Chapter 766 If it's cold, I'll hug you

When the two stopped, it was almost midnight.

This is a relatively flat grassland on the ridge.

Standing here, the field of vision is wide, and you can see a large black rolling hill, as well as the two small bright spots on the pasture at the foot of the mountain, which are bonfires.

In the dense forest before, I could occasionally hear one or two animal calls, but here, the moonlight is shining, and everything is quiet, but it is so quiet that it makes people feel frightened.

"Lang, are we going to spend the night here?" Xinmeng clenched the blanket tightly with one hand, and gently tugged at his sleeve with the other, trying to make her voice appear calm and normal, but she still inadvertently expressed some worries.

Under the bright and cold moonlight, the grassland was unobstructed, and there was nothing to frighten her. However, the dense forest around the grassland was dark and deep, so it was hard to guarantee that there were not one or two beasts lurking in it, staring at them and waiting for an opportunity.

At this moment, she regretted coming up the mountain with him.Otherwise, she was either sitting by a warm fire or lying on a bed in a log cabin.

You don't have to be cold, scared, and nervous in the open air like you are now.

As if he heard what was in her heart, Xiao Lang turned to face her, with a clear voice like the sound of nature: "Regret? Do you want to go back?"

He stood under the moonlight and looked at her intently, the soft veil-like light shone on that handsome face, and a pair of peach-blossom eyes were filled with tiny rays of light.

If it wasn't for the black riding suit he was wearing today, but the white brocade robe he usually wears the most, and when the wind blows, the skirts flutter, she will definitely think that the man standing in front of her is not a mortal, but a man from The gods above the nine heavens came to save her specially.

I do regret it a bit, but going back now, wouldn't it be a waste of hard work, and the fright I received before is not worth it.

She shook her head slightly: "Since we are here, let's light the bonfire, I feel a little cold."

As if to prove herself, she wrapped the blanket tightly around her body, put her arms on her chest, and hugged herself.

She had at least one blanket to keep out the cold, and he had none.

Xiao Lang looked down at the blanket on her body, thoughtfully: "If you still feel cold, come here, I'll hug you."

Xinmeng: "..."

His body temperature can indeed dispel some of the cold, but in the long night, this is not a long-term solution. Lighting a campfire to keep warm is the best solution.Moreover, she remembered reading in the book that many beasts are afraid of fire.

"Let's find some branches first, and light the bonfire." Xinmeng moved her feet, patrolling around by the moonlight, wanting to see where there are dry branches and leaves that can be picked up.

However, apart from the dead grass, there is not a single branch in this grassland.

It looked like she was going to pick it up in the woods, Xinmeng thought, looking up at the dark and deep forest, couldn't help frowning, and shuddered in her heart.


Xiao Lang said: "No rush, we'll talk when we get to the place."

Xinmeng withdrew her gaze in astonishment, and turned to him: "Not here yet? Are you serious?"

"Not yet." Looking at the pretty face that instantly collapsed in front of him, Xiao Lang couldn't bear to add, "It's not far, just walk another mile and we'll be there."

If he didn't reach his destination, what did he mean by stopping here?Xinmeng's eyes instantly turned sad.

"I wanted you to rest for a while, but now it seems that there is no need for it." After Xiao Lang finished speaking, he turned the torch upside down and rolled it on the ground a few times.

(End of this chapter)

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