Autumn of the 17th year of Chongzhen

Chapter 78 Wang Shiheng wants to seek the quasi-tago.

Chapter 78 Wang Shiheng wants to seek the quasi-tago.

Nanjing has fallen, and Yangzhou has become an isolated city. The northern captives can continuously send supplies and soldiers to Yangzhou from all directions, while Yangzhou can only sit on the mountain without any support. If this continues, Yangzhou will be lost, and it will be useless to stay for a long time. It is impossible to change The current situation of the world.

With Zuo Mao's 50 soldiers and horses to support him, it would not be difficult for Wang Yan to lead his troops out of the city, but it was impossible to take away nearly [-] Yangzhou people under the siege of [-] Qing soldiers. Only by defeating the Qing army outside the city , not daring to pursue him, only then can he lead the army and civilians to escape.

There are only 1 troops left in Yangzhou. Even if Zuo Mao’s [-] horses are added, it is less than half of the Qing soldiers outside the city. It is impossible to defeat the Qing soldiers. However, it is impossible for the Qing army to cause much damage. If he leads the army and people out of the city, and the Qing cavalry returns, it will be a disaster for the army and people of Yangzhou.

This is also the biggest dilemma when the Han army fought against the northern Huqi. Huqi came and went like the wind, and fled immediately after being frustrated. However, the Han army had few horses, but they couldn't catch up. , After so many times, he naturally fell into a disadvantage.

Throughout the historical data, whenever the Central Plains dynasty had horses, Hu Qi dared not look south. Han drove the Xiongnu into Mobei, and Tang managed the Western Regions.

It's not that the Han army is not strong, but in the cold weapon era, the cavalry was too important.

Song was regarded as a weak Song by later generations, but is the Song army really weak?

How long did it take Mongolia to sweep across the Eurasian continent, but it took nearly 50 years to destroy the Song Dynasty. The Song army repeatedly fought with Mongolia in Sichuan for nearly ten years. Among them, the Mongolian army was defeated several times, but because they had no horses, even if they were defeated, they could not expand their results. , and although the Mongolian army is defeated, it will not hurt its vitality. In the next autumn, the horses will be tall and fat, and they can go south again.

Wang Yanben faced the same problem as Song people, but the appearance of Dai Zhifan and Jiang Tianyi, as well as Zhan Ba's letter, brought him an opportunity.

At this time, the few people suddenly heard Wang Yanzhi's words, and they were overjoyed. If they could really destroy the captives and save the soldiers and civilians in Yangzhou, then the hardships they have put in in the past two months and the soldiers and civilians who died for Yangzhou will be considered a success. An explanation.

"Let's go! Follow me to the hall to discuss." Wang Yan didn't wait for everyone to speak, turned around and brought them into the room.

A group of people entered and sat down separately. Qu Congzhi followed him and asked, "What is the general's strategy for destroying the captives? What about Zhan Ba? Please ask the general to clarify!"

None of the people present were old men from the Loyalty Camp, so naturally they didn’t know that Wang Yan had captured Zhan Ba ​​in Beizhili, so Wang Yan explained: “It’s a long story, in the year of Jiashen, I would have assisted Zhao Yingyuan to fight against the captives in Shandong and failed. , was forced by the northern captives to escape into northern Zhili, and happened to meet Zhan Ba ​​who had arrested Zuo Gong and others from the Northern Mission, and captured him, and then ordered him to write a letter of surrender, and asked him to deceive Dorgon and help Ben will flee from Beizhili. Zhan Ba ​​will stay among the Beilu for this reason!"

"So that's how it is!" Jiang Tianyi exclaimed, "It's all thanks to the general's blessing that I was able to escape. Presumably the general's strategy of destroying captives is also related to Zhan Ba."

After hearing the words, everyone looked at Wang Yan in unison, wanting to get an answer.

"Of course!" Wang Yan nodded and said, "Zhan Ba ​​is the key to the general's plan, but it also requires the cooperation of Mr. Zhengxi and Mr. Chunchu!"

