sent the two of them back, everyone was still there, so he went in and sat for a while.

Qin Anan and Xiaobai took out the pumpkin pie for everyone to eat.

The portion of this pumpkin pie is very small, and now even if everyone is not hungry, they can try one.

It just so happens that the quantity is not too much, just enough for each of us.

"You guys had so much fun today, you didn't forget to bring us something to eat."

"It's because I had fun that I remembered to bring it for you." Qin Anan said deliberately.

"Stop being so talkative, you have been outside for a day in the cold, and you brought back the smell of hot pot to tempt us, so hurry up and take a bath." Qin Du urged the two of them.

Qin Anan hurriedly took Xiaobai upstairs.

Xie Zhi stay below.

Qin Du said to him: "Originally, we planned to have an open-air barbecue tonight, but you guys had so much fun, you moved it to tomorrow. It just so happens that the party is over tomorrow, and you have to go back the day after tomorrow."

The New Year's Day holiday is just a few days away, and basically I have to go back to work and school on the [-]rd and [-]th.

Xie Zhi said: "There is no problem here, we are still in the base, come over to help tomorrow."


Jiang Li also said: "You don't need to bring anything, come empty-handed, and drive out those who brought something."

Xie Zhi laughed, "Understood."

He and Jiang Li are friends and understand each other.

He knew that Jiang Li was not joking when he said that he was kicked out, it was really kicked out.

She can do it.

Xie Zhi waited for Qin An'an to take a shower before leaving.

Qin An'an was wearing thin velvet pajamas, Xie Zhi didn't let her go to the door to have a hair dryer.

He raised his hand and fiddled with the fluffy rabbit headband on her head, and said, "If you catch a cold, tomorrow's open-air barbecue won't work, and I have to worry about you."

Qin Anan blinked and said, "Okay, then send me a message when you go back."

After Xie Zhi agreed, he left.

Qin Anan watched eagerly.

After the door closed, Qin Anan huddled beside Jiang Li and looked at his phone.

Jiang Li glanced and found that she was staring at Xie Zhi's dialogue box, and immediately said: "..."

"It seems that we must marry you off as soon as possible."

Qin Anan looked up at her mother, then continued to look down at the phone and asked, "Why?"

"I'm afraid you're going blind."

Qin Anan: "..."

It took her a while to realize what her mother had said.

She immediately turned off the phone screen, and said with a smile: "Mom, strictly speaking, we are just in love, so don't act like this."

"I'm going to marry my daughter." Jiang Li said lightly, "This is the truth."

"Not so fast." Qin Anan quickly hugged Jiang Li's hand, rubbing his head on her shoulder: "It really won't be so fast, at least I have to wait until I graduate to talk about marriage."

"Oh." Jiang Li nodded thoughtfully, and said, "This means that you have actually discussed marriage in private."

Ah this...

Qin An'an was speechless for a moment.

She hadn't kept up with her mother's thinking.

What she said, Jiang Li could understand both the surface meaning and the deep meaning.

Jiang Li's words were heard by others.

Qin Du's calm mood suddenly became turbulent.

He showed vigilance and dissatisfaction on his face: "You two have talked about getting married in private without the consent of your parents?"


After all, Qin An'an was a little guilty.

Qin Du shook his head with a sigh, and said, "It's really a girl who doesn't want to stay."

Qin Anan: "..."

"Father, you don't want to play so much."

Qin Du glared at her, and said, "As a father, I am worried about my daughter, and because my daughter started discussing marriage without me. I feel heartbroken."

Qin Anan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Didn't you agree with us a long time ago?"

"These are two different things!"

"This is a different An'an." Ji Xiaoyu said: "Dating and getting married are two different things. Falling in love is a matter between the two of you. If you get married, both families will come forward."

The others quickly nodded in agreement.

Qin Anan thought for a while and said, "Then Xie Zhi and I have actually already made an appointment. After I have the winter vacation, he will take me back to meet his family."

other people:"……"

The air was silent for a moment.

Instead, screams broke out.

"An'an, why didn't you tell us about such a big thing earlier?"

Jiang Li frowned disapprovingly.

Qin An settled down, and asked cautiously: "Is it very important?"

"Of course it's important!" Ding Jia said brokenly, "You are going to meet the man's parents, the next step is the meeting between the man's parents and the woman's parents, okay?"

"Besides," Fan Yuankai said, "You have only been on winter vacation for half a month, and you just said that you are the only ones who just fell in love. Who would meet their parents right after they fell in love?"

Qin Anan replied: "Because we are rushing to get married."

other people:"……"

Sounds reasonable.

"But in this kind of matter, you should discuss it with the boss and sister-in-law first."

