Chapter 1087
It has been a few days since Wang Yan left Nanjing, but the two kings of Tang and Lu are still unable to intervene in government affairs. The Ming court is operating as usual according to the rules formed in the past four years.

This is mainly the result of Wang Yan setting an example in recent years, not abusing his power, and following the rules in everything.

He took the lead in guarding the rules and laws. Over time, officials and government agencies in the Ming Dynasty developed certain habits, and the bureaucratic group reached a consensus and approved this set of rules.

In fact, even though Wang Yan was in Nanjing, he rarely participated in daily political affairs. The cabinet dealt with the usual affairs. He just controlled the general direction and submitted some important proposals. His decentralization also made the cabinet develop habit of taking power.

Power is a strange thing, once you get it, you don't let it go easily.

Although Tang Lu is also the king of governance, he is not the regent. They only have the right to vote in the council hall and have no right to participate in the affairs of the cabinet. At most they can only consult, advise and observe.

In April, when the king of Tang heard that Wang Yan was about to leave Nanjing for Wuchang, he was still happy for a while, thinking that Wang Yan was not there, and he could take the opportunity to influence the court situation and implement several resolutions that were beneficial to him. His suggestion was ignored at all.

The imperial court was very dissatisfied with Zheng Chenggong's attack on Luzon because Zheng Chenggong cut first and then played.It can be said that the civil official group is very vigilant about the warlord separatism. No one wants the separatism of the feudal towns and the era of warriors in power will come again.

As a result, the entire court and government were in favor of Wang Yan's decision to nationalize the army. After the Five Loyalty Army and the Shence Army were brought back to the central government, the attention of the ministers was focused on Tang Lu.

This time when Zheng Chenggong captured Luzon, Tang Wang proposed to set up counties and counties in Luzon, which would be temporarily managed by Fujian.

Su Guansheng, Chen Zizhuang and others who supported the Tang faction originally supported the Tang king, but in the past few years, they also saw from Wang Yan's series of reforms and the move of letting go of the five loyal troops that he strengthened the centralization of power. The determination to reform the malpractices believes that Wang Yan has no intention of rebellion, so he supports Wang Yan's decision.

If Wang Yan made a statement in the imperial court, wantonly excluded dissidents, and placed his confidantes into the imperial court, Su Guansheng and others might still have the heart of defeating the king, but Wang Yan did not do this, but absorbed them in.

In Wang Yan's cabinet, they were cabinet scholars who helped Tang Wang seize power. They were at most cabinet scholars, and they found that what Wang Yan did was exactly what the civil servants of the past dynasties wanted to do, and it was in line with their political demands .

If Wang Yan is kicked out and the clan takes power, it may return to the era of arbitrary court ministers, and this is something that the entire civil official group does not want to see.

As the cabinet scholars of the central court of the Ming Dynasty, when they considered issues, they sometimes had to start from the center, so they gradually distanced themselves from Tang Wang and denied Tang Wang's opinions.

It was only then that King Tang realized that even if Wang Yan was not around, he could not influence the cabinet, which made him anxious.

Wang Yan is digging the foundation of the royal family. If things go on like this, in a few years, the Zhu family may be completely emptied, the emperor will become the emperor, and the Zhu family will be wiped out sooner or later.

In May, the sky is blue and the weather is getting hotter.

The fifth day of the lunar new year is the Dragon Boat Festival. In the courtyard of Tang Palace, roses, rhododendrons, hibiscus, crabapple, honeysuckle, pink, poppies, snapdragons, and petunias are in full bloom. The flowers are fragrant, colorful and colorful.

The atmosphere in Nanjing seems to be very open, and the voices of the people talking about the government are endless, but in fact, secret spies are everywhere in the city, and it is not as relaxed as it seems.

In order to encourage business, Wang Yan has always adopted a strategy of loosening the outside and tightening the inside. He relaxed the control of ordinary people in order to enhance the vitality of the society, but he did not relax the surveillance of important figures such as Tang and Lu at all.

Tang Wang naturally knew that Wang Yan had arranged many spies to monitor him, so he opened up a yard in the mansion and planted some flowers and plants himself, in order to let Wang Yan relax his vigilance.

