Autumn of the 17th year of Chongzhen

Chapter 1299 In the Golden-Russian Border Treaty

Chapter 1299 In the Golden-Russian Border Treaty

After the Russians were invited away by the guards, Fang Yuxuan went into the tent and sat down, and then Sun Kewang turned his head and explained to Wu Sangui: "Sengge Taiji just said that the envoys sent by the Poles, the sworn enemies of the Raksha people, have arrived at the camp."

Wu Sangui frowned slightly, he was not happy because of the news, but was silent for a while.

Sun Kewang was very happy about this, and asked Seng Ge: "What's going on with this Poland? Why did they become feuds with the Raksha people?"

Although he has been in the Western Regions for a long time, Sun Kewang actually doesn't know much about Eastern European countries and their relationship.

When it comes to Poland, Seng Ge is still very familiar with it. He even has some understanding of the relationship between some countries in Europe, but he mainly knows some of it from the Turghut Mongols on the Volga River. Country talk, not all can be taken seriously.

Seng Ge immediately replied: "My lord, when Poland was strong, it invaded Rakshasa several times. In recent years, after the rise of the Raksha people, they began to counterattack Poland. The two countries have been fighting for hegemony for many years. They recently The first battle was for Ukraine two years ago, and the hatred between the two sides has long been inextricable."

Hearing this, Sun Kewang pondered for a while, "So, that Poland is capable of fighting Rakshasa?"

Sun Kewang would still be very interested if a country that could fight the Raksha people head-on could unite with the Jin country.

After all, long-distance diplomatic relations and short-term attacks are the most commonly used diplomatic means between countries.

"In recent years, Poland has had poor national fortunes, internal corruption and Cossack uprisings, and strong enemies outside. The national strength is so weak that it is no longer an opponent of Rakshasa. But now that the Rakshasa have lost [-] troops, Poland may be able to compete with Russia. Let’s make some gestures.” Seng Ge thought for a while, “And the envoy said that another powerful country, Sweden, also intends to deal with Rakshasa, and Poland should already have the upper hand.”

This made Sun Kewang more interested. He heard that the Western Yi who traded with the Ming Dynasty had a lot of money.

This Rakshasa is also considered Xiyi, but I don't see where it is rich. I don't know how about Poland. If they are rich, can they join forces to solve the Rakshasa and extend the trade route to Poland.

Sun Kewang moved his body, leaned forward, and asked, "What did the Polish envoy say?"

"The Poles hope to form an alliance with Dajin and attack the Rakshas. After defeating the Rakshas, ​​the two sides will use the Volga River as the boundary to divide the Rakshas equally."

The Poles originally thought that the remnants of the Golden Horde had defeated Tsarist Russia, and wanted to continue to form an alliance with the Golden Horde to attack Tsarist Russia so that they could take back Ukraine and even control Tsarist Russia, but only then did they know that it was a powerful country from the East that defeated Russia .

The envoy sent by Poland was a nephew of the Grand Duke of Lithuania and a Polish nobleman. He knew exactly what Poland needed.

In fact, in the era of the rise of the West, after the Westerners became stronger, they have begun to despise other nations. For Poland, it does not matter whether it is the Golden Horde, as long as it can contain Russia.

Therefore, when the envoy learned that it was the Kingdom of Jin, he immediately stopped mentioning the Khanate of the Golden Horde and instead asked for an alliance with the Kingdom of Jin.

Poland just hopes to use the Golden Horde or the Golden Kingdom to contain Tsarist Russia. To put it bluntly, it is to use it. They are not really looking for any allies in the East.

After hearing this, Sun Kewang hurriedly asked the guards to fetch a pair of Russian maps he had seized. At this moment, Wu Sangui couldn't bear it anymore and said, "King Anxi, the war has been going on for more than four months. It won't do us any good to continue." Benefits, and we now occupy the east bank of the Volga River, why do we need Poland to demarcate our borders?"

Although they are all from the Dajin Kingdom, Xituo is also the national policy of Dajin, but running the Western Regions is Sun Kewang's business after all, while Wu Sangui's interests are in Hanzhong, so there is no need for him to go into troubled waters.

This time he came from Hanzhong to fight in the Western Regions, and he did not preserve his strength like he did in Liaozhen.It can be said that most of the elites have been mobilized to help Sun Kewang, which is already very considerate of the overall situation.

But he can't have to work for Sun Kewang all the time just because he cares about the overall situation.

This time he lost more than 2000 horses, which is not a small loss, but all the way, the Raksha people were very poor, and they didn't even meet a decent city. He chased for a thousand miles, but he didn't get any benefits , not only was he unhappy, but the desire of his subordinates to make a fortune had also failed, which had already made the soldiers dissatisfied.

Luo Sha is so poor, so why fight?
Besides, Hanzhong is his territory. He has been out for more than four months, and it is time to return to Hanzhong.

Moreover, after being out for so long, if the Ming Dynasty finds out that something is wrong and sees that the Eastern Front of the Jin Kingdom is empty and sneaks into Hanzhong, then he will regret it to death.

Wu Sangui was silent for a while, without looking at Sun Kewang, he picked up the teacup and drank with his head down, and then said in a deep voice: "King Anxi, I suggest that you accept it as soon as you see it. Stay in the Western Regions."

Sun Kewang's face froze, he understood what Wu Sangua meant, and calmed down slowly.

