The strongest ruler of the heavens

Chapter 403 The Supreme Being of the First World

Chapter 403

In my life, I don't ask about the past, I don't ask for the future, I just want to be vigorous and vigorous, and be the king of that life!
This is the story of an angler and a fish in the river!

Thousands of miles of blue sky is like washing, blue and pure and thorough, not a single white cloud, only a scorching sun hanging high in the sky.

Yellow bricks and black tiles, and dark red gates, are no different from ordinary temples, except that this temple occupies a very large area.

On the gate, there is a gold-plated plaque with three big characters "Shaolin Temple" written on it, which contains strong Buddha nature.

In front of the gate of Shaolin, there is a young man who has not won the ultimate crown. He is looking at the surrounding environment curiously, and sometimes looks at the plaque for a while.

Beside him was a horse-faced man who was chattering, and at the end he covered his face and wept away.

"Huh? So familiar"

In the sky above Shaolin, a young man in a white shirt with a hidden figure stood out of nowhere, with a pair of sword eyebrows slightly frowned, looking at the scene below without saying a word for a long time.

This scene actually had a very deep impression in his heart, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

Suddenly, a system panel marked with attributes appeared out of thin air:

Host: Lin Xi

Sex: Male
age 1842
Race: human
Realm: Half-step Immortal Emperor/The Other Shore
Exercises: Hunyuan Jing, Crossing Soul Song
Items: Golden Light for Body Protection (Intermediate Level), Dao Sword

The world we live in: the king of the world

"It turned out to be this world." Lin Xi looked at the boy below who was brought into Shaolin by a monk and muttered to himself, "That must be Meng Qi..."

After the dark red door was closed, Lin Xi immediately withdrew her gaze, with a slightly weird expression on her face.

Now I use the name of Daode Tianzun to walk the heavens, and Meng Qi is the Yuanshi Tianzun in this world. Looking at it this way, they are still a family.

However, the water in this world is still very deep!
A "Dao Fruit" was born once in an era, and the gods who attracted it laid their dark hands one after another.

The root of everything is the "Dao Fruit".

Controlling the mysteries of the heavens and worlds, unfathomable, unknowable, unspeakable, omnipresent, beyond oneself, omnipotent!

This is the realm of "Dao Fruit".

Lin Xi doesn't know much about Daoguo, the only thing she knows is what she read in the book back then.

However, such things as "Tao Fruit" are not of much use to Lin Xi, because his own foundation has already been laid, and his own "Tao" cannot be determined by one world!

But it can be comprehended.

The cause and effect relationship in this world is very important. For Lin Xi, it is the best place to go.

What's more, this world is full of martial arts!

Lin Xili meditated secretly in the void: This world is not easy to directly participate in. All living beings can be traced by their veins, and they are all fish raised by gods and Buddhas. If you want to intervene, you can only use special means!
In addition, there is a "Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation" in this world, whose function is similar to the main god. Although it is not as perfect as the main god, it is far more powerful than the main god!

"A few months later, disciples from several major sects came to Shaolin Temple to discuss, and the Lord of the Six Paths of Samsara also started to teleport at that time. It seems that I have to hurry up."

After thinking for a while, Lin Xi directly issued an order to the system.

"System, scan the information of this world, and use this as a basis to virtually build the list of gods and build the main god space!"

The main god space is not built to serve Meng Qi and others, but to participate in the plot for their own convenience, grow with them, and then gradually understand the power of cause and effect. good.

This world is too complicated, and the system can't build the main god's space in a short period of time, so Lin Xi doesn't intend to wait here.

The most important thing now is to find a suitable candidate, and then put a ray of spiritual light into his body, and walk in this world as his identity. As for the body, it needs to be hidden.

With a flick of his mind, Lin Xi disappeared from the sky above Shaolin Temple in an instant, and when he reappeared, he was already in a small village thousands of miles away from Shaolin Temple.

The selected candidate does not need to be very qualified, as long as there are not many karma in him.

The causes and effects of this world are too complicated, Lin Xi doesn't want to get involved with a group of old monsters from the other side inexplicably, and then delay the business.

of course
The face of the selected person also depends on the past!
As the thoughts flowed, a huge spiritual thought swept out, covering all the nearby villages, constantly screening suitable young people.

Soon, a haggard young man in rags and sackcloth entered Lin Xi's eyes.

In the ruined temple on the top of the barren mountain, the young man struggled to get up from the pile of straw, dragged his seriously ill body, and staggered towards the broken bowl filled with clear water, panting violently, like an old cow Pulling a car is average.

Lin Xiluo sat down on the altar and watched him quietly, waiting for his death!

The young man's life has come to an end. In Lin Xi's eyes, his life is like a lamp that is about to go out, flickering constantly, and will go out at any time.

During the waiting period, Lin Xi naturally would not forget to prepare things for himself, after all, this is the basis for walking in this world in the future.

Screening skills, preparing weapons
Lin Xi needs to keep improving these things, and doesn't want to have to change the exercises halfway and start all over again.

Time ticks by.

One day, two days, three days.
With the passage of time, the life of the young man gradually became weaker. Before, he could get up from the straw to drink water, but now he fell powerlessly on the straw and moaned, and his eyes lost their luster.

If it weren't for his chest still rising and falling, it would be easy for people to regard him as a corpse.

On the fifth day, the boy's gaze completely dimmed, his chest no longer heaved, and the blood in his body gradually stopped flowing.

After the young man died, Lin Xi's eyes also opened, and with a flick of his fingers, a flash of spiritual light flew out, directly sinking into the space between the young man's eyebrows.

"From now on, you will be me."

Lin Xi looked at the body wrapped in a faint halo, his figure gradually became illusory, and then completely submerged into nothingness.

After an unknown amount of time, the boy on the straw pile trembled slightly with his tightly closed eyelids, and then slowly opened them.

Pain, hunger, weakness.
When Lin Xi was just getting used to this body, a long-forgotten feeling swept over her body, her newly opened eyes instantly went dark, and she almost fainted.

Severe panting sounds came from Lin Xi's mouth, and her weak arms trembled towards the altar beside her, where some necessary resources and three pills were stored in this body.

A life-saving, for the moment!

A I Ching washing marrow is used to improve qualifications!

Consolidate the foundation and cultivate the essence to make up for the deficiency of the body!
The altar was not far from Lin Xi, but Lin Xi seemed to have exhausted her whole life to touch the broken leg of the altar.

(End of this chapter)

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