Autumn of the 17th year of Chongzhen

Chapter 1278 The Golden Horde Failed

Chapter 1278 The Golden Horde Failed
In 1655 AD, the sixth year of the Ming Dynasty, the eighth year of Jin Yongzhang, the first year of the Ming Dynasty in Japan.

These three era names represent the three most influential regimes in East Asia.

And in this year, the three regimes all appeared to be thriving.

Japan, which lived alone overseas, signed a trade treaty with the Ming Dynasty. Due to the huge pressure of trade deficit and silver outflow, various domestic industries also began to develop in large numbers in order to exchange silver from the Ming Dynasty.

Japan's knife-making and smelting technology was further strengthened, and it was the most sold product to the Ming Dynasty, and the Ming army also purchased a lot of Japanese knives.

In addition, handicraft workshops such as folding fans and lacquerware also sprang up in Japan, and textile workshops even appeared in the southern provinces.

The Edo shogunate's lock-up order basically existed in name only.

Under the pressure of earning back silver and reducing the deficit, Japanese merchant ships also began to arrive in the Ming Dynasty, North Korea, and even the Nanyang area, but the shogunate could only turn a blind eye to this.

However, unlike the rapid development of the Ming Dynasty, the outflow of silver in Japan caused a lack of private funds in Japan, which made the development of these workshops relatively slow, and it was difficult to catch up with the Ming Dynasty.

However, the emergence of these workshops and the development of trade have also increased the value of the entire Japanese economy and the value created each year. The Edo shogunate also raised its finances to a higher level by collecting tariffs in trade.

Although they did not change the trade deficit, they also stabilized the deficit and did not continue to expand.

In this year, the Ming Dynasty went even more smoothly. Not only did it return to the status of the big brother in East Asia, but it also solved the border troubles in the north and south directions. The merchant ships broke through Malacca and expanded the scope of trade to the Indian region. The fiscal revenue of the entire country has also increased. Exceeded 4000 million.

The tax payment method before the Ming Dynasty was relatively complicated, with labor and tax in kind, and then gradually switched to paying taxes in silver. On average, it was about 2000 million a year, and the Ming Dynasty has now doubled. Forty percent is close to that of the Song Dynasty.

Today's Ming Dynasty has a prosperous culture, a broad mind, developed commerce, and rich products. It has Tianfu in Central Shu, Huguang, and Nanyang granaries in its hands. It can be said that it needs money and food. It is a well-deserved overlord of East Asia.

In this year, the Kingdom of Jin's internal affairs and national strength have also been thriving.

In terms of food, although the balance is not much, I save a little every year and have some reserves.

In addition to the newly established Anxi Protectorate, because the people have just moved there, food needs to be allocated from Guanzhong, and it has become a large food household. With a large amount of food in hand, Wu Sangui, who sits in the fertile Hanzhong Basin, became a rich man.

Generally speaking, the problem of food shortage in the Kingdom of Jin has been greatly alleviated. As long as there is no big war, there is still no need to worry about food and drink.

If Jin Guo can promote sweet potatoes, corn, potatoes, etc., and plant them for a few years, then they will not be afraid of growing them for one or two years in a row.

In terms of silver and fiscal revenue, due to the opening of commercial routes, the Kingdom of Jin also maintained a large trade surplus. Although it was not as good as the Ming Dynasty, the tax revenue was still about 1000 million taels.

Of course, this has a lot to do with the destruction of Yarkand by the Kingdom of Jin and the looting from the upper classes of Yarkand.

It can be seen that the countries in East Asia, due to the rise of the Ming Dynasty and stimulated by the Ming Dynasty, are undergoing certain changes.

In a blink of an eye, 1655 AD has ended and 1656 AD has entered.

At the beginning of this year, the Ming Dynasty made a New Year's Eve and passed the Ministry of War's proposal to rebuild the northern frontier army. It suggested expanding the army by 20 to 70, so that the Ming Dynasty's military strength would expand to [-].

