Chapter 1252

In the past, when the Mongols attacked cities and villages, they often used huge cavalry to charge forward and shoot a wave, killing and injuring the enemy with overwhelming arrow rain, and deterred the enemy, but this time they hit the iron plate.

In fact, with the development of firearms, the range and rate of fire of firecrackers have increased, and the tactics of cavalry, shooting and harassment will inevitably withdraw from the stage of history.

A very simple reason, musketeers shoot [-] paces, and the effective range of riding a bow is generally within [-] paces. The range of muskets is much longer than that of riding a bow, and the continuous firepower formed by three rows of musketeers is also stronger than that of horsemen. Bows and arrows are much more violent.

This way the range is not as good as human beings, the continuity and power are not as good as human beings, and the cavalry is riding around and shooting, isn't it a desperate reminder for the musketeer to be a target?

At this time, in addition to direct raids, close combat as soon as possible, outflanking the artillery array, and hitting the enemy in a dense formation, the power of cavalry and shooting has been greatly reduced.

The cavalry under the city fell down again and again, and half of the cavalry rushed to retreat hurriedly.

Wu Keshan was taken aback when he saw the sudden change, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

In the First World War in the Central Plains, most of the Mongolian Eight Banners who fought for the Qing Dynasty for many years were destroyed at Mengjin Ferry.

Before the Ming army reached Beijing, the remaining Mongolian soldiers in the north fled back to the grassland.

That is to say, not many Mongols on the grassland are familiar with the tactics of the Ming army, nor do they understand the changes in the weapons of the Ming army.

Like Wu Keshan, most of the Mongolian princes he brought with him were masters who lived in the grasslands and did not know that the times had progressed.

This is also the tragedy of nomadism. It was during this period of time that the nomadic peoples who once made the eastern and western worlds feel trembling, went into decline almost at the same time.

This is the rolling forward of times and history, and the rise of firearms is destined to gradually withdraw from the stage of history.

"Father Khan, it must be a self-generated firecracker!" Wu Keshan's third son Bir Tahar suddenly said.

He was sent as an envoy to the Kingdom of Jin, and saw a firearm in Chang'an.

After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, some officials and secret agents who had served the Qing Dynasty fled to the Kingdom of Jin for fear of the Ming Dynasty's personal calculations, and brought a lot of things to the Kingdom of Jin.

The Qing army occupied the north, and there were not a few Han Chinese who served the Manchus. They could not leave the customs to live in Shunzhi, who was under the fence. They could only switch to the Jin Kingdom to avoid the liquidation of the Ming Dynasty.

For example, the blueprint of the self-generated firecracker was brought to the Kingdom of Jin by Fu Youchun, the son of Fu Shangrui. He even persuaded more than a dozen craftsmen to go to Chang'an.

Fu Youchun worked for the Zhangan Office. After Beijing was captured by the Ming army, the Ming army copied a lot of information about spies. However, because of the political turmoil in the Ming Dynasty at that time, the arrest was not timely, and many secret agents of the Qing court fled to the Kingdom of Jin.

Fu Youchun not only fled, but Fu Younian, who was active in Nanjing in [-], also lost his well-developed business name and fled to the Kingdom of Jin with all his money.

The joining of these people actually made the Kingdom of Jin inherit part of the legacy of the Qing Dynasty.

Hauge proudly presented Horqin with [-] bird guns because of the breakthrough in the weapons of the Kingdom of Jin, and the bird guns are gradually being phased out.

Bil Tahar once saw this kind of fast-firing and long-range firecracker in the weapon workshop of the Kingdom of Jin. Not long after production, I didn't have any equipment myself, so naturally I wouldn't give it to Horqin, but Hauge first presented [-] bird guns as a gift, saying that I can sell them some when there are more.

Wu Keshan didn't know what self-generated firecrackers were, but it was a fact that the plan to surround the city with cavalry and archery failed. Now that the cavalry marched around the city, it would mean death. city!"

Bil Tahar behind him heard the order and hurriedly waved his hands: "Stand back and leave the camp!"

At present, the [-] Mongolian army began to camp in the wilderness, and countless white yurts began to appear outside Shenyang City.

When the Mongols came from afar, they did not have any siege equipment or artillery, but the Mongols quickly cut down trees and made many climbing ladders, battering rams and dozens of trebuchets.

The unfavorable battle made Wu Keshan cautious. He attached great importance to this battle. The purpose was to lead the Mongolian tribes to grab a wave in Shenyang, so that the Mongolian tribes had confidence in him and they could live a good life in the future.

His main purpose this time is to rob, and then plunder the population.

Of course, it is a good thing to be able to occupy the Liaohe Plain. If it cannot be occupied, and the Ming army rises to seize it, then he will retreat to the grassland. Harassment, exit the Liaohe Plain.

The purpose of the Mongols is mainly to plunder, coupled with a small population.So too many people can't die, so Wu Keshan tried his best to be well prepared.

On the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, just after the Shangyuan Festival, the sound of horns in the Mongolian camp outside the city suddenly made the atmosphere in Shenyang tense.

Xie Qian and others came to the top of the city and watched the Mongolian army mobilize in the camp. After a while, three armies came out of the camp.

Two of them, about 1 people, went to the east and west walls, and the other group had more than [-] people, surrounded by equipment, and attacked the north of the city.

"Looking at the distribution of the Mongols' forces, it should be a feint attack from east to west, and the main attack from the north." Xie Qian analyzed: "They stayed in the south and did not attack. It seems that they want us to take the initiative to give up Shenyang."

Zhang Jiayu nodded, "Wu Keshan was sweating in Horqin. He urgently needs a victory to inspire people and stabilize the Mongolian ministries, but he made the wrong opponent first. He shouldn't provoke Daming. It's wishful thinking for him to win Shenyang."

"If I were Wu Keshan, I would definitely stabilize Daming first, and then conquer the unyielding Mongolian tribes. After unifying Mongolia, I would then contend with Daming. But instead of starting the unification with the weak Mongolian tribes, he came to provoke our Ming Dynasty first. It’s a death reminder, it’s extremely stupid!” Xie Qian echoed, and then waved: “Beat the drums and prepare for battle!”

The general behind him clasped his fists, and not long after, the drums of the Ming army on the city were beating. More than 4000 Ming troops quickly assembled on the city, and [-] strong men also entered their respective positions.

This time the Ming army did not prepare well. There were no heavy artillery on the city, and there were not too many defense equipment, but gunpowder and firearms were sufficient. Fortunately, the Mongols came from afar and did not have many equipment, and they Also not very good at siege.

Xie Qian felt that as long as the firearms in the city were not exhausted, it should be no problem to guard for a month.

The Ming army in the city has a battalion and four divisions, and there are more than [-] old guns such as Frangji.

Xie Qian only put a division of 337 people to guard the city gate in the south city, and 1012 Mongolian soldiers attacked on the east and west sides, and then there were 1 people guarding each side. , so put a force plus a division, a total of 1349 guards, 674% of the artillery is deployed in the north city, and the remaining two divisions with [-] people will serve as a reserve team to support the city at any time, and another [-] strong people will assist in the defense.

At this time, when the Ming army was properly arranged amidst the sound of war drums, outside the northern city, [-] Mongolian troops had already formed a large formation outside the city, and the battle was imminent.

(End of this chapter)

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