Chapter 1238
The suppression of the Dutch made the charging Sultanate soldiers finally approach the city wall. The soldiers stepped on long ladders and jumped over the moat, then climbed towards the top of the city.

Unlike the war between the Ming and Qing Dynasties, when all kinds of equipment called for the siege and defense of the city, thousands of archers and musketeers lined up in neat formations to shoot at each other, Phnom Penh's offense and defense were undoubtedly much worse, just like It's like bandits and refugees attacking a village.

Although it seems that there are no rules, it cannot be said that the battle is not fierce. The offensive and defensive battle in Phnom Penh was still full of blood and flesh, and corpses fell into the city one after another.

At this time, as the Ruan army was suppressed, some enemy troops climbed up to the top of the city, and the fighting began to be fierce. Ruan Phuc saw that the city wall was in danger, and the defenders and the enemy troops who had climbed up the city were fighting on the entire city. Suddenly, a rain of arrows flew over his head. He looked back, but it was Lord Zheng who led three thousand archers to reinforce him.

"Let the arrows!" Zheng Zuo in armor ran over and immediately drew his sword and shouted. More than 3000 Annan archers rushed to the foot of the city wall from the gap between the streets and houses. rain.

Arrows soared into the sky and fell over the city wall. The enemy troops who stepped on long ladders to cross the river outside the city were immediately hit by arrows and fell into the moat.

Seeing this, the Ruan army fighting fiercely on the city was boosted in morale. Ruan Phuc stabbed an enemy soldier to death, threw the body off the city wall, and shouted loudly: "Kill!"

The Dutch suppressed the top of the city, but they couldn't suppress the rain of arrows thrown from the city. The enemy troops who attacked the city raised their shields one after another, but the siege was still blocked.

At this time, many archers in the city climbed to the roof and shot directly at the enemy army in the city.

Ruan Fubin was fighting with a sultanate general wearing chain mail, when suddenly a sharp arrow hit the general in the chest, Ruan Fubi immediately cut off his head with a sweep of his sword, and the headless body was bloody Blast shot, then fell heavily.

There were soldiers on the roof aiming and shooting at the enemy, and the situation in the city immediately improved. The soldiers of the Ruan army yelled, "Kill them down."

The siege battle lasted about an hour, and it ended because the soldiers of the various sultanates retreated from the city.

Among the soldiers of these sultanates, many were natives on the island, who had not experienced war for many years and had not known soldiers for hundreds of years. Only the sultanates on Malacca and Borneo were able to fight.

However, although the defenders repelled the enemy's attack, the situation was not optimistic, and the city suffered heavy casualties.

Zheng Zuo stepped on the pool of blood and came to the city. Seeing the corpses all over the place, he couldn't help frowning and said, "How about the casualties? Can you still hold it?"

Ruan Fubin didn't expect that Zheng Zuo would come to help him, "I'm afraid the city wall will be blown down by the Dutch!" He paused for a moment, then suddenly clasped his fists and said, "Thank you this time!"

Zheng Zuo waved his hand. He was responsible for the defeat of the army before. He was afraid that the Ming Dynasty would hold him accountable, so he immediately came to support when he saw the crisis in Xicheng.

After the Ming Dynasty conquered Zhancheng Liwei, it first helped Ryukyu get rid of the Shimadzu clan, and then helped Korea restore the country. He already had a high prestige in the subordinate countries and surrounding areas, so Zheng Zuo was still very worried that the Ming Dynasty would blame him. .

In addition, the enmity between him and the Ruan family came from the competition for the power of Annan. Now the Ming Dynasty strictly forbids private fighting between vassals. The conflict between the two families has been suppressed by the Ming Dynasty. He thought carefully that there is no need to continue to be hostile and provoke the Ming Dynasty. unhappy.

If the two reconcile, they may be able to cooperate in the future. The neighboring Nanzhang Kingdom is in chaos, and it is not like the Ming Dynasty. It is closer to Dongyu. Zheng Zuo has long wanted to merge. Ask Lord Ruan to send troops together.

After all, the relationship between the two is not good, and it will not take a while to reconcile. When they were having an awkward chat without saying a word, a soldier suddenly came to report, "My lord, the King of Chenla sent someone to report, my God. The envoys of the court have entered the city."