In addition, due to the disintegration of the traditional small-scale peasant economy in the south, the government military system that was not implemented for a long time in the Ming Dynasty was also greatly affected. Military thousand households train for one to three months.

When the battle is tense, the imperial court can transfer any adult man to join the army.

This means that everyone has the obligation to serve the country, but the court does not really allow everyone to join the army, it just has this right, and it is the court that does not use this right.

The actions of the Ming Dynasty naturally stimulated the Kingdom of Jin severely. However, although the expansion of the Ming Dynasty's army this time meant to compete with the Kingdom of Jin, the Kingdom of Jin also saw something from it. During that period of time, the Kingdom of Jin was relatively safe.

The Kingdom of Jin is now considered rich and has food, and the army can move, but it is afraid that if the army moves, it will attract the attack of the Ming Dynasty and destroy this safe period.

Furthermore, after the Kingdom of Jin eliminated Yaerqiang, it did not find another opponent who could make a move. Therefore, although the people of the Kingdom of Jin felt the urgency, they did not make any new moves.

At this time, on the eastern front of the Kingdom of Jin, although they knew that war was about to break out, the entire eastern front was in a relatively peaceful state. Compared to the eastern front, the west of the Kingdom of Jin was much more exciting.

Beginning at the end of 1654, the war between Russia and the Golden Horde broke out, and now it has been fought intermittently for more than a year.

This is not a big deal in the history of wars between Russia and Mongolia. They have fought wars that lasted more than ten years, but this time is also a bit special.

Because throughout this period of time, the two sides fought continuously, and large-scale battles were always going on, which is rare in history.

Just on the east bank of the Volga River, there were four battles involving more than [-] people. During this period, the sentry battles and infiltration battles between the Mongolian cavalry and the Cossacks were countless.

For more than a year, the two sides fought repeatedly in the Volga region, and the two sides refused to give in. This is probably the most difficult battle Russia has fought against Mongolia in recent years, which was hard to imagine in the past.

The Golden Horde ruined the good thing that Russia defeated Poland, and blocked the continuity between Russia and Siberia. If Russia wants to compete with Poland and Sweden, it must solve the scourge of the Golden Horde.

For the Mongols on the banks of the Volga River, Russia, an evil country, killed wherever they went. They ruined Russia's good deeds, and the Russians must launch a bloody revenge.

They have been oppressed for many years before, and now they can only stand up and fight hard, but since the beginning of the war, the situation has developed in a direction that is not good for the Mongols.

The Golden Horde lost more than they won in the battle, and soon lost the east bank of the Volga River. However, as the Mongols gathered on the west bank, relying on their numerical advantage, they gradually formed a confrontation with Russia.

The Mongols and Russians are in a state of anxiety, which is also due to the help of the Kingdom of Jin.

Although the firearms given by the Kingdom of Jin to the Mongols were not high-end goods, but Russia was not rich at that time, and most of the troops were arquebuses and old cannons, which were not much better than the Mongols. In addition, there were more Mongols, so the two sides Stand down on the banks of the Volga.

By the end of last year, the Russians launched two major offensives, but they failed to make a breakthrough. Yuzi Khan, an ally of the Golden Horde, led the elites of the country again, and strengthened the Golden Horde one step further. country's strength.

In February of this year, the impatient Russians finally invested their capital. Taking advantage of the opportunity of the match between Poland and Sweden, they reached a deal with the Ukrainian Cossack chiefs and transferred [-] registered Cossacks to join the war.

The Russians suffered nearly [-] casualties, and finally defeated the Mongol coalition forces on the west bank of the Volga River. Even the Mongolian Ayuqi Khan was killed.

Seng Ge had no choice but to lead his army to break out of the encirclement and go southward, entering Central Asia. The Mongols' Golden Tent Han Dynasty failed, and the entire Central Asian region was overwhelmed by it. A layer of haze shrouded the heads of Mongolian and Turkic tribes.

In March, outside the city of Dunduo, a team of nearly a thousand people came slowly west. Most of them were dressed in Mongolian costumes, but the first hundred people were dressed in golden army...

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(End of this chapter)

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