Chapter 217 I Have No Obligation To Help You

Seeing Shen Yunluo's look of winning, Xinmeng's expression was indifferent.

Shen Yunluo was too happy.

As a concubine, she has ambitions, but she lacks Lin Xian'er's favorable timing, favorable timing, and deep scheming.

Once confronted with Lin Xian'er head-on, this weakness will make Shen Yunluo completely defeated.

The old lady also knew this, so she asked her to help match Shen Yunluo and the Seventh Prince.

Xinmeng said lightly: "Yunluo, do you think that with the old lady supporting you, I will help you unconditionally? You should be very clear that I have no obligation to help you."

The eyes flickered, Shen Yunluo took it for granted, but said: "Sister, my sister is not a person who does not care about kindness. As long as my sister helps my sister win the heart of the Seventh Prince and let her sit on the throne of the Seventh Prince, my sister will definitely I will repay you kindly. When the time comes, whatever my sister wants, my sister will give it to me with both hands, and I will not hesitate." He quickly added: "Of course, except for the Seventh Prince."

"You want to be the seventh prince's concubine?" Xinmeng asked in feigned surprise.

It stands to reason that the seat of the Seventh Prince and Concubine should be occupied by a noble daughter from the capital and a legitimate daughter.According to the vision of the Seventh Prince, if this person is not Xinmeng, then it is Lin Xianer.

"Yes, my sister will be the seventh prince's main concubine." Shen Yunluo did not hide her thoughts, because she never thought that she was not worthy of the seventh prince.

Xinmeng was not surprised by Shen Yunluo's arrogant ambition, thinking: "If Shen Yunluo was the seventh prince's main concubine, Lin Xian'er would definitely not submit to a concubine's daughter. If Lin Xianer doesn't marry the seventh prince, She would have no chance to take revenge on Lin Xian'er through Shen Yunluo's hand. On the contrary, if Lin Xian'er is the main concubine, Shen Yunluo may still be willing to marry Xiao Yi as a side concubine. In this way, her plan will have a chance to be implemented."

Xinmeng deliberately showed a embarrassed expression, thought for a moment, and hesitantly asked Shen Yunluo for advice: "Can't the side concubine do it?"

"Which one is more beneficial to the interests of the general's mansion, is my sister being the main concubine or the side concubine?" Shen Yunluo was sure that Xinmeng would help her achieve her wish, and refused to let go at all, "And, this It also means grandma."

"Okay, I'll do my best, I don't guarantee that I can do it." Xinmeng had a reluctant expression.

If Shen Yunluo became the seventh prince's concubine, it would undoubtedly deal a heavy blow to Lin Xian'er.She can also arrange another unexpected destination for Lin Xian'er.

This is really worth looking forward to.

Xinmeng was a little excited, and couldn't wait to see the separation between Xiao Yi and Lin Xianer, Lao Yan.

However, she would not make Shen Yunluo too proud.

"Yunluo, remember your promise today. In the future, my sister will collect benefits from you."

Shen Yunluo was overjoyed, knowing that Xinmeng had promised to help her with all her strength, she swore: "Sister, don't worry, my sister will never break her promise."

"Since the Seventh Prince is my future brother-in-law, there is absolutely no reason for my future brother-in-law to hug her left and right." Xin Meng said seriously, "The agreement you made with the Seventh Prince can continue on the surface, but you can't make any meaningful changes." Things that damage my reputation. Not only can you not do it yourself, but you must also prevent the seventh prince from doing it. Otherwise, sister, I will take back the seat of the seventh prince and concubine at any time. You should be very clear, as long as I nod, the seat of the seventh prince and concubine is within easy reach .”

How did Shen Xinmeng know that she had made an agreement with the Seventh Prince?Shen Yunluo suppressed the surprise and unwillingness in her heart, and replied respectfully: "My sister remembers my sister's teachings."

(End of this chapter)

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