Chapter 1136

Wang Yan reached an agreement with the two, but it was all verbal. Regarding the rebellion, it was impossible for the court to show a weak attitude on the surface.

It will take a long time for King Lu and Zheng Chenggong to transfer to Luzon, and Wang Yan is not in a hurry, as long as they are willing to go, there is basically no threat to him.

In Luzon's situation, at least 30 years later, it is impossible to pose a threat to Daming, and 30 years later, Ming has already ruled the world and become a unified, prosperous empire. Who will remember King Zhu Yihai of Lu.

In addition, within the Ming Dynasty, the containment of Wang Yan was temporarily lifted, and there was still a weak King Yu on Taiwan Island, who might be dissatisfied with him, but his threat to Wang Yan could already be ignored.

After the negotiations were over, Wang Yan returned to Nanjing immediately to prepare for the attack of the Qing Dynasty, and to integrate the cabinet, the official circles of Zhejiang, Jiangxi, and Fujian, and to incorporate the troops of the Tang and Lu factions. time.

Wang Yan gave Zhu Yihai and Zheng Chenggong three months to evacuate personnel and assets from Zhejiang and Fujian. After three months, they could no longer move.

For a while, the sea boats shuttled between Fujian and Zhejiang, and it was really busy for a while, but they were going to Luzon after all. Except for those who were really worried about the liquidation of the court, most of them were still unwilling to drift out to sea.

Although Zhu Yihai made a promise that as long as the officers and soldiers of the navy who followed him to Luzon would be given land and cattle, some of the two sailors still fled back to land.

Although Wang Yan had an agreement with the two, he still waved his hoes and dug the corners, encouraging the sailors of the Zheng family navy and Zhejiang navy to serve the country.

But after all, they were once hostile. Most of these sailors who escaped did not enter the army, but were divided up by Guangnan maritime merchants, especially Zhejiang and Fujian maritime merchants.

Zhu Yihai and Zheng Chenggong's retreat continued, but there was an episode.

Wang Yan asked Yu Taichu to send a Jinyi guard to follow Zhu Yihai's people to an island in the east of Zhejiang, where he met Zhu Cihuan, the third prince of Zhu who had been rumored for a long time, and planned to ask Zhu Yihai's people to help him detain him to Nanjing for interrogation , but after the ship set off from the island, it never went ashore.

After all, Zhu Cihuan was the prince of Emperor Chongzhen, and he was a flag that could stir up wind and rain. After his disappearance, the imperial court immediately attracted attention and sent ships to search for him on the sea in eastern Zhejiang.

A few days later, on the beach near Jinshanwei, a ship was found mutilated and drifting to the shore, and there were several corpses. It was determined that it was the boat that released Zhu Cihuan. It was announced that Zhu Cihuan, the fifth prince of Chongzhen, had died in a shipwreck.

At this point, in the lineage of Shenzong, except for a useless King Gui, it ended.

After Wang Yan returned to Nanjing, the first thing he did was to transfer Liu Shun from Yangzhou to Hefei. After joining Li Guo, he divided his troops to attack Runan to relieve the pressure on Nanyang.

In terms of internal affairs, the academician Chen Zizhuang became the governor of Fujian and Zhejiang, Du Yinxi joined the cabinet as a senior scholar, Zhang Huangyan became the governor of Jiangxi, Xie Kuang was appointed as the governor of Zhejiang, You Youlun was appointed as the inspector of Jiangxi, Jiang Riguang continued to be the governor of Fujian, and other vacancies, etc. After the imperial court reviewed the officials, they made appointments.

In terms of the military, the establishment of the Wuwei Army was reduced to two towns on the left and right, with a total of 6 people. Ministry of 6 people.

In this way, with the addition of 15 Wuzhong, 15 Magical Strategies, and 50 rampages, the strength of Daming's regular troops will reach more than [-].

