The strongest ruler of the heavens

Chapter 107 For those who do not understand readers

Chapter 107 For readers who don't understand what they say

There were some mistakes in the previous setting, and the writing almost collapsed, so the four chapters from Chapter 115 to Chapter 118 were revised and rewritten in Sanjiu, especially Chapter 118 can be said to have been written in several versions.

In addition, the strength of the protagonist is not enough for the great gods such as the Emperor of Heaven to pay attention to it. The only influential ones are some immortal officials at the bottom. The grievances between Shushan and the protagonist can be learned in the fairy sword.

As for the reason why Ziyin is Murong Ziying (it will be revealed at the end of the Gujian mission), the connection between the two is that Sanjiu has vaguely seen it in the game, but I don’t remember it clearly. If you are interested, you can Baidu it .

Now it has completely returned to the ancient sword content.

(End of this chapter)

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