To be honest, Jin Guo's troops in the Western Regions are not many, and once Wu Sangui's men leave, it will be impossible for Jin Guo to control the east coast of Volga, and it will definitely shrink back.

The bigger the place, the better. First, it must be able to be effectively controlled, and then there must be interests. It is difficult for Jin Guo to effectively control this, so it is meaningless for Poland to say that Rakshasa is divided equally.

Thinking of this, Sun Kewang waved his hand and didn't ask the guards to get the map, but the whole tent was silent for a while because of Wu Sangui's words.

Seeing this, Seng Ge hesitated for a moment, and said: "My lord, the relationship between the countries of Europa is complicated, and Austria and Lumi may not be willing to see Poland become stronger and break the balance of Europa, so it is very possible to rescue Luocha at a critical moment. And we can't fully trust Poland, because last time they agreed to support our Mongolian tribe and attack Rakshasa together, but in the end they had an affair with Rakshasa first, and let us Mongolia face Rakshasa alone, and we were defeated in the end. "

At the beginning, Sengge was instigated by the Poles to raise troops to establish the Golden Horde and agreed to attack Rakshasa in Poland, but he was betrayed by Poland in the end. This incident has always made him worry.

Sun Kewang waved his hand, he was a little excited just now, but now he has calmed down, it is impossible for Jin Guo to continue to fight against Rakshasa.

This is not because Seng Ge said that Poland is unreliable, or that other countries may be involved in the war, but that proceeding from the interests of the Kingdom of Jin, there is no benefit to continue to participate in the war.

Even if Poland assigns the piece of Ukraine that he is fighting with Russia to the Golden State, will the Golden State hold it?Obviously unable to defend, Sun Kewang only had [-] troops, and he could barely keep Yarkand down, and he was not yet able to participate in the struggle of Xiyi.

The most important thing is that Jin Guoxituo's policy is to want the Western Regions to provide blood transfusions to Guanzhong, so that Jin Guo has the strength to fight against the Ming Dynasty. This is doomed that Jin Guo will not give Sun Kewang any resources. Without the support of the Kingdom of Jin, it would be very difficult for Sun Kewang to continue to expand. He could only accept as soon as it was good, as Wu Sangui said. Otherwise, if the Western Regions continued to absorb resources from Guanzhong, it would be putting the cart before the horse and conflicting with the national policy of the Kingdom of Jin.

In fact, if the situation on the Eastern Front is not considered, and there is no strong enemy like the Ming Dynasty, Sun Kewang still hopes that Wu Sangui will stay in the Western Regions and help him for a while, but Wu Sangui is actually a feudal lord of the Kingdom of Jin, or a great warlord It is impossible for the master who does not take action for no benefit to help him unconditionally for a long time.

After the battle of Hengluosi City, the coalition forces flattened to the east bank of the Volga. There was no oil and water along the way, and the negotiations were at a deadlock. Wu Sangui saw that there was no benefit, so he proposed to return to the east. Only the [-] flintlock guns seized left Wu Sangui behind.

The Raksha people had a tough attitude. If the [-] gold cavalry were withdrawn, the negotiations would be even more impossible to reach.

If the country fails to reach a peace agreement, once Wu Sangui returns to Hanzhong, the Kingdom of Jin will become a weak side in the Western Regions, which will make the Kingdom of Jin fall into a quagmire in the west.

Now Wu Sangui has made it clear that if he wants to return to Hanzhong, then this matter can only be carried out according to the original plan, and the plan of the Kingdom of Jin cannot be affected by the appearance of the Poles. However, he will not participate in the war between Poland and Luocha, and will not It doesn't mean not to do anything, not to take advantage of this opportunity.

After all, this was a rare opportunity, and Luo Sha was indeed a powerful enemy on the western front of Jin Kingdom. Sun Kewang felt that even if he couldn't fight Luo Sha directly, he should use this opportunity to weaken Luo Sha.

Poland wants to use the Kingdom of Jin to contain the Rakshasa people, so the Kingdom of Jin can actually use Poland and form an alliance with Poland to ensure the safety of the Western Front.

Sun Kewang understood what Wu Sangui was thinking. He first signaled Sengge to take a seat, and then said with a smile to Wu Sangui: "Don't worry, the King of Shu. From the beginning of the war, the most difficult thing is how to end this war. This king will not let Dajin fall into a two-front battle." We just want to use the Poles to get the Raksha people to accept our terms."

Sun Kewang's words reflected his extraordinary political wisdom. For the Kingdom of Jin, it was easy to start this war and defeat the Raksha people, but how to end this war was a big problem.

Russia is a country with great depth, and the climate is very cold in winter. The average country can't consume it at all.

Russia was so stubborn at the beginning, and they did not negotiate peace with Jin Guo after the defeat. The very important reason was that they felt that Jin Guo had nothing to do with him. When the weather became cold, the Jin army would have to withdraw, and they would get back what they lost.

From this point of view, how to end the war is indeed a big problem, a very wise one.

After hearing what Sun Kewang said, Wu Sangui couldn't help but nodded, "It's good that King Anxi understands that Rakshasa is also a big country. After the fight, this king found that they are not weak. The war continues, and I don't know when it will be over. If we fight together on the front line, then I, Dajin, will be attacked from both sides, so let’s end this war as soon as possible!"

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(End of this chapter)

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