Chapter 360 Falling off the Cliff
Xinmeng left in a fit of anger, and as soon as she rode the horse out of Jincheng, she didn't know what was going on, and the horse suddenly went crazy.

She didn't know how to ride a horse in the first place, so she was holding back her anger and thinking that it would be better to leave the Yingbin inn as soon as possible and get as far away from Xiao Lang as possible, so she rode away.

Now that the horse was going crazy, Xinmeng couldn't hold it at all, she grabbed the rein tightly and dared not let it go, letting the crazy horse lead her to gallop all the way along the official road.

On the horseback, she was so knocked that she almost vomited the overnight meal.

After running for an unknown amount of time, the horse suddenly turned to a small road beside the official road and ran up the mountain.

Gradually, the sky has become slightly brighter, and the surrounding scenery has become clearer.

Xinmeng endured the discomfort, looked at the densely packed trees passing by, and found that she was walking straight up, a thought flashed in her mind.

The mountain road is rugged, and when the horse can't run up, it will stop at that time.

Thinking that the suffering was about to end, Xinmeng cheered up and looked forward.

This look immediately scared her out of her wits.

Ahead, there is a vast expanse of clouds and mist, and at the end is a round of red sun rising slowly from the sea of ​​clouds.

Looking down again, the horse had already run to a flat field overgrown with weeds, and the speed did not slow down, as if it was going to run towards the rising red sun.

This is obviously a cliff.One foot away, there is no way!
"Stop it, stop it..." Xinmeng pulled the rein hard, but she couldn't slow down the horse's speed, let alone stop it.

Seeing that the horse was about to rush out of the cliff, a small stone flew from nowhere and hit one of the horse's front legs.

The horse was in pain, and amidst a high-pitched neighing, it raised its front hooves high, then quickly put down its front hooves, raised its hind hooves, and threw the person on its back forward forcefully.

After tossing and tossing for so long before, Xinmeng was already exhausted. After being thrown like this, she couldn't hold the reins tightly and let go all of a sudden.The whole person left the horse and flew out of the cliff.

"Miss Shen!" A bright red figure suddenly flew over from the side, followed her and jumped off the cliff.

The mountain winds were like sharp knives, which made Xinmeng's face very painful.

The speed of the fall is very fast!It was so fast that I couldn't see the scene in front of me clearly, only a vast expanse of whiteness remained.

I can't use my strength at all, I can only compromise, I can only let myself fall into that knowable fate.

My life is over!

After the initial panic, Xinmeng calmed down, closed her eyes gently, and waited for the impact.

She knew that the impact must have been painful, and then...there would be endless darkness!
It's not without regret, after all, she was reborn only half a year ago, and there are still many things she hasn't done.

There was no time for revenge, so Xiao Yi, Lin Xian'er, Shen Ji, Shen Yunluo... got the retribution they deserved.

I didn't have time to make proper arrangements for my mother and the younger brother who hadn't met yet.

And Xiao Lang...

When she thought of him, she only felt a pang in her heart.

She can't repay his kindness to her.

The Eighth Prince... Lang... It is my blessing to meet you in this life... If there is a destiny in the next life, we will meet again...

The red sun in the east jumped, jumped out of the sea of ​​clouds completely, and shot the light towards the earth.

The vast sea of ​​clouds began to slowly dissipate, revealing the green hills that were covered by it before.

On the flat ground on the cliff, the horse with the injured front leg had regained its composure. It picked up the green grass at its feet and chewed for a while, then limped along the way it came down the mountain...

(End of this chapter)

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