Once the power of the two kings is eliminated, as long as the internal integration of the Ming Dynasty is completed, there will be an army of more than [-], plus some government soldiers, and it will be just around the corner to sweep the world.

Wang Yan was also very excited in his heart, but this time Tang Lu was defeated, many soldiers from the two factions fled, and some even went up to the mountains to become bandits, and went to the lake to become bandits. Wang Yan needed to integrate and supplement, and it was not something that could be completed in a short time. .

During the drastic changes within the Ming Dynasty, Shanxi was also preparing for this great change.

Historically, Jiang Xiang, anyway, happened in 1649, persisted for nearly nine months, and was finally killed by the general Yang Zhenwei. The Qing general, Prince Azig, entered the city and ordered the massacre of the city. It is known as "The Massacre of Datong" in history.

Over the past 20 years of watching Nanming, there have been several reversals, but unfortunately because the Yongli court was incompetent and not well organized, all of them failed.

At the time of Jiang Xiang's rebellion, almost all the elite of the Qing army returned to the north, except for Prince Duanzhong Boluo, Prince Chengze Shuosei, Prince Doro Mandahai, Prince Doro Wakda, and Azig participated in the counter-insurgency campaign. In addition, Wu Sangui, Li Guohan, and Meng Qiaofang also cooperated in the battle, and even Dorgon went to the front line in person.

From these names, we can know that the Qing army was desperate, and almost all the elite soldiers were sent to Shanxi.

However, at that time Nanming was panicked because of the successive deaths of Jin Shenghuan, Wang Deren, Li Chengdong, and He Tengjiao. After Tan Tai and Heluohui returned to the north, and Jierhalang withdrew his troops from Huguang in a hurry, he did not seize the opportunity and lost a great opportunity.

The anti-Qing forces in the Ming Dynasty wave after wave, each time they stretched out a finger to poke the enemy. If they could be organized properly, without internal strife, and clenched into one fist, they would have knocked down the Manqing with one punch.

Wang Yan and Jiang Xiang had been in contact very early, and they had already established a line before attacking Nanjing.

At that time, Wang Yan wanted to instigate Jiang Xiang when he attacked Nanjing, restrain the Qing army, and let him take Nanjing smoothly. But later, Emperor Gaozong made the first move and disrupted Wang Yan's plan. It has been useless.

Jiang Xiang had many conflicts with Man Qing, and it was time to start an incident, but Wang Yan comforted him a few times, which made him endure until now.

This time, the Qing army took advantage of the civil strife in the Ming Dynasty to launch a southern invasion campaign, and the battle in Nanyang has entered a fierce state.

At this time in Nanyang and Lianghuai, more than 30 Qing troops participated in the war, and there were more than [-] people who were accompanied by coats and forced conscripts.

Although it is said that the military pay of the Qing army is far from comparable to that of the Ming army, it is enough for the civilian husbands to eat, but it is still an astronomical figure for people to eat horses.

Although the Qing army obtained a large number of cattle and sheep from Moxi, and the production in the north has gradually resumed in the past two years, normal taxes still cannot support the war for a long time.

In the mansion of the General Army of Datong, Ning Wanwo, the governor of Manchu Shanxi who came from Taiyuan, sat in the lobby, and Jiang Xiang and other generals and Datong officials sat below.

Ning Wan, I am a very old traitor. I am afraid that only Fan Wencheng and others can compare with him. He surrendered to Houjin when he was an old slave, and he has devoted himself to the Qing Dynasty for almost 30 years.

"Jiang Junmen, the imperial army is fighting in front, and as subjects, we must all be loyal to the imperial court! This time, the regent ordered a one-year tax increase in Shanxi, and other places are almost completed, and Datong cannot be left behind. "Ning Wan I looked at Jiang Xiang and said quietly: "Besides, there were Mongolian invaders in the past, and Datong needed to garrison heavy troops. Now that the regent has surrendered the Mongolian tribes, there is no need for so many troops to be stationed in Datong."

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(End of this chapter)

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