Ji Xiaoyu said: "It is very important to meet the parents. When some girls go to the man's house for the first time, the things they bring also represent some meanings of the woman's parents. Therefore, if you are serious, the middle steps are still rigorous. It's better to be decent."

This is the first time Qin Anan has been in a relationship, and she is still a college student. There are no such things as friends getting married early. She has attended weddings with her parents, uncles and aunts before, but it is impossible to know such details.

So totally inexperienced.

I don't understand that there is such a great emphasis and knowledge in it.

Qin An'an was a little anxious for a moment: "Then is it too late for me to tell you now?"

The others looked at her helplessly.

Qin Du said: "Don't worry, since you are going to see Xie Zhi's family, your parents will make arrangements for you. You should go to school with peace of mind in the past half month, take the exam well, and don't lose your credits."

Qin Anan: "...Oh."

Although she had her father's guarantee, Qin An'an was still somewhat uneasy after seeing their reaction and hearing so much from them.

Afraid that I did not do well, I was rude when I went to see Xie Zhi's family for the first time.

The others realized after belatedly that their attitude just now seemed to scare the little princess.

Qi Yue comforted: "Little princess, don't be afraid, they like to be surprised. In fact, it's not a big deal. You tell us now. We can make preparations in advance. There is still half a month to go."

"Yes, yes." Ji Xiaoyu hastily added: "It's not about getting engaged or getting married right away. We can go and find out about Xie Zhi's family members, as well as their preferences, and then prepare corresponding gifts. After you go, they will definitely like you."

"Yes, it's hard for anyone not to like our little princess."

After hearing what Ji Xiaoyu said, Qin An'an felt a little better.

Prepare things according to the preferences of Xie Zhi's family, so you won't step on the thunder blindly.

In this regard, she still trusts her family members.

So she can relax a little.

"Then you must be ready in advance."


Qin Anan nodded with a smile, and said, "Then I'll go upstairs to sleep first."

After shopping all day, I am really tired. Go to bed early and get up early tomorrow.

"Okay, go to sleep."

Qin Anan ran upstairs.

It took a while for the people downstairs to realize that they were going to question why Qin Anan agreed to meet Xie Zhi's parents so early.

It turned out that they had to carefully prepare gifts for her.

It's like this every time I face the little princess.

Can't control myself.

Suddenly a little worried.

"But no matter what, let's help the little princess prepare things first."

"The situation of the two of them is actually a bit special. It can be said that they have just fallen in love, but it can also be said that they are not."

After all, they had a deep relationship in their previous lives.

The fate of Jiang Li and Qin Du with Qin An'an is also because of Xie Zhi.

Therefore, tracing back to the source, Qin An'an and Xie Zhi are the origin of fate.

This progress...

Xie Zhi was also thinking about Qin An'an.

She didn't mention these things when she was in school.

Instead, she didn't go to see his family until after she was on vacation.

Moreover, judging from Qin Anan's words just now, Xie Zhi also planned to wait until after she graduated before deciding to get married.

Just love her, but don't delay her.

Already good.

They really don't have the qualifications to say much.

Originally, it was a beautiful thing for two people to have fate and love each other.

They don't have any suffering anymore, and if they are fulfilled, I am also very happy.

Who doesn't want Qin An'an to be happy?
Obviously, her future happiness is Xie Zhi.

Jiang Li said: "Xiao Bei and Zhu Xiu went to investigate and make a form for me. Qin Du and I will prepare the gift ourselves."

Jiang Li is just such a daughter.

Still want to marry a daughter for the first time.

No matter how indifferent her personality is, no matter how lazy she is, she must do it herself in this kind of matter.

Bu Bei and Zhu Xiu nodded in agreement.

Qin Du also said: "It's okay, there are still ten days before An An goes to school, we have nothing, but we have money, and things can be done well."

Rich people will only get richer. Over the years, they have smart minds and have made a lot of money with their financial management.

Xie Zhi's family has been preliminarily investigated before, and it is a big family.

Military and political family.

Recently, some brothers and sisters have started business, and they are also flourishing.

It can be said that money and power are all there is, and there is no delay in the two.

The background is very deep.

But they think they are not bad themselves.

The company of Bubei and Zhuxiu has also grown bigger, and it is one of the best technology companies today, with amazing profits.

Others are also shining in their own fields.

The money and contacts of Jiang Li and Qin Du are immeasurable.

What's the matter, Xie Zhi's old family with profound background can also be said to be well-known.

So they can't lose face, and they can't lower their posture.

But their attitude has to be shown.

After all, it is for the lifelong event of my daughter.

So, a group of people who "do nothing" all day finally have new fun.

(End of this chapter)

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