Chapter 827
Dorgon didn't answer Borzigit's. He didn't have a deep relationship with Azige, but when Hauge rebelled against Beijing and Daishan left the customs, there were not many people around Dorgon. Ge, the big brother, became extremely important, and became his right-hand man together with Duoduo.

Now that Azig and the 2 elite cavalrymen of the Qing Dynasty are all finished, for Dorgon, it is not just as simple as breaking an arm, it is almost killing half of his life.

At this time, in his heart, not only was his brother dead, but also his hope of revitalizing the Qing Dynasty.

"Ah! Ah!" Dorgon, who was supported by Borzigit on the edge of the bed, did not feel relieved. Instead, his face was distorted, and he stood up and roared again. His teeth were about to be crushed, and he said with incomparable hatred: " Damn Wang Ni! This king is attacking east and west, and the main force is to plunder Huguang, but he will use Yangzhou to attract my king's attention, secretly increase troops in Huguang, kill my [-]th brother, kill me [-] cavalry, this king hates it!"

Dorgon and Wang Yan had never faced each other, but at this moment he seemed to see a king's suit, facing his smirking Wang Yan, a turbid air suddenly rose in his heart with nowhere to vent.

The eunuch kneeling on the ground and Borzigit who was standing aside were stunned immediately after hearing Dorgon's words. They didn't know how to comfort them, and it was impossible to comfort them.

Could it be said that mourning goes hand in hand, isn't that courting death?
Who is Azig, the British Prince of the Qing Dynasty, the Borzigit family has already felt that a raging tide will inevitably sweep over like Dole, and as the regent Da Fujin, she Borzigit Shi was not spared either.

The bedroom fell silent, and the atmosphere was so depressing that it made people feel terrible.

Dorgon stumbled out of bed, put his hands on the table, gritted his teeth, and said, "Shang Kexi neglected the military plane and caused the martyrdom of the Prince of England, he deserves to be killed! Why is Wang Ni able to calculate every move of the Qing Dynasty? Unfavorable, those who have secretly informed Wang Ni will be severely punished!"

Is this going to create a big prison?Too much listening to Dorgon's voice of hatred, fear and fear, for fear that the regent would be unhappy and kill him too.

Borzigit is the sister of Empress Dowager Bumbutai. She has been with Dorgon for more than ten years. She is used to power struggles in the Qing Dynasty. Er Gun put on a coat, "My lord, the more important it is, the more calm you must be!"

After hearing this, Dorgon finally regained his strength. If anyone is held accountable at this time, it will be tantamount to making Azig's death public, and there will be violent turmoil within the Qing Dynasty. I'm afraid it will cause local rebellion, and he has no strength to suppress it now.

At this moment, Dorgon couldn't help shaking his head in pain, and said to the eunuch lying on the ground: "Go, let someone take care of the sender first. This matter cannot be spread for the time being."

He listened too much, as if he had received an amnesty, he got up hastily, and then rushed outside.

After the eunuch left, Borzigit helped Dorgon to sit down again, and Dorgon said to her: "After this incident, the attitude of those who originally supported the king may change. You Go back to Horqin recently, bring some gifts, and get closer to your father and brother."

For this raid going south, nearly half of the Manchu Eight Banners in Beijing and the Mongolian Eight Banners in Mongolia were mobilized to go south.

The two Han banners of Kong Youde and Shang Kexi who followed Azige to plunder Huguang were the main ones, but the Eight Banners of Manchuria and Mongolia also went a lot, and now they lost more than 2 riders at once, and Dorgon's other major reliance, King Yu Duo Duo is trapped in Yangzhou again, Dorgon no longer has any soldiers and horses to deploy, the Borzigit family knows what Dorgon means, but there are not many people in Mongolia who are attached to the Manchu Qing. In the current situation, I am afraid that Mongolia will also Centrifuge Manqing.

Borzigit thought so in his heart, but he didn't refuse, and made a blessing to Dorgon, expressing his acceptance.

There is such a thing that it is impossible for Dorgon to fall asleep again. The news of Azig's death and the destruction of more than 2 cavalry will not be hidden for long.

Because of the defeat in the south of the Yangtze River, the majesty of the Qing court was greatly damaged. Many Han generals were suspected of supporting their own self-respect. The most typical one is Jiang Xiang from Datong. This time, he completed less than [-]% of the quota issued by the Qing court , and also found various excuses to delay, obviously not paying attention to his orders.

If the news of Azig's death spreads, the Han forces within the Qing Dynasty will inevitably be difficult to control. Maybe he wants to be a traitor like Haoge, relying on the Han gentry, and being broken to compromise with the Han forces, in order to stabilize the regime. This is absolutely intolerable to Dorgon, and also intolerable to his supporters.

There are only so many rights and so many interests. Compromise with the Han gentry will inevitably damage the interests of the bannermen. Moreover, if you compromise at this time, those who originally supported Dorgon might as well follow Hauge from the beginning.

Dorgon was in a mess, stood up and took a few steps, "Bring me the clothes immediately, the king is going to see the Minister of the Eight Banners."

This matter should not be known to the Hanchen right now, and he did not even invite the Mongols, but only summoned the Manchu ministers to discuss it.

On the fourth watch, when people were sleeping soundly, the candles were brightly lit in the Hall of Political Affairs. More than a dozen Manchu ministers were hurriedly woken up from their quilts and rushed to the Hall of Political Affairs.

It used to be that the hall must be full of people to discuss matters, but this time the hall was empty but there were only a dozen or so people.

At this time, it was still the period of the New Year's holiday, and the people who were called all guessed that something big must happen, but they were all at a loss as to what it was, so they whispered among themselves.

Man Qing baited the widows, there were not many talents, and now it is almost divided into three parts, and the number of people in the meeting hall is even rarer. In addition, those who died in battle and internal strife in these years are almost withered, and there is almost no famous person. People, the only ones who can be named are Luo Keduo, the king of Duoluo Pingbi County, and Ye Bilong, the minister of the Eight Banners.

At this time, everyone was talking about it, but a guard sang loudly: "The Queen Mother is here!"

Even Bumbutai came, the ministers were even more surprised, and hurriedly saluted.

For the Ming Dynasty, the battle of Azig was just one of many victories, and its significance may not be as great as the battle of Zhang and Quan. It was just a step of preparation for the Northern Expedition, but for the Qing court, it had no less impact In the Ming Dynasty, the Daling River was fought, and even the Battle of Songshan.

Bumbutai represented the little emperor. He sat down behind the bead curtain, and asked everyone not to be too polite, and then asked, "What happened to the regent who called Ai's family so urgently?"

Most of the people were at a loss, because it was during the rest of the court, and they were all at home, so naturally they couldn't answer.

(End of this chapter)

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