The weather is warm in May, and many flowers bloom at this time, and the colorful colors are eye-catching.

King Tang held a banquet in this courtyard, and invited King Lu and some close friends to spend the Dragon Boat Festival together and pay homage to Qu Yuan.

Many confidantes of the king of Tang gathered in the courtyard, but most of them were traditional officials and gentry who had failed in the Nanjing court and opposed the court's encouragement of business.

The banquet was held among the flowers, and everyone sat around several big tables, eating various rice dumplings and drinking the best fruit wine.

There is also a stage in the yard. Amidst the sound of silk, bamboo, gongs and drums, a man with horns came up to the stage, bit his lips, and sang sadly: "The counting is all the more, and the money is leaking. Fleeing from the Qin bandits, aha, it's so good to teach." I have a country in crisis, how can I ask for help?"

After the Shengjiao sang a sentence, the sound of silk, bamboo, gongs and drums stopped, and he heard a person behind the stage sing: "I want to send you to the top of the mountain, but the sorrowful clouds lock the Hengyang road. The fish and the geese have nothing to prove, and I have written a sad autumn poem in vain. Looking back at the west mountain, the sun has already slanted, and it is really difficult for a lonely person at the end of the world. My husband does not shed tears easily, because he has not yet reached the place where he is sad."

The sound of gongs and drums sounded again, and the horns made a few movements, and then continued to sing: "I, Lin Chong. In a moment of anger, he drew his sword and killed the two traitors of Gao's family. Mr. Duomeng Chai gave me a letter, recommending To Liangshan. I dare not walk in the daytime, so I have to walk in the dark. Ah, the stars are bright and the moon is bright, and the fog is dark and cloudy..."

This play is adapted from the story of "Water Margin", called "Lingbao Knife" and the plot of Water Margin is somewhat different. Lin Chong in the play is a general who has made great achievements on the battlefield. He is dedicated to the court, because he can't see The habitual and treacherous ministers Gao Yu and others took power and misled the country, and they were impeached by Shangshu, and they were demoted as the instructors of the Imperial Army.

But Lin Chong still didn't want to join forces with treacherous craftsmen, and continued to report to the emperor, exposing all kinds of evil deeds of Gao Qiu and others.Gao Qiu became furious and framed Lin Chong with a scheme, and sentenced him to death.

In the Ming Dynasty, Kunqu Opera flourished, but all the big families would have Pingtan to add to the fun when they usually ate, and Kunqu Opera was indispensable for big banquets.

This has almost become one of the criteria for considering whether a family is a famous family or not. For anyone with a certain status in the south of the Yangtze River, there are basically a few theater troupes in the mansion. The style and taste will make people feel superior But born.

There is also a troupe in Tang Wang’s mansion, most of the troupes are mainly the women’s family members who listen to them and sing more plays such as "The Romance of the West Chamber" and "Peach Blossom Fan", but Tang Wang likes to watch some plays about killing traitors .

In fact, from the court’s point of view, Liangshan heroes are bandits, not worthy of praise. Wang Yan doesn’t like Water Margin very much, but Tang Wang, as the prince of Ming Dynasty, really likes to watch this "Lingbao Sword". No less than three times.

In addition to this play, Tang Wang also likes another play, which is "Fengming Ji" written in the Longqing period. It is about the political events of the downfall of Yan Song and his son. It reflects the folk's hatred for Yan Song and his son's corruption and perversion of the law.

Tang Wang actually liked "The Phoenix Cry" better, but he only read it once, and he didn't order it a second time.

The theater troupe raised by the Tang Palace naturally sang well, but the courtyard was very quiet, not as noisy as in the theater buildings in the city, and they applauded loudly from time to time. Whispering, this is also the style of aristocrats.

Today's Dragon Boat Festival was the day to commemorate Dr. Qu. Sitting at the banquet, Tang Wang watched Lin Chong kill Gao's treacherous traitor on the stage, and thought of Dr. Qu throwing himself into the river, so he couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

At this time, King Lu who was sitting on the side suddenly leaned over and said in a low voice, "Wang Yan is patrolling Huguang in the west, so we really can only watch a play here and remember Dr. Qu, but can't do anything?"

(End of this chapter)

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