Chapter 1295
Sun Kewang was guarding the Western Regions, and he had enough horses. The [-] infantry in his hands, according to the style of the dragoons of the Ming Dynasty, were equipped with horses for transportation, and equipped with [-] field artillery pieces, which were galloped by four horses.

These 1 people can be said to be Sun Kewang's old base, equivalent to his private army, and almost all good things are used on them.

Although the court of the Kingdom of Jin did not give Sun Kewang much, after the attack on Yarkand, Sun Kewang copied a large amount of property and supplies from the Khanate that had been in the country for more than a hundred years, and naturally he would not hand it over to the court of the Kingdom of Jin. Most of them are his own.

After destroying Yarkand, he got a large number of craftsmen, so the equipment was no worse than Wu Sangui's fine cavalry.

They were equipped with [-] self-generating blunderbusses, but half of them were transported from Guanzhong to the Western Regions successively in the past two years by Sun Kewang, who bribed Minister Han Chaoxuan and Minister Kong Wenqi with a lot of money.

The three battalions of the Jin Army's infantry, plus one division's artillery team, came to the battlefield nearly an hour late because their riding skills were not as good as those of the cavalry.

Sun Kewang had already heard the gunshots from the east city, and knew that the Raksha people had already entered the city, so he didn't hesitate to let the newly arrived infantry join the battle directly.

In the city, under the suppression of the Russian musketeers, there were no Yuzi people who dared to attack the spear array. The Russian soldiers rushed towards the foot of the east city with their spears, and at this moment, suddenly a large group of Jin troops rushed into the city.

The Golden Army has 13 people in each team, and six self-generated gunners stand on the right side, in three rows, with two people in each row, equipped with waist knives and gun stabs, and can fight melee if necessary.

On the left are seven people, the leader is the flag officer who is holding a sword and shield. He is equipped with a shield, a miao knife, and a small triangular flag on his back. The color of the flag on his back will be different according to the battalion number.

Behind the small flag are two spearmen, and behind them are two guns, operated by four golden soldiers.

This formation evolved from the Yuanyang formation of the Ming army. It was basically compiled and practiced with reference to Qi Jiajun and "Ji Xiaoxin Shu". He retained mobility and flexibility, and at the same time conformed to the times and strengthened the firepower of the team.

Strengthening the firepower of the army has almost become a consensus between the Ming army and the Jin army. However, the Ming army mainly strengthened the artillery equipment, but the Jin army increased the amount of looting.

The two countries choose different paths based on their national conditions and financial resources.

The Ming army was equipped with a large number of rapid-fire bronze cannons. Jin Guo lacked financial resources, and unlike the Ming Dynasty’s currency reform, Wude began to issue copper coins and paper copper banknotes. Domestic copper ingots were sufficient, and a large number of copper cannons could be cast. Jin Guo had less copper. However, folk copper coins are not enough, so there is not so much copper to cast cannons, and they cannot afford to cast them.

In order to cope with the powerful firepower of the Ming army, Jin Guo did not blindly refer to the Ming Dynasty. They also thought of ways to increase the firepower and range of the Jin army.

Since the casting of cannons could not be done, Jin Guo focused on the transformation of fire blunderbusses. In addition to imitating the self-generated blunderbusses of the Ming Dynasty, Jin Guo’s eyes fell on the "Nine-headed Bird" and "Yang Ying blunderbuss" of the Ming Dynasty. On the big bird gun.

Big bird guns like the nine-headed bird originally weighed more than 20 kilograms, and the medicine cost one or two yuan, one big bullet and several small bullets.

When the big gun is far away from the enemy, it fires big bullets, and when it is close to the enemy, it fires scattered bullets.

For the Ming Dynasty, this kind of big blunderbuss, which was equally powerful, was not sought after by the army.After all, the Ming Dynasty had cannons that could solve the problem with one shot, so this kind of big guns was not really needed, but for the weaker state of Jin, this kind of big guns could make up for the lack of firepower of the Jin army.

Jin Guo modified this kind of big gun and made this big bird bigger. Each rod weighs [-] jin. The gun shaft is also divided into two types, one with fine holes, which fires live ammunition, and the other with thick holes. , which fires shotguns.

The fine hole can hit three or four hundred steps away, and the thick hole can also hit about 150 steps, which is just right to provide fire support for self-generating firecrackers that hit two hundred steps away.

At this time, the spearmen of the Russian army who advanced with spears, just approached the city gate, met the Jin army entering the city. When they saw a large number of troops entering the city, they instinctively wanted to stab the Jin army out of the city with spear arrays and block the city. Door.

The first to enter the city was the golden general Li Qichen. He had seen the prowess of the Russian army's spear array on the banks of the Volga River. "

The golden army who entered the city was stunned when they saw the Russian army. The self-born musketeer fired immediately, the gunner quickly reloaded, and then put the gun on the shoulder of his companion.

There was a burst of "bang bang bang" and gunpowder smoke, and most of the first row of Russian troops in front fell down.

This startled them, but they quickly made up their minds and continued to move forward, advancing within a hundred paces, and at this moment, the thick-bore raised gun opened fire. This thing is an ancient shotgun and rifle. Knock down the Russian army.

The Russian reinforcements who had just entered the west city and hadn't climbed over the city wall heard a series of gunshots, and suddenly there was a burst of cheers in the city, and the Russian troops couldn't help but stop.

