Autumn of the 17th year of Chongzhen

Chapter 883 Attacking the Stone Village

Chapter 883 Attacking the Stone Village

In the early morning of the next day, Chen Bangyan beat the drums and gathered the generals to arrange for the attack on Shizhai, which must be pulled out, the last stronghold of the Qing army outside Yangzhou City.

He ordered Wang Yi to lead 3000 Zhejiang soldiers to monitor outside the northern city, and asked his general Xu Kaicheng to lead [-] people to monitor Ximen. The task of attacking Shizhai was still handed over to Liu Shun.

Under the high slope outside the west city, flags fluttered, spears stood everywhere, and nearly a hundred cannons, hiding behind erected baffles, rained bullets on the top of the mountain, splashing the gravel from the top of the mountain.

After shelling for an hour, gunpowder smoke filled the Ming army's line, and the stone village on the top of the mountain was also shrouded in dust.

Liu Shun held the saber in his right hand and waved his left hand. The three thousand Ming troops who attacked in the first round, followed by the sound of the drums of the Chinese army, and more than 1000 soldiers carried short ladders, trench bridges, and rattan cards, and climbed up the slope. Two thousand soldiers followed closely behind with all kinds of weapons, shouting to kill like a surging tide.

The hillside outside the west city is not steep, not as precipitous as the mountains in the southwest, and the slope is relatively gentle, but the Forebo Huisai of the Qing Dynasty dug four deep trenches around the stone fort.

Different from the purpose of the Ming army digging trenches to trap the enemy, the purpose of the Qing army digging trenches was to prevent the Ming army from approaching the stone fort and to protect itself.

Most of the hillsides in the south of the Yangtze River are soil pockets, and it is not difficult to dig. Huisai asked his subordinates to dig each trench wide and deep, and bamboo sticks were inserted below it, which required trench bridges and short ladders to pass through.

This made it more difficult for the Ming army to attack the fort, and made it difficult for Ming soldiers to approach the fort wall. However, Huisai's fort wall behind the four trenches was full of gunmen, forming a complete defense system.

Amidst the drumming of "dong dong dong", the soldiers of the Ming army formed a formation of skirmishers and climbed up the slope. The dense figures soon approached the ditch outside the fortress.

At this time, Hui Sai couldn't help but sneered, and shouted: "Fran cannon!"

Most of the red guns of the Qing army were lost in the south of the Yangtze River, and only the artillery on several forts on the north bank of the Yangtze River were transported to Yangzhou.

The Qing court also had cannon casting workshops in the north, but the hesitation of the economic collapse could no longer compare with the Ming Dynasty, which was producing at full capacity.

The main artillery of the Qing army is still concentrated in Yangzhou City. There are only ten red-clothed cannons on the high slope, but there are many Franglers. Good for defense.

Duoduo is also a good doctor after a long illness. He attacked Yangzhou for three months, he attacked Wuchang, and finally fled in a hurry.He has basically experienced what equipment the Ming army used to defend the city and how to defend the city. So when he wanted to defend the city, he turned his head and many painful experiences surfaced.

In order to avoid the bombardment of the Ming army's red-clothed cannons, the Qing army first carried the hundred-door Frangler under the fort wall to avoid the shelling. Pick up the torch.


With Huisai's order, nearly a hundred Buddhas fired at the same time. The walls of the fort were filled with gunpowder smoke, and a hundred shells were fired together. The power of Langji.

In an instant, the shields of the soldiers of the Ming army were broken, and many soldiers were thrown upside down, only to hear the soldiers screaming again and again. Dozens of soldiers in the front were smashed to pieces, and their helmets were broken.

In the formation of the Chinese army, Liu Shun put down the binoculars, a little suspicious, "Did the artillery of the Qing army in Shizhai increase?"

Zhang Youde next to him also noticed this, "The soldiers on night watch reported that there was some movement in the west city last night. It is estimated that Duoduo saw that we blocked the four gates, so some artillery fell from the city and transported to the mountain."

Between the west city wall and Gaopo, within the range of the Qing army's firepower, it was impossible for Ming soldiers to station troops here, so the Qing army could still sit on a hanging basket, fall from the city, and contact Gaopo.

After hearing this, Liu Shun didn't speak, and picked up the binoculars to continue observing.

At this time, although the soldiers of the Ming army faced the fierce bombardment of the Franc machine, they did not stop their pace and ran forward with shouts. The soldiers in front began to build the trench bridge on the trench. Road trench.

At this moment, the gunners and archers of the Qing army on the city wall began to show their power. The gunners standing on the fort wall began to stand up and shoot in three rows. The archers were not on the fort wall, but stood Behind the fort wall, lined up in nine rows, bent bows and threw them towards the sky. Clouds of arrows soared into the sky, and the sky became dark all of a sudden. The arrows fell like locusts. Arrows and blunderbusses fell into the ditch.

Seeing this, Liu Shun frowned. It seemed that Duoduo had increased his troops to Shizhai overnight.

This stockade, the Ming army has fought several times, how many cannons, how many gunners and archers there are, the Ming army has basically figured it out, but judging from the current situation, not only the artillery has been added to the stone fort, but the soldiers have only added five. Thousands.

"When we blocked the city, Duoduo sent more troops to Shizhai!" Liu Shun cursed, then turned around and ordered: "Ming Jin withdraws troops, let Zhou Fangrong withdraw."

When the military order was conveyed, a bell rang "Dang Dang Dang!", and the Ming army who was in charge of the first round of testing left hundreds of corpses and retreated from the high slope like the ebb tide.

The soldiers retreated back to the main formation cursing, but in fact everyone breathed a sigh of relief. There was a spirit of fighting among the Ming army, from small Cuju competitions to large battles on the battlefield.

The [-] Ming army responsible for testing is the new Wu Yi army formed by the imperial court. The main force is the Green Battalion soldiers who surrendered in Nanjing. But they don't say it out of their mouths, but use insults to the Qing army to show that they are not afraid of the Qing army, so as not to be looked down upon by the brother troops.

The three thousand Ming troops retreated, and the leading general, Zhou Fangrong, was also a general of the Qing army who surrendered during the Nanjing Battle.

He led a few generals to the central army, and immediately knelt down on one knee, "The last general is incompetent and failed to get close to the wall, so I ask the Duke to punish him!"

"The power on the mountain has increased. It's not your fault. Moreover, the Qing army's methods have basically been used. Your purpose of probing has been achieved. There is nothing to punish, but merit."

"The last general will wait for others to thank Duke Guo for cultivation!"

"You guys stay in the Chinese army and follow the town to watch the battle!" Liu Shun waved his hands to make them stand up, then turned to look at Zhang Youde, "I'll give you half an hour to prepare, this time you must take Shizhai, otherwise you Go back to Nanjing and explain to His Highness!"

Zhang Youde's Xuanwu camp was equipped with the equipment that Wang Yan asked Lu Shikui to send. If he didn't perform well, he would have failed Wang Yan and Liu Shun's expectations.

"Don't worry, Duzhen, the final general will never let you lose your head in front of His Highness!"

(End of this chapter)

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