The Regent's little cutie is four and a half years old

Chapter 329 Acrobatic troupe performance

Chapter 329 Acrobatic troupe performance

In winter, it gets dark early, before You hour, the sky is covered with a layer of dust, which makes people suffocate.

The atmosphere of Tianshan Mountain and the underground are completely different, one is dark and overwhelming, while the other is bustling and extremely lively.

Before arriving at Mianqiao, I heard noisy human voices and the sound of the acrobatic troupe beating.

Qi Qi asked the two servants to find a better place, and waited for a while before taking Gu Qingning there.

This is a tea house by the Mian Bridge, in the private room on the second floor by the river.

The performance of the acrobatic troupe was very hot. The leader took a torch and stretched his other hand straight into the flames. He stopped for a few seconds, but nothing happened when he came out.

"How did you do this? It's amazing!" someone asked below.

The acrobatic troupe can't explain, what is the principle of this, if they explain it, how can they continue to perform?

The next program started, a woman signed a few monkeys out, and another helper took a few large circles and fixed them in the prescribed positions.

There was fuel on it, and the torch was lit at a little bit, and then the woman led the monkeys and let them jump over one by one.

"Miss, look, those monkeys are so smart." Standing beside Gu Qingning, Shuang Shuang said while applauding.

The woman took a bowl for each monkey and asked them to come up to the humans and ask for money.

They had ropes wrapped around their feet, so they couldn't escape even if they tried.

Those few monkeys have been trained. Whenever they walk in front of a person, if he doesn't give him a reward, the monkeys will never leave.

Often at this time, when the person is amused, he will reward him with money, and the monkey will go to the next person.

The next program is the boulder breaking on the chest. Gu Qingning has also seen this performance in other acrobatic troupes. It is a person lying on a stool with a big stone on his chest and another person hitting the stone with a hammer. People who are broken will be fine.

Even though he knew that the hammer and stone had been specially treated, every time the hammer fell down, Gu Qingning's heart would rise to his throat, sweating for the lying person.

A boulder is broken in the chest, and the performance behind it is a great transformation into a living person.

This performance is quite popular. When people are watching from all directions, a living person will disappear, and the person who disappears in the next second will appear in another place, with a special expression.

Even Gu Qingning couldn't help but wonder how that person disappeared?How did you get there?
After seeing several performances in a row, they were not the same, each one was more exciting than the last, Gu Qingning was fascinated by watching it.

Before she knew it, it was getting dark, if Qi Qi hadn't urged Gu Qingning to go back to her residence, she would have wanted to continue watching.

"Will the acrobatic troupe come over to perform tomorrow?" Gu Qingning asked Qi Qi, she had inquired about this news, and she should have asked her to get the result.

"Miss does not know that the place where this acrobatic troupe performs is not fixed. Their acrobatic troupe is very famous in the Jiang Dynasty, and they have been to every place. This time, they only stopped for a while when they passed through the capital. The servant asked about it before. Well, they will go to the next place to perform in a few years. And today is the last performance before New Year's Eve." Qi Qi shook her head at Gu Qingning, expressing her pity.

(End of this chapter)

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