Jiang Tianyi and his teacher Jin Sheng brought no more than [-] soldiers from the village. Hearing Wang Yan's intentions, they seemed to be useful, so he couldn't help being a little surprised. With a huge sense of responsibility, he immediately got up and saluted Wang Yan, and then said solemnly: "Dare not to obey orders! I and my mentor are willing to listen to the general's orders."

Wang Yan nodded in satisfaction, then let him take a seat, and continued: "With the cooperation of Mr. Xizheng and Mr. Chunchu, the plan will be half completed."

Everyone sat quietly and waited for him to speak.

"Surround the northern captives, what I am afraid of, the real Manzhou is facing the white flag, and the Han army is facing the blue flag. There are a total of [-] enemy horses! If the captives have such horses, I will not be able to take it easy!" Wang Yan said in a deep voice. Said: "Zhan Baxin said in the letter that Zhunta Duoduo was trapped in Nanjing and captured His Majesty. He wanted to have a feast in the camp for three days. He was so proud that he wanted Mr. Xizheng to falsely vote for him. He would definitely not doubt it. "

Wang Yan paused slightly, and then said: "With Zhan Ba ​​in the captive camp, Mr. Xizheng's soldiers can be stationed in the captive west camp. After Zhan Ba's feast, Mr. Xizheng's soldiers suddenly To make a rebellion, burn their camps, seize their horses, and disturb their army, I will order Li Taizhen to lead 3000 troops out of Gaopo, and cooperate with Mr. Xizheng inside and outside, and we will definitely break it."

When everyone heard about it, they all felt that it was feasible, but what happened to the other three sides of the west camp, everyone couldn't help but expect Wang Yan to continue talking.

At this time, Wang Yan brought a Yangzhou atlas, which had already marked the situation inside and outside Yangzhou, as well as many details of the Qing army's strength and camp.

At that moment, he asked everyone to gather around to watch it, and then pointed to the album and said: "Over the past few days, the northern captives have built the camp very strong, so it is not easy to attack, but this general broke it from the inside."

"Since the west battalion is broken, the green battalion of the other three battalions must lead troops to support them. After they leave the stronghold, Lord Zuo's army can be divided into three groups, and lie down halfway, taking advantage of the situation to cover up and kill them." Wang Yan clicked on the album. After a while, he continued: "I will meet again with Master He and Master Qu, each with 7000 troops, take the opportunity to go out of the east, south and north gates, take the northern captives out of the camp, and break the three battalions. The captives surrounded Yang's soldiers."

"The general's strategy is interlocking. We are willing to listen to the general's arrangement and destroy the captives in one fell swoop!" After hearing Wang Yan's strategy, everyone couldn't help but their eyes brightened, their confidence greatly increased, and they saluted together.

At that moment, Wang Yan asked Hu Weizong to go out of the city to contact Zuo Maodi, wrote a letter to Zhan Ba, and asked Dai Zhifan to convey it to Jiang Tianyi, and then recruited the generals of Yangzhou overnight to discuss the strategy just mentioned, and he was bound to discuss every detail. They are all perfected to be foolproof.

The next day, Zhunta hosted another banquet for the generals in the camp. Seeing this, Li Shuitai persuaded him, "Prince Yu entrusted the general with the task of encircling the general. The general should focus on important matters and prevent Wang Yan from breaking through. How can we summon all the generals?" I will be drinking and having fun in the camp, if I miss Prince Yu's important business, it will be too late for regret!"

However, Zhunta said disapprovingly: "Now and now the south of the Ming Dynasty has fallen, and the false King Fu has been captured. The situation is over, and the fate is in my Qing Dynasty! The isolated city of Yangzhou is already dying, and there is no big wave. Besides, I will besiege the city firmly, and Wang Yan will break any It’s difficult on one side, but I can send troops to support him at any time. It’s as difficult as going out of the city! You don’t have to worry about it, and have a few drinks with me. This Jiangnan food, singing and dancing, I have never seen in the north However, now that the general situation has been decided, I should celebrate it, haha~~"

(Thanks to a generation of heroes, the dream is getting farther and farther away from me. Thank you for the recommendations of all book friends.)
(End of this chapter)

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