Zheng Zuo and Ruan Fubin glanced at each other, both of them were very pleasantly surprised, probably the army of the Ming Dynasty was coming soon.

At that moment, Ruan Fubin arranged the defense of the city, then hurried down the city, came to the Chenla Palace, met the envoy of the Ming Dynasty, and presented a message: "By order of the commander-in-chief, I am here to deliver a letter to Phnom Penh!"

Zheng Zuo hurriedly took the letter, opened it, and read it carefully. Ruan Fubin couldn't help asking the messenger: "My envoy, I don't know where the army of the Heavenly Dynasty is, and who is leading it?"

The messenger who delivered the letter smiled and said, "Reporting to Your Highness, [-] elite soldiers have arrived in Champa, and the leader is Duke Bao."

Ruan Fulin was a little shocked again. He didn't expect that Daming would transport 3 horses across the sea to Champa in such a short time. How many warships and huge national power would be needed for this.

At this time, Zheng Zuo had finished reading the letter, and excitedly handed the letter to Ruan Fubin and said, "Mr. Li Guogong asked us to guard Phnom Penh and wait for his reinforcements to arrive!"

On the other hand, the retreat of the siege troops made the Dutch very dissatisfied.

When Constantine saw the soldiers running back from all over the mountains, he couldn't help but put down his binoculars and cursed, "Damn it!" It's unclear whether he was cursing the defenders in the city or the retreating Sultanate soldiers.

On Nanyang Island, because of the abundant sunshine, it can be said that there is no such thing as autumn and winter. The products are extremely rich. There are endless melons and fruits to be picked in the mountains and woods, and endless seafood in the sea. Basically, what grows grows.

Such a living environment allows people living here to meet their basic survival needs without putting in too much effort. After a long time, these people develop a kind of inertia.

They don't want to improve their lives and cultivate more land, and it's even more difficult to fight wars.

Wood Housewell also put down his binoculars, looked at the soldiers of the Sultanate, retreated from the city, and said angrily: "If there are five thousand Dutch soldiers, I will never rely on these natives!"

As he spoke, he turned his head and ordered: "Order, continue shelling until the city wall collapses. If the city collapses and they can't "break into the city, the company will sell them to Batavia as slaves!" "

The failure of the siege made the Dutch very unhappy, but they never meant to let the Dutch climb the city directly, because they knew in their hearts that their advantage was only weapons, and the advantages of such weapons were not particularly huge.

Of course, they didn't think the defenders were strong, it was just because there were few Dutch people, each of them came from across the ocean, and it was impossible for them to be wasted in the siege, so Wood would rather wait a little longer and let the shells smash down the city wall , and then attack.

The soldiers of the Sultanate were not strong enough to fight a brutal battle, and more than 2 people could only be temporarily stationed outside the city.

Compared with the camps of the Dutch, the camps of the Sultanate are much neater, because of their religious beliefs, they pay great attention to keeping personal cleanliness.

The camp of the Dutch was a mess, they basically didn't take a shower, they drank wine and ate meat savagely, and there were screams from women from time to time, unaware of the imminent danger.

The city wall of Phnom Penh is not strong. Thirty cannons kept bombarding it, and it took a day or two to collapse. The Dutch are looking forward to this day.

While Wood and others were waiting for the city to collapse, the Dutch fleet commander Kau Wu sent someone to send a message. The Dutch ships monitoring the port of Champa found four or five hundred ships crossing the sea and entering Champa. Thirty thousand troops were brought in.

Under the tent propped up by four wooden poles, Wood was pacing back and forth with his hands behind his back, glancing at the map on the table from time to time, on which he had drawn an arrow from Guangzhou to Champa.

The Ming Dynasty organized an army to cross the sea so quickly. Although he firmly believed that the Netherlands was invincible, he was still a little uneasy.

After all, with the ability of the Netherlands, it is not easy to transport 200 troops such a long distance. For the Netherlands, which has a population of more than [-] million, it is still a little frightening for the Ming Dynasty to dispatch [-] troops at once.

Just as Wood was thinking, Constantine suddenly came over and said loudly, "Your Excellency, our people have discovered Ming people on the east bank of the Mekong River."

(Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, Babies)

(End of this chapter)

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