The Regent's little cutie is four and a half years old

Chapter 697 Could it be that you have taken a fancy to the regent

Chapter 697 Could it be that you have taken a fancy to the regent
"Ah, I'm really holding on. Miss, please stand up for a while, it's good for digestion." Qi Qi glanced at her stomach, and said while taking a thick blanket to cover her body.

Gu Qingning stood for a while, but she couldn't stand still, she still wanted to lie down, how comfortable is lying down?

After standing for a while, she resolutely walked to the bed and lay down on it. Whatever it is, she'll be fine if she lasts all night.


Recently, Ye Huaichu's marriage has been discussed in the capital for some reason, and what one said was more outrageous than the other.

Gu Qingning just went to the street to buy something, and heard a lot along the way.

"The current regent is over 22 years old, and he hasn't married the princess yet, so he can't do it?"

"Is the prince okay? How can we know? There are only two possibilities at this age. One is what you just said, and the other is that the regent doesn't like women at all. He likes men." .”

The carriage stopped next to a noodle stall, Qi Qi went shopping, and Shuang Shuang was by her side, hearing what they said, she almost couldn't control her cussing.

Gu Qingning opened a corner of the curtain and took a look. The two men who were talking were rough, one had a beard, the other had no beard, but had very thick and thick eyebrows.

The thick-browed man said: "There is a possibility, otherwise there is no way to explain it. However, in the past few years, it seems that I have never heard of him having any male pets?"

The bearded man sighed and said: "What do you know? If the prince has a male favorite, will he tell the world? Cutting off sleeves is not something glorious. I will hide it from me. Besides, did you See, the prince and the guard next to him are always flirting with each other, I guess, the two of them must have an affair."

"That's right... I've seen the Prince Regent from a distance. He's quite handsome, but I didn't expect him to be a broken sleeve. It's a pity, it's a pity. I don't know how many girls in the capital will be heartbroken..."

The bearded man patted the back of his head: "Why are you so sorry, could it be that you have taken a fancy to the regent?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? I like women, so don't eat them, boss! Check out!"

The two left, Qi Qi hadn't come back yet, all their words just now reached the carriage and the ears of a certain dark-faced guard on the side of the carriage.

Shuang Shuang opened the curtain on the other side, glanced at Lu Xin who was standing beside him with his sword in his arms, and asked him tentatively, "Guard Lu, are you okay?"

Lu Xin's face was gloomy, but he still softened his voice and responded: "Your subordinate is fine, where does Miss want to go later?"

"Let's go to Dongshi." Gu Qingning said.

The West Market is full of people discussing this matter, and no one cares about it. The East Market should be more peaceful.

Not long after, Qi Qi came back after shopping, and Lu Xin drove the carriage to Dongshi.

On the carriage, Qi Qi tidied up the things she bought, and said: "Miss, when I was going shopping just now, I heard many people discussing the matter of the prince."

"Sister Qi Qi, we heard it here just now, and they also said that the prince is... short-sleeved." He also had an affair with Lu Xin.

Shuang Shuang cut off the conversation halfway through, Lu Xin was still outside, she didn't dare to mess around.

"The mouth grows on other people, and they can say whatever they like, and we can't control it."

Gu Qingning was a little worried that these remarks would affect Ye Huaichu. After all, what everyone said was a bit outrageous, and they said everything.

(End of this chapter)

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