Standing on the top of the slope, the Russian general Braginsky looked up at the city, his eyes were filled with astonishment. He saw that the Russian army that had entered the city before retreated hastily, and the enemy soldiers were rolling over from three sides. The Russian army came out,

Five brigades of elite Russian troops had been fighting fiercely in the city for a long time. They suddenly bumped into the golden army. The spearmen rushed forward under the enemy, and were knocked down in large numbers, leaving the musketeers without protection.

At this time, the Yuzi people who saw the arrival of reinforcements were greatly motivated, and began to fight back under the leadership of Seng Ge. In addition, the battle organization of the Jin army was more flexible, while the Russian army's phalanx was not easy to display in the city, and the Jin army was at the city gate. After gaining a firm foothold, the team immediately turned around from the left and right to the two wings of the Russian phalanx. The Russian army was attacked from three sides and had to retreat from the city while firing their guns.

Braginsky saw the Russian army retreating in the city, but his five brigades blocked the retreat, and they were easily knocked apart by the retreating Russian army in the city. Immediately said: "Back!"

"What's going on?" Morozov was startled when he saw the attacking infantry retreating.

As the Russian army all withdrew from the city, the figures of the enemy in the city began to appear. They were not as chaotic as the Yuzi people. All the soldiers were in black cotton armor. There was a flag for every three to 400 people, which can be seen very clear.

Soldiers from all parts of the Jin Army walked down the slope, the squads gathered into a flag, the flags gathered into a bureau, and began to line up outside the city.

Twenty cannons were pushed up the slope by the soldiers, and opened fire like the Russian army first. There was a roar in the sky, more than [-] white smoke rose, and the shells fell into the square formation of the Russian army, killing dozens of people immediately.

Only then did Marshal Morozov react and ordered the artillery to fight back. 150 artillery pieces fired one after another, and dozens of rounds were hit on the Golden Army's phalanx, but the gap that appeared was quickly filled by soldiers, and the front line remained intact.

The Jin army formed a horizontal formation in order to control a larger front. There were two lines in total. The first line was lined with three rows of soldiers, all of which were self-generated guns and guns. There was a space of about two meters between every 36 men. There is a gap so that the swords, shields and spearmen on the second line can rush out and counterattack.

The second line is also three rows. There are melee units and self-generated gunners. Swordsmen and spearmen are used to charge the formation at the end or attack the enemy army close to the first line, and gunners are used to make up for the losses in front.

Although the Russian army had a lot of artillery, the Jin army formed a horizontal formation, with only six rows in two vertical lines. It was not easy to hit, and a single cannon shot could injure up to six people in a row. However, after the Russian army changed their formation, they gathered together, One shot at that time, the loss will be great.

The formation of the Golden Army Column is naturally to exert the greatest firepower from the front, and the retreating Russian army also formed a frontal formation and formed a line formation.

The front-line commander, Braginsky, knew that the enemy's firearms were powerful. If he didn't deploy his formation, he could only be massacred by the enemy's superior firepower.

As soon as the whistle sounded, the golden army and the newly formed Russian army advanced forward under artillery fire almost at the same time. When they reached 150 steps, they rushed forward one after another.

The "bang bang bang" gunshots and the rumbling guns rang together. On the front lines of the two armies, soldiers kept falling down. The Russian army's artillery was fierce, but the golden army's guns were raised one by one.

But generally speaking, there are fewer Jin soldiers and more losses.As the soldiers of the two armies continued to approach, gaps were opened in the front lines.

As the distance approached, the two armies approached fifty steps. The spearmen of the Russian army had already advanced their spears, surpassing the line of muskets, and were about to go up to slaughter the golden army. He was about to charge forward, but at this moment, the Golden Army cavalry on the right wing, with tens of thousands of soldiers, roared in under the leadership of Wu Sangui, and launched a thunderous blow to the Russian army's line formation.

The Russian army and the Golden army also formed a line. The front is long and shallow, and the rotation is not flexible. no more.

At this time, because the two families were close, the Russian spearmen stepped forward and separated from the Musketeers, which provided an excellent opportunity for the Golden Army Cavalry.

When the cavalry of the Golden Army rushed over, seeing the overwhelming enemy cavalry suddenly appearing beside them, the Russian musketeers couldn't help but panic. They turned around one after another and shot their muskets at the enemy cavalry.

But they were thin in depth, and the golden army came from the flanks. The musketeers didn't shoot down a few horses before they were hit by the golden army. Without heavy armor and long guards, the Russian musketeers had become lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

The swiftly charging golden cavalry rushed into the formation with great momentum, and the galloping horses carried huge weights, and kept hitting the Russian army in front of them. Crash.

Seeing this, the spearmen of the Russian army who came forward wanted to turn their spearheads and protect the musketeers, but it was too late. Not only were they bombarded by the gunners of the Golden Army, but it was also inconvenient to turn, and the cavalry of the Golden Army was routing After the musketeers, the cavalry drove the defeated army directly and rushed towards the Russian artillery formation.

"Good!" Seeing this, Sun Ke, who was behind, couldn't help applauding Wu Sangui.

After defeating the musketeers of the Russian army, the Russian army's spear formation is not enough to fear. As long as they don't hit it, the golden army will win the game.

(More late! Thank you all for your support.)
(End of this chapter)

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