Autumn of the 17th year of Chongzhen

Chapter 583 The food road is broken, and it is difficult to advance and retreat

Chapter 583 Grain Road Broken, Dilemma
The grain path was broken, what a joke, Doduo thought this idea was ridiculous, who can break his grain path now?
But if it wasn't for the food road being cut off, things wouldn't make sense.As the saying goes, before the soldiers and horses move, the grain and grass go first. If the south of the Yangtze River does not transport the grain on schedule, at least it should be notified, but in fact there is no news at all, so it can only be that the east channel has been cut off by the enemy.

Since the Qing army broke through Taihu Lake, Jiangnan has basically settled down, and there are no forces that can disturb Jiangnan.

Could it be that group of birds in Zhoushan went ashore again to make trouble?
Duoduo shook his head, and quickly denied this idea. He still believed in Hong Chengchou's ability. As the commander who once commanded the elite of Ming Dynasty, he now has [-] soldiers and horses. If he can't even handle a group of bereaved dogs at sea, then So don't be the governor of Jiangnan, you can go straight to the end.

"My lord, could there be a problem in Jiangxi?" Tong Tulai said suddenly.

Everyone was taken aback when they heard this, but they all felt that it was unlikely. After all, Mandahai had 5 troops. Even if they could not conquer North Jiangxi, they should be able to complete the task of containing Jiangxi.

It's only been a month, if Man Dahai let the Jiangxi Ming army copy Duoduo's grain road, then his quality is too low.

Duoduo's eyes widened after hearing this, "Is there any news from Mandahai recently?"

Several people glanced at each other and shook their heads. Seeing this, Duoduo's heart trembled, "Ma Guangyuan, send some more troops to find out for this king quickly. What happened?"

"Cha, I'll do it now, slave." Ma Guangyuan saluted and left in a hurry.

Everyone's face was startled, and when they thought about it carefully, the food road was cut off. This is really the only possibility. Only when the Jiangxi Ming army defeated the South Route Army could they encircle their food road.

"My lord, if it is true that the Jiangxi Ming army took our route, what should we do now? Will we still fight Wuchang?" Li Sutai asked anxiously.

Everyone has realized the seriousness of the problem. They are now in the hinterland of Hubei. If they are not careful, they may be attacked by two sides.

Hearing these words, anyone who understands can feel that this is the meaning of retreat.

Duoduo frowned, the grain road was cut off, and he was facing a double attack, which was too dangerous.

If all he brings is cavalry, no matter how many times you come, he can come and go like the wind with the speed of cavalry, but the green battalion is all short-legged. That's too late.

At this time, Fu Shangrui became a little anxious when he saw what they were discussing. How could the Qing soldiers be cowardly?
The Qing soldiers can't retreat, how can he be the governor of Huguang if he retreats?The Qing court is also a radish and a hole, and the good positions have long been occupied. If the troops are withdrawn, he will definitely be left idle.

"Your Majesty, the city of Wuchang is about to be destroyed, and the situation in Jiangxi has not yet been determined. The slaves think that the army can't mess up their own positions, and they should continue to attack Wuchang." Fu Shangrui, who hadn't interrupted, had to express his opinion at this time, "About Don’t worry about food, the people of Hubei should have food, and the army can raise part of it from the people, and there is enough food and grass in Wuchang City. As long as the army takes Wuchang, the threat can be relieved. There is food in the city, so what is there to fear."

Raising food among the people means looting, but nearly 20 people rely on looting for food, which is definitely unrealistic, and the Qing army came all the way, and it can be seen that the people along the way ran without a hair, and the Qing army could grab it. Food must be limited, this suggestion is obviously unreliable.

However, Duoduo was very interested in conquering Wuchang and obtaining food and grass, and it was impossible for him to retreat from the city of Wuchang just because of a guess.

Duoduo pondered for a while, gave Fu Shangrui an approving look, and then ordered in a deep voice: "The information is unknown now, and none of you are allowed to disclose the matter of Liang Dao, otherwise you will be punished by military law. In addition, Tong Gushan, tomorrow you will continue to supervise the Green Camp To attack Wuchang fiercely, the king will give you three days to destroy the city. Li Sutai, you send cavalry out of the camp and collect food separately in case of emergencies. Do you understand?"

"Slave, understand!" Several people saluted together, and then went to prepare separately.

The next day, under the city of Wuchang, the battle was still raging. The Qing army's offensive was extremely fierce, and the corpses piled up like mountains.

He Tengjiao was shocked by the generals, and was persuaded and coaxed by the gentry and You Youlun to a restaurant two hundred steps away behind the low wall, serving as a temporary command post, saving the time of order transmission, and barely withstood the attack.

On the Qing army's side, the siege was only halfway through, and the troops Ma Guangyuan sent to the east to investigate had already returned with definite news. Jin Shenghuan occupied Anqing, nearly 10 horses, and was coming west in mighty force.

This shocked Duoduo. The Jiangxi Ming army was able to mobilize 10 horses, which shows that the Qing army on the South Road not only failed, but was defeated completely, and completely lost its role in containing the Jiangxi Ming army.

Sure enough, not long after, news came in one after another, bringing clearer information that the Qing army on the South Road was indeed defeated thoroughly, and it can be said that even the pants were lost.

Duoduo was shocked by the news that Man Dahai died and 5 people were wiped out.

At this time, the cavalry squads sent out to harvest food also came back one after another. Li Sutai was furious when he counted them. The more than 1000 people did not get much food, and more than a dozen cavalry did not come back.

The people of Huguang are too unfriendly. The soldiers of the Qing Dynasty beat the Eight Banners warriors to death just by grabbing some food and touching two chickens. This place cannot stay here anymore.

The situation brought together by all parties made Duoduo realize that he was in danger, and now he had only two ways to go, either to withdraw his troops, or to capture Wuchang and annihilate the Wuchang Ming army before Jin Shenghuan arrived.

Withdrawing his troops from Wuchang, he encountered the failure of Manchu's three-way attack on Chu and Jiangxi, but he can preserve his strength and make a comeback in the future.

If you continue to attack Wuchang, once you break the city, you will naturally not be afraid of the Ming army in Jiangxi, and at least you can capture Hubei for the Qing. In this way, although the Qing army is defeated on the south road, it is not too much of a disadvantage, and it even has an advantage. The Qing army still hadn't broken through the city, and the Qing Dynasty was really bloody.

It was night, and Duoduo in the big tent was in entanglement. He walked out, looked at Wuchang City in the distance, and looked at the huge gap. In the end, he still felt that he should continue to pinch He Tengjiao, a soft persimmon.

The Qing Dynasty spent a lot of money and raised troops in three ways, so it cannot be counterproductive without success.

Immediately, he ordered Ma Guangyuan to urge [-] Green Battalion soldiers to go east and west quickly, establish defense lines at Huanggang, Sanjiangkou, etc., stop Jin Shenghuan's troops, and buy time for the Qing soldiers to break through Wuchang.

When Duduo was making a decision, a group of patrolling soldiers suddenly escorted one person and came to the big tent. They were stopped by the guards, and the leader said: "The soldiers were patrolling outside Wuchang just now, and they caught a person. Take it to see the prince."

(End of this chapter)

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