Chapter 741 Learning to ride a horse (4)

The horse ran freely, and the two people on the horse were close together.

Xiao Lang's arm was wrapped around Xin Meng's slender waist.

Xinmeng's back rested on Xiao Lang's firm chest.

The wind blew past the ears, blowing the black hair on the sideburns.

The hair of two people is intertwined, just like the hearts of two people are tightly attached to each other.

So intimate, so warm.

Perhaps in order not to interfere with the solitude of the eighth prince and the eldest lady, Yan Qing and Song Chun behind did not catch up immediately, but kept a certain distance and followed from a distance.

After running for less than a stick of incense, Xiao Lang and Xin Meng arrived at the pasture of Linyuan Villa.

Because it is winter, looking around, there is no green pasture on the vast pasture, only withered yellow dry grass crawling on the ground.

In the distance, there are dark green forests on the edge of the pasture.If it weren't for these forests, Xinmeng would definitely feel that this pasture is astonishingly large, and there is no limit at all.

A boy who arrived at the ranch ahead of time opened the door of the ranch, allowing Xiao Lang and Xin Meng to ride into the fence of the ranch.

Xiao Lang slowed down a bit and let Ta Xue run towards a wooden house.

The house was not big, and the chimney on the top was already smoking.

Obviously, Mo Xinchen and Yan Ling had already started preparing lunch for everyone.

Stopping in front of the house, Xiao Lang jumped off the horse first, then Fu Xinmeng got off the horse, and tied Taxue to the post in front of the door.

He took Xinmeng's hand and walked into the house together.

Sure enough, Yan Ling rolled up her sleeves and was busy in front of the stove.

And Mo Xinchen sat on a simple stool, watching Yan Ling's every move from behind.

His gaze was very focused, and his affection was naturally revealed.

Xinmeng's heart moved, she rolled up her sleeves and stepped forward, saying to Yanling: "Sister Yan, I will help you."

Yan Ling stopped, looked at Xin Meng in surprise, laughed after a while, and said softly, "Okay, help me."

It wasn't until Xin Meng started to do something that Yan Ling realized that she was wrong. Xin Meng didn't politely say that she wanted to help, but that she really would.

Seeing this, Mo Xinchen was also very surprised, and subconsciously looked at Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang raised his eyebrows at him, and there was a smug look in his eyes.

His dreams always give him many unexpected surprises.

But he didn't know that Xinmeng, as the eldest daughter of the general's mansion, was supposed to keep her fingers aloof.In the previous life, she fell in love with the seventh prince Xiao Yi. For him, she was willing to wash her hands and make soup, learned a lot of dishes, and even went to the restaurant to steal from time to time, just to satisfy Xiao Yi's appetite.

Now, he is just under Xiao Yi's favor.

These are the remaining memories of Xinmeng, or in other words, the things engraved in her bones and blood, which can no longer be forgotten.

However, in this life, she is only willing to wash her hands and make soup for Xiao Lang.

The seventh prince, Xiao Yi, could no longer have the honor of making her cry for him, laugh for him, and rack her brains to please him.

In Xinmeng's heart, only the Eighth Prince Xiao Lang is left.

She cooperated with Yan Ling and quickly prepared a sumptuous lunch for everyone.

Eight people, regardless of master and servant, sat around a table, talked and laughed, and had a relaxed lunch.

After the meal, after resting for less than half an hour, they left the house together, came to the vast pasture, and started the day's horse riding.

(End of this chapter)

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