Chapter 1030 You Let It Go
By the small lake, Xiao Lang was sitting in a wheelchair, looking at the calamus flowers all over the lake for a moment, and soon lost his mind.

Xinmeng stood behind Xiao Lang, put her hands lightly on the armrests behind the back of the wheelchair, and looked down at the top of his hair.

After the initial surprise, she had no intention of admiring the calamus flowers on the lake, just looking at him.

After watching it for a while, she was a little dissatisfied, because this angle was not good at all, and she couldn't see his face, let alone the expression on his face.

She glanced to the left and right, and found that there was a big rock on the ground three steps away to the left for sitting and resting. Sit down in Xiao Lang's direction.

He looked at the irises, and she looked at him.

The early summer wind blew from the lake, blowing his hair, and some of it floated in the air.

There was an itchy feeling in her heart, she really wanted to go over to help him smooth the hair that was chasing by the wind, but... she didn't dare!

In the silent garden, there seemed to be no third person except her and him.

But this was just an illusion, she knew that there was a pair of sharp eyes nearby, watching her all the time.

That person had warned her that if she acted rashly, she would die, and the people she cared about would follow her to pieces.

She may not care about her own life, but she cannot bet on the people she cares about.

Therefore, she could only look at him from a distance, and gradually, crystal tears filled her eyes, and she tried her best not to let them fall.

Time passed little by little, and at some unknown time, the dark clouds began to gather together, getting thicker and thicker, and the sky above gradually darkened.

A flash of lightning flashed across the sky in an instant, and Xin Meng was amazed by the dazzling light shaped like a branch, when suddenly he heard a rumbling thunder exploding in the sky.

It is going to rain?

She hurriedly stood up from the boulder, ran to Xiao Lang's back, wanted to turn the wheelchair around, push him quickly to leave the garden, and go back to Langxinju.

Who knows that the more anxious you are, the more likely you are to make trouble.Not only did she fail to turn the wheelchair around, but instead it slid towards the small lake and landed on a small slope that sloped downward.

Another bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, instantly illuminating the already darkened garden.

Immediately afterwards, rumbling...the second thunder exploded.

This line of thunder was much closer than the previous one, and the sound seemed to be above their heads.

Before the lingering sound of thunder disappeared, the big raindrops fell impatiently, hitting Xinmeng's face and Su's hand tightly grasping the armrest of the wheelchair.

Some pain!
However, Xinmeng couldn't take care of that much anymore.

The rain quickly wetted the soil on the slope, making the slope suddenly wet and slippery. The wheels of the wheelchair began to slip and slowly slid towards the small lake.

Her internal strength was sealed, and she didn't have enough strength to pull the wheelchair back to a safe place.

"Xiao Jiu, let go, hurry up and call someone." Xiao Lang has already seen that Xiao Jiu has absolutely no ability to pull him up.Instead of falling into the water with exhaustion, it is better to let go of his hand first, and then quickly call someone to rescue him ashore.

let go?Xinmeng opened her eyes wide in surprise, shook her head vigorously, and continued to use all her strength to hold on to the wheelchair.As soon as she let go of her hand, the wheelchair will immediately slide into the lake with Xiao Lang.

She knows that he is good at water, but he is not good at walking now, and his ability to save himself will be greatly reduced, so she can't take risks.

(End of